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Created May 19, 2017 07:35
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Install OpenCV 3 with Python 2.7 (macOS) + OpenNI2 for Kinect

Install OpenCV 3 with Python 2.7 (macOS)

$ brew install python
$ python --version
Python 2.7.13

$ pip install numpy
$ git clone
$ cd opencv/
$ git checkout 3.2.0

# if use extra modules
$ git clone
$ cd opencv_contrib/
$ git checkout 3.2.0
$ cd opencv/
$ mkdir build
$ cd build/

$ export PY_HOME=/usr/local/Cellar/python/2.7.13/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7
$ export PY_NUMPY_DIR=$(python -c 'import os.path, numpy.core; print(os.path.dirname(numpy.core.__file__))')

-DBUILD_opencv_python2=ON \
-DPYTHON2_PACKAGES_PATH=/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages \

$ make -j$(python -c 'import multiprocessing as mp; print(mp.cpu_count())')
$ make install

Other options:

-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER="/Applications/" \
-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER="/Applications/" \

-DOPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH=../../opencv_contrib/modules \

cmake with OpenNI2

$ brew tap homebrew/science

$ brew install openni2
$ brew install libfreenect

$ brew info openni2
# plz see issue firstly
$ brew info libfreenect

$ export OPENNI2_DIR=/usr/local/Cellar/openni2/2.2.0-debian
$ export LIBFREENECT_DIR=/usr/local/Cellar/libfreenect/0.5.5
# Or,
$ export OPENNI2_DIR=$(python -c 'import subprocess, glob; \
prefix = subprocess.check_output("brew --prefix", shell=True); \
print(glob.glob("%s/Cellar/openni2/*" % prefix[:-1])[0])')
$ export LIBFREENECT_DIR=$(python -c 'import subprocess, glob; \
prefix = subprocess.check_output("brew --prefix", shell=True); \
print(glob.glob("%s/Cellar/libfreenect/*" % prefix[:-1])[0])')

$ cd $LIBFREENECT_DIR/lib/OpenNI2-FreenectDriver/
$ export FREENECT_DRIVER_LIB=libFreenectDriver.dylib
$ export FREENECT_DRIVER_LIB=$(python - <<'EOF'
import os
lib = os.environ['FREENECT_DRIVER_LIB']
while os.path.islink(lib):
    lib = os.readlink(lib)
$ ln -sf `pwd`/$FREENECT_DRIVER_LIB $OPENNI2_DIR/lib/ni2/OpenNI2/Drivers/libFreenectDriver.dylib
$ ln -sf `pwd`/$FREENECT_DRIVER_LIB $OPENNI2_DIR/share/openni2/tools/OpenNI2/Drivers/libFreenectDriver.dylib

$ cd `brew --prefix`/share/openni2/tools
$ ./NiViewer
$ export OPENNI2_INCLUDE=/usr/local/include/ni2
$ export OPENNI2_REDIST=/usr/local/lib/ni2

$ cmake ... \


OpenNI2-FreenectDriver: (ERROR) Unexpected size for XN_STREAM_PROPERTY_ZERO_PLANE_DISTANCE

OpenNI2-FreenectDriver: (ERROR) Unexpected size for XN_STREAM_PROPERTY_ZERO_PLANE_DISTANCE
OpenCV Error: Unspecified error (CvCapture_OpenNI2::readCamerasParams : Could not read virtual plane distance!


$ brew uninstall libfreenect

# Note:
#   libfreenect  for Kinect Xbox 360
#   libfreenect2 for Kinect Xbox One
$ curl -O -L
$ tar zxf v0.5.5.tar.gz
$ cd libfreenect-0.5.5/

# fix issue in line 173
$ vi OpenNI2-FreenectDriver/src/DepthStream.hpp

        case XN_STREAM_PROPERTY_ZERO_PLANE_DISTANCE:    // unsigned long long or unsigned int (for OpenNI2/OpenCV)
          if (*pDataSize != sizeof(unsigned long long) && *pDataSize != sizeof(unsigned int))
            LogError("Unexpected size for XN_STREAM_PROPERTY_ZERO_PLANE_DISTANCE");
            return ONI_STATUS_ERROR;
          } else {
            if (*pDataSize != sizeof(unsigned long long)) {
              *(static_cast<unsigned long long*>(data)) = ZERO_PLANE_DISTANCE_VAL;
            } else {
              *(static_cast<unsigned int*>(data)) = (unsigned int) ZERO_PLANE_DISTANCE_VAL;
          return ONI_STATUS_OK;

# build
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ make

# install
$ export OPENNI2_DIR=$(python -c 'import subprocess, glob; \
prefix = subprocess.check_output("brew --prefix", shell=True); \
print(glob.glob("%s/Cellar/openni2/*" % prefix[:-1])[0])')
$ cd lib/OpenNI2-FreenectDriver/
$ export FREENECT_DRIVER_LIB=libFreenectDriver.dylib
$ export FREENECT_DRIVER_LIB=$(python - <<'EOF'
import os
lib = os.environ['FREENECT_DRIVER_LIB']
while os.path.islink(lib):
    lib = os.readlink(lib)
$ ln -sf `pwd`/$FREENECT_DRIVER_LIB $OPENNI2_DIR/lib/ni2/OpenNI2/Drivers/libFreenectDriver.dylib
$ ln -sf `pwd`/$FREENECT_DRIVER_LIB $OPENNI2_DIR/share/openni2/tools/OpenNI2/Drivers/libFreenectDriver.dylib
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How to use Kinect with OpenCV: C++, Python.

Unable to retrieve correct image using Python code now. Please see this issue.

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