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Last active February 18, 2016 02:49
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(ns sometest
(:require [iota :as iota]
[clojure.core.reducers :as r]))
;;==Synthetic data==
(def fillrecord {:Unit :text
:category :text
:DemandGroup :text
:SRC :text
:FillType :text
:FollowOn :boolean
:name :text
:Component :text
:operation :text
:start :int
:DeploymentID :int
:duration :int
:dwell-plot? :boolean
:DwellYearsBeforeDeploy :float
:DeployDate :text
:FollowOnCount :int
:AtomicPolicy :text
:Category :text
:DeployInterval :int
:fill-type :text
:FillPath :text
:Period :text
:unitid :int
:deltat :int
:Demand :text
:PathLength :int
:OITitle :text
:BogBudget :int
:CycleTime :int
:DeploymentCount :int
:DemandType :text
:quantity :int
:end :int
:FillCount :int
:Location :text
:location :text
:compo :text
:DwellBeforeDeploy :int
:Policy :text
:sampled :boolean
(defn fld->val [fld t]
(case t
:text (str (gensym fld))
:boolean (rand-nth [true false])
:int (rand-int 50000)
:float (* (rand) 50000)))
;;generate random records from the schema.
(defn fake-record
(reduce-kv (fn [acc k t]
(assoc acc k
(fld->val k t)))
;;Using the preceding functions, we dump 4.395605X10^6 records to
;;a file at.
(def testfile "c:/path/to/bigfile.txt")
;;dumping elided for brevity...end result is a ~2GB tabdelimited
;;text file with headers in the first line.
(defn records->file [path] ...)
;;Testfile has these characteristics:
;;4.3x10^6 newline-separated lines of
;;490 utf-8 Chars /line
;;40 tab-delimited fields (although it doesn't matter for this).
;;2GB in size.
;;==Simple Test - Count the lines of the file==
;;Simply increment an int, occasionally printing out
;;every 100000th line for status.
(defn count-lines [r]
(reduce (fn [acc _]
(do (when (zero? (rem acc 100000))
(println acc))
(unchecked-inc acc)))
;;Time how long it takes us to traverse and count the file.
;;overhead from printing is infintessimal, so this should
;;simply walk the file(seq).
(defn test [path & {:keys [n]}]
(time (count-lines (if (iota/seq path n)
(iota/seq path)))))
;;Machine (laptop) is underspecced:
;;Intel Core2 T7200 @ 2.00 ghz
;;2GB Ram (this hurts :( )
;;Windowd7 64bit, on 64 bit JVM
;;NOT running -server in jvm opts (clients can't have jdk currently).
;;This chokes entirely...doesn't even get to 0 within minutes
(test testfile)
;;I saw the default buffer size in FileSeq is pretty big,
(test testfile :n (* 4 1024))
;;Cooks along nicely, right up until about 3x10^6, then
;;starts chugging. Looks like GC goes through the roof, although
;;we never grow the heap....(never go above 490mb or so, despite
;;using -Xmx1g)
;;run completes in 291443 ms
;;visualvm shows most of the time is spent grinding in MMap/get
;;(understandable from glancing at the source).
;;GC behavior is really wierd to me though, can't help but think it'd
;;be fine if iota would take advantage of the available heap. Maybe
;;this has something to do with filechannel? We get a jagged garbage
;;collection trail, hovering under 500MB without ever growing the heap.
;;In contrast, using
;;from FastUtil library, wrapped in a clojure compatible reducer,
;;I churn through the same file pretty easily.
;;It's a little slower out the gates (in terms of visible printing/traversal)
;;BUT it's consistent, and completes in 63145 ms.
;;Notable differences: FastBufferedReader is unsynchronized (dunno if this
;;affects the aforementioned observations). I'd have to line-by-line the
;;source to see any other differences. FastBufferedReader is not using
;;file channels by default.
;;We get a nice saw-tooth GC collection profile, peaking at max usage of
;;~583mb. Heap is grown to 715mb.
;;Also, I implemented an mmap version based off Eric Rochester's example at:
;;This version is a bit slower than the FastBufferedReader, but it works.
;;It ues nio/mmap and a (* 10 1024 1024) buffer. Job completes in 84472ms.
;;Expands the heap during processing beyond 500mb to 779mb.
;;We get a higher-frequency gc wave, with peak usage at 668mb.
;;Both the mmap and fastutil implementations are actually returning strings
;;as part of their .readLine implementation, so some of the gc is probably
;;due to string creation.
;;Both alternative implementations finish the job much faster than iota/seq.
;;Both actually take advantage of the available heap (although they don't
;;come near exhausting it. They are also coercing lines to strings in the
;;Why is iota/seq sucking wind on this?
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Hi Tom,

Thank you for your curiosity and providing such detailed information above. You are correct that iota/seq's performance without reducers is quite poor, and the iota readme does not reflect that. When the readme states "Tuned for Clojure's reducers", I meant to imply that it's coded for the benefit of multi-threaded code via clojure's reducers library.
If Clojure's reducers aren't being used, I suspect Clojure's line-seq will work much better than iota/seq.

Using line-seq as a baseline;

(time (count (line-seq (  testfile))))
"Elapsed time: 16685.486074 msecs"

With iota/seq (on 8 core desktop);

 (time (->> (iota/seq testfile)
      (clojure.core.reducers/map  (fn [_] 1))
      (clojure.core.reducers/fold +)))
"Elapsed time: 8925.41084 msecs"

With iota/seq (above code, but simulating 2 cores);

$ taskset 0x3 java -jar target/validator-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar
"Elapsed time: 10687.774363 msecs"

With iota/seq (above code, but simulating 1 core);

$ taskset 0x1 java -jar target/validator-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar
"Elapsed time: 17309.757736 msecs"

The above was using a test file created via the following;

(defn records->file [n filename]
  (with-open [fh (  filename)]
    (binding [*out* fh]
      (doseq [rec (take n (repeatedly fake-record))]
        (->> (fake-record)
             (map str)
             (interpose "\t")
             (apply str)

(records->file 4281565 testfile)

I hope this helps, and I'll update the readme shortly.

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