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Created February 8, 2024 10:22
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An AsciiDoc template for the Tech Stack Canvas. The template produces HTML similar to the examples on

The Tech Stack Canvas

Create, document, and communicate your product’s tech stack. For more details see The Tech Stack Canvas.

Tech Stack Canvas

Business Goals

main objectives this project tries to achieve

Sizing Numbers

that influenced decisions, such as number of users, requests per second, data volumes

Major Quality Attributes

that influenced decisions, such as availability, fault tolerance, learnability, adaptability

Frontend Technologies

languages, tools and frameworks used for developing the user interface and user experience

Backend Technologies

technologies used for serverside processing, data management, and business logic implementation

Data Storage & Management

technologies used for data storage, retrieval, and processing

API & Integrations

third-party services used to extend the functionality of the product or service

Security & Compliance

tools, practices, and standards implemented to ensure the security and privacy

Testing & QA

tools and methodologies used to test the application’s functionality, performance, and security

Infrastructure & Deployment

platforms, tools, and services used for hosting, deploying, and managing the application

Monitoring & Analytics

tools and services used to monitor the application’s performance, track user behavior, and gather insights for optimization

Development Workflow & Collaboration

tools and processes used to facilitate efficient development and collaboration among team members


Something important

.canvas div.sectionbody { display: grid; grid-template-columns: repeat(12, 1fr); grid-gap: 10px; height: 100%; } @media screen { .canvas div.sectionbody { width: 98vw; position: relative; left: calc(-49vw + 50%); } } .canvas div.sectionbody .openblock { padding: 20px; border-radius: 10px; color: #242424; } .canvas div.sectionbody .openblock > .title { color: #242424; font-size: 1.5em; } .canvas div.sectionbody .openblock.context { background-color: #ff9c66; } .canvas div.sectionbody .openblock.layers { background-color: #d8d8d8; } .canvas div.sectionbody { background-color: #80a0a9; } .canvas div.sectionbody { background-color: #646465; color: #f4f4f4; } .canvas div.sectionbody > .title { color: #f4f4f4; } .tech-stack .business-goals { grid-column: 1 / span 3; grid-row: 1 / span 2; } .tech-stack .sizing-numbers { grid-column: 1 / span 3; grid-row: 3 / span 2; } .tech-stack .quality-attributes { grid-column: 1 / span 3; grid-row: 5 / span 2; } .tech-stack .frontend-technologies { grid-column: 4 / span 3; grid-row: 1 / span 2; } .tech-stack .backend-technologies { grid-column: 4 / span 3; grid-row: 3 / span 2; } .tech-stack .data-storage { grid-column: 4 / span 3; grid-row: 5 / span 2; } .tech-stack .api-integrations { grid-column: 7 / span 3; grid-row: 1 / span 6; } .tech-stack .security-compliance { grid-column: 10 / span 3; grid-row: 1 / span 3; } .tech-stack .testing-qa { grid-column: 10 / span 3; grid-row: 4 / span 3; } .tech-stack .infrastructure-deployment { grid-column: 1 / span 4; grid-row: 7 / span 2; } .tech-stack .monitoring-analytics { grid-column: 5 / span 4; grid-row: 7 / span 2; } .tech-stack .workflow-collaboration { grid-column: 9 / span 4; grid-row: 7 / span 2; } @media print { @page { size: portrait; } @page rotated { page-orientation: rotate-left; } div { overflow: hidden; } .sect1.canvas { page: rotated; transform-origin: top left; transform: translateX(100vw) rotate(90deg); width: 100vh; height: 100vw; padding: 0 .9375em !important; } }
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