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Last active December 5, 2023 21:48
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revised brute force day 5-2
(defn some-fast [f xs]
(reduce (fn [acc x]
(let [res (f x)]
(if res (reduced res)
false xs))
(defn toDigits [s] (mapv read-string (re-seq #"\d+" s)))
(defn parseInput [d]
(->> d
(map toDigits)
(partition-by empty?)
(filter (comp not empty? first))
(map vec)
(defn withinRange [^long n ^long start ^long range] (and (>= n start) (< n (+ start range))))
(defn withinRanges2 [n ranges]
(loop [[src dest range] (first ranges) rem (rest ranges)]
(if (nil? dest)
(if (withinRange n src range)
(+ dest (- n src))
(recur (first rem) (rest rem))
(defn withinRanges2 [n ranges]
(reduce (fn [acc sdr]
(let [src (sdr 0)
dest (sdr 1)
range (sdr 2)]
(if (withinRange n src range)
(reduced (+ dest (- n src)))
acc))) n ranges))
(defn runSeed2 [seed maps] (reduce #(withinRanges2 %1 %2) seed maps))
(defn backwardsSearch [[[seeds] & maps]]
(let [seeds (into [] (map vec (partition 2 seeds)))
maps (vec (reverse maps))]
(loop [n 0]
(let [result (runSeed2 n maps)]
(if (some-fast #(withinRange result (nth % 0) (nth % 1)) seeds)
(recur (inc n)))))))
(backwardsSearch (parseInput data))
;;using arrays more invasively:
(set! *unchecked-math* :warn-on-boxed)
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
(defn some-fast [f xs]
(reduce (fn [acc x]
(let [res (f x)]
(if res (reduced res)
false xs))
(defn toDigits [s] (long-array (mapv read-string (re-seq #"\d+" s))))
(defn parseInput [d]
(->> d
(map toDigits)
(partition-by empty?)
(filter (comp not empty? first))
(map vec)
(defn withinRange [^long n ^long start ^long range] (and (>= n start) (< n (+ start range))))
(defn withinRanges2 [n ranges]
(reduce (fn [acc ^longs sdr]
(let [src (aget sdr 0)
dest (aget sdr 1)
range (aget sdr 2)]
(if (withinRange n src range)
(reduced (+ dest (- n src)))
acc))) n ranges))
(defn runSeed2 [seed maps] (reduce #(withinRanges2 %1 %2) seed maps))
(defn backwardsSearch [[[seeds] & maps]]
(let [seeds (into [] (map vec (partition 2 seeds)))
maps (vec (reverse maps))]
(loop [n 0]
(let [result (runSeed2 n maps)]
(if (some-fast #(withinRange result (nth % 0) (nth % 1)) seeds)
(recur (inc n)))))))
(defn withinRanges3 [^long n ^longs ranges-array]
(let [bnd (alength ranges-array)]
(loop [idx 0]
(if (< idx bnd)
(let [src (aget ranges-array idx)
dest (aget ranges-array (+ idx 1))
range (aget ranges-array (+ idx 2))]
(if (withinRange n src range)
(+ dest (- n src))
(recur (+ idx 3))))
(defn runSeed3 [^long seed maps] (reduce #(withinRanges3 %1 %2) seed maps))
(defn arrayify [xs]
(->> (for [maps xs ]
(long-array (apply concat maps)))
(defn backwardsSearch3 [[[seeds] & maps]]
(let [seeds (into [] (map vec (partition 2 seeds)))
maps (arrayify (reverse maps))]
(loop [n 0]
(let [result (runSeed3 n maps)]
(if (some-fast #(withinRange result (nth % 0) (nth % 1)) seeds)
(recur (inc n)))))))
;;about 87 seconds.
(defn some-fast-longs-by2 [^clojure.lang.IFn$LLO f ^longs xs]
(let [bnd (alength xs)]
(loop [idx 0]
(if (< idx bnd)
(let [res (.invokePrim f (aget xs idx) (aget xs (inc idx)))]
(if res
(recur (+ idx 2))))
(defn backwardsSearch4 [[[seeds] & maps]]
(let [^longs seeds seeds
maps (arrayify (reverse maps))]
(loop [n 0]
(let [result (runSeed3 n maps)]
(if (some-fast-longs-by2 (fn [^long l ^long r] (withinRange result l r)) seeds)
(recur (inc n)))))))
(defn backwardsSearch5 [[[seeds] & maps]]
(let [^longs seeds seeds
maps (arrayify (reverse maps))
step 1000
answer (atom nil)]
(->> (range 0 Long/MAX_VALUE step)
(pmap (fn [^long init]
(let [bound (+ init step)]
(loop [n init]
(if (and (< n bound) (not @answer))
(let [result (runSeed3 n maps)]
(if (some-fast-longs-by2 (fn [^long l ^long r] (withinRange result l r)) seeds)
(reset! answer n)
(recur (inc n))))
(some identity))))
;;~11s, this isn't even work stealing.
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