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Last active September 27, 2022 19:39
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Exploring improvements on the relatively slow HexSpeak demo from
;;performance opts by joinr
;;running openjdk 1.8 because reasons, bumped clojure dep to 1.11.1
(ns thanassis.hexspeakfast
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
(set! *unchecked-math* :warn-on-boxed)
(defn slength ^long [^String x] (.length x))
(defn good-words
"Reads words from a with-open-ed stream and filters them
to only include the ones that contain the letters passed.
It also drops words of length 1 and 2, and drops
3 'words' of length 3 that exist in /usr/share/dict/words"
[rdr letters]
(let [matcher (re-pattern (str "^[" letters "]*$"))
forbidden #{"aaa" "aba" "abc"}]
(into []
#(and (> (slength %) 2)
(re-matches matcher %)
(not (forbidden %)))
(line-seq rdr)))))
;;This is inconsistent with the hy implementation, which avoids hashing by
;;shoving words into a vector of 0...128. Let's do the same.
(defn get-words-per-length
"The algorithm below (in solve) needs to access words of the same
length, and a vector is much faster than a hashmap (which is what
is returned by group-by below). This function uses good-words
to generate the list of valid words, and then arranges them into
a neat map:
1 -> ['a']
3 -> ['bee', 'fed', ...]
4 -> ['dead', ...]
[dictionary-file letters]
(let [candidates (with-open [rdr ( dictionary-file)]
(good-words rdr letters))]
(group-by slength (conj candidates "a"))))
;;We now dump our WPL into a vector with fast int lookup.
;;Avoiding hashing altogether and indexing into vector like the hy version
;;shaves off another 25% from the original.
(defn get-words-per-length
"The algorithm below (in solve) needs to access words of the same
length, and a vector is much faster than a hashmap (which is what
is returned by group-by below). This function uses good-words
to generate the list of valid words, and then arranges them into
a neat map:
1 -> ['a']
3 -> ['bee', 'fed', ...]
4 -> ['dead', ...]
[dictionary-file letters]
(let [candidates (with-open [rdr ( dictionary-file)]
(good-words rdr letters))]
(->> (group-by slength (conj candidates "a"))
(reduce-kv (fn [acc ^long k v]
(assoc acc k v)) (vec (repeat 128 []))))))
;;legacy implementation of solve uses imperative and seq-focused
;;constructs for dotimes, doseq, and boxes all arithemtic.
(defn solve
"Using the list of valid options from our list of words,
recurse to form complete phrases of the desired target-length,
and count them all up to see how many there are."
[words-per-length target-length phrase-len used-words counter]
(dotimes [i (- target-length phrase-len)]
(doseq [w (get words-per-length (inc i) [])]
(if (not (used-words w))
(if (= target-length (+ i phrase-len 1))
(vswap! counter inc) ;faster than swap! and atom
(solve words-per-length target-length (+ phrase-len (inc i))
(conj used-words w) counter))))))
;;We move to a functional implementation to enable primitive hinting
;;and unboxed arithmetic without having to hint all callsites.
(defn ->solver [words-per-length ^long target-length]
(fn solve [^long phrase-len used-words counter]
(dotimes [i (- target-length phrase-len)]
(doseq [w (get words-per-length (inc i) [])]
(if (not (used-words w))
(if (= target-length (+ i phrase-len 1))
(vswap! counter (fn [^long n] (inc n))) ;faster than swap! and atom
(solve (+ phrase-len (inc i)) (conj used-words w) counter)))))))
;;Moving to unboxed arithmetic buys us ~25-30% speedup.
;;just performing vector lookups on wpl vector instead of
;;hashing into a map gets us another 20%.
(defn ->solver [words-per-length ^long target-length]
(fn solve [^long phrase-len used-words ^long counter]
(->> (range (- target-length phrase-len)) ;;0, 1 , ... target-length-1
(fn [^long acc ^long i]
(reduce (fn [^long acc w]
(if (not (used-words w))
(if (== target-length (+ i phrase-len 1))
(inc acc)
(solve (+ phrase-len (inc i)) (conj used-words w) acc))
acc (words-per-length (inc i))))
;;So the hy implementation just uses mutable sets and concatenation for its
;;used word implementation. This seems odd since you would expect it to be slower
;;in the general case with large dictionaries....but for the empirical benchmark
;;being used here, the used words are only like 5 linear
;;scans of the list leveraging identical? outpeform hashsets in this
;;narrow case. We probably would want to let the data (size of the
;;unused words) determine the underlying structure and have a simple
;;api to shift between them, but meh.
(defn in [xs k]
(reduce (fn [acc x]
(if (identical? x k)
(reduced true)
acc)) false xs))
;;in the worst case, for a 5 element vector we are as fast as a hashset lookup
;;according to criterium. in the best case (first entry is found), we are over 2x faster.
;;Begs the question if we can do better using an array, but meh.
;;using linear scans via `in` instead of hashing gets us another 5% or so.
;;add a primitive return to solve.
(defn ->solver [words-per-length ^long target-length]
(fn solve ^long [^long phrase-len used-words ^long counter]
(->> (range (- target-length phrase-len)) ;;0, 1 , ... target-length-1
(fn [^long acc ^long i]
(reduce (fn [^long acc w]
(if (not (in used-words w))
(if (== target-length (+ i phrase-len 1))
(inc acc)
(solve (+ phrase-len (inc i)) (conj used-words w) acc))
acc (words-per-length (inc i))))
;;using unboxed math gets us down to the 680s
(defn -main
"Expects as cmd-line arguments:
- Desired length of phrases (e.g. 8)
- Letters to search for (e.g. abcdef)
- Dictionary file to use (e.g. /usr/share/dict/words)
Prints the number of such HexSpeak phrases
(e.g. 0xADEADBEE - a dead bee - is one of them)"
[& args]
(let [phrase-length (Integer. ^String (re-find #"\d+" (nth args 0 4)))
letters (nth args 1 "abcdef")
dictionary-file (nth args 2 "/usr/share/dict/words")
counter (volatile! 0) ; faster than atom
words-per-length (get-words-per-length dictionary-file letters)
solve (->solver words-per-length phrase-length)]
(dotimes [n 10]
(let [_ (vreset! counter 0)
_ (time (solve 0 #{} counter))]
(printf "Total: %d\n" @counter)))
;;eliminating volatile usage, reducing on a long,
;;and using vector words-per-length instead of map (like hy
;;version did) gets us down to 500's
(defn -main
"Expects as cmd-line arguments:
- Desired length of phrases (e.g. 8)
- Letters to search for (e.g. abcdef)
- Dictionary file to use (e.g. /usr/share/dict/words)
Prints the number of such HexSpeak phrases
(e.g. 0xADEADBEE - a dead bee - is one of them)"
[& args]
(let [phrase-length (Integer. ^String (re-find #"\d+" (nth args 0 4)))
letters (nth args 1 "abcdef")
dictionary-file (nth args 2 "/usr/share/dict/words")
counter 0 #_(volatile! 0) ; faster than atom
words-per-length (get-words-per-length dictionary-file letters)
solve (->solver words-per-length phrase-length)]
(dotimes [n 10]
(let [n (time (solve 0 #{} counter))]
(printf "Total: %d\n" n)))
;;using linear scans instead of hashset...
;;gets us to 470's at the low end.
(defn -main
"Expects as cmd-line arguments:
- Desired length of phrases (e.g. 8)
- Letters to search for (e.g. abcdef)
- Dictionary file to use (e.g. /usr/share/dict/words)
Prints the number of such HexSpeak phrases
(e.g. 0xADEADBEE - a dead bee - is one of them)"
[& args]
(let [phrase-length (Integer. ^String (re-find #"\d+" (nth args 0 4)))
letters (nth args 1 "abcdef")
dictionary-file (nth args 2 "/usr/share/dict/words")
counter 0
words-per-length (get-words-per-length dictionary-file letters)
solve (->solver words-per-length phrase-length)]
(dotimes [n 10]
(let [n (time (solve 0 [] counter))]
(printf "Total: %d\n" n)))
;;use a word list instead of vector for cheap conj.
;;adding a return hint on solve gets us to 380's
(defn -main
"Expects as cmd-line arguments:
- Desired length of phrases (e.g. 8)
- Letters to search for (e.g. abcdef)
- Dictionary file to use (e.g. /usr/share/dict/words)
Prints the number of such HexSpeak phrases
(e.g. 0xADEADBEE - a dead bee - is one of them)"
[& args]
(let [phrase-length (Integer. ^String (re-find #"\d+" (nth args 0 4)))
letters (nth args 1 "abcdef")
dictionary-file (nth args 2 "/usr/share/dict/words")
counter 0
words-per-length (get-words-per-length dictionary-file letters)
solve (->solver words-per-length phrase-length)]
(dotimes [n 10]
(let [n (time (solve 0 '() counter))]
(printf "Total: %d\n" n)))
;; thanassis.hexspeakfast> (-main "14" "abcdef" "contrib/words")
;; "Elapsed time: 430.6477 msecs"
;; Total: 3020796
;; "Elapsed time: 389.3113 msecs"
;; Total: 3020796
;; "Elapsed time: 390.8865 msecs"
;; Total: 3020796
;; "Elapsed time: 430.753 msecs"
;; Total: 3020796
;; "Elapsed time: 388.195 msecs"
;; Total: 3020796
;; "Elapsed time: 394.8848 msecs"
;; Total: 3020796
;; "Elapsed time: 401.641 msecs"
;; Total: 3020796
;; "Elapsed time: 418.998 msecs"
;; Total: 3020796
;; "Elapsed time: 383.9683 msecs"
;; Total: 3020796
;; "Elapsed time: 391.5956 msecs"
;; Total: 3020796
;;baseline, warm jit
;; thanassis.hexspeakfast> (#'thanassis.hexspeak/-main "14" "abcdef" "contrib/words")
;; "Elapsed time: 1024.986 msecs"
;; Total: 3020796
;; "Elapsed time: 1065.0907 msecs"
;; Total: 3020796
;; "Elapsed time: 1075.3926 msecs"
;; Total: 3020796
;; "Elapsed time: 1016.9033 msecs"
;; Total: 3020796
;; "Elapsed time: 1015.9312 msecs"
;; Total: 3020796
;; "Elapsed time: 1015.3411 msecs"
;; Total: 3020796
;; "Elapsed time: 1005.0903 msecs"
;; Total: 3020796
;; "Elapsed time: 1003.8628 msecs"
;; Total: 3020796
;; "Elapsed time: 967.1175 msecs"
;; Total: 3020796
;; "Elapsed time: 968.3548 msecs"
;; Total: 3020796
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