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Created June 4, 2019 18:39
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spec experiment with org
;;A port of an awk script that munges
;;code to .org mode documentation,
;;let's do it with spec!
(ns spectraining.doc
(:require [clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
[clojure.spec.gen.alpha :as gen]
[clojure.spec.test.alpha :as stest]
[clojure.string :as str]))
;;Given a source file, let's break it down
;;by lines and parse the sequence of lines into
;;a structure of code blocks.
;;Our goal is to also recognize legacy
;;Mardown headers (via =====) and
;;to produce syntax-highlighted code
;;examples in org.
;;Specs for Code and Comments
;;We'll be leveraging regexes a lot, but
;;we don't "have" too...We could use the
;;token-based charseq parsing example, but
;;particularly if we wanted testable specs
;;or to generate random inputs from the specs,
;;but that's a bridge too far for now!
;;line beginning with zero or more whitespace
(def +comment+ #"s*;+")
(defn comment? [x] (re-find +comment+ x))
(s/def ::commented-text comment?)
(defn blank-line? [x]
(or (= x "")
(re-find #"^\s+$" x)))
(s/def ::blank-line blank-line? )
;;anything between begin-line and \; is valid source
(def +non-comment+ #"^[^;]+")
;;Couldn't figure out a regex to ignore inside of
;;string literals when checking for the comment
;;token, so I had to hack this up. Apologies!
(defn non-comment [^String x]
(let [n (count x)]
(loop [idx 0
mode :outside]
(if (== idx n)
(let [c (.charAt x idx) ]
(if (= c \") ;skip string literals
(case mode
:outside (recur (unchecked-inc idx) :inside)
(recur (unchecked-inc idx) :outside))
(if (= c \;) ;;comment-break
(if (and (= mode :outside)
(not= (.charAt x (dec idx)) \\ ))
(subs x 0 idx)
(recur (unchecked-inc idx) mode))
(recur (unchecked-inc idx) mode))))))))
(defn non-comment? [x]
(when-let [x (re-find +non-comment+ x)]
(not (blank-line? x))))
(s/def ::code
(s/and non-comment?
(s/conformer (fn [ln]
(let [body (non-comment ln)]
{:open (count (re-seq #"\(" body))
:closed (count (re-seq #"\)" body))
:line ln}])))))
(s/def ::non-code
(s/or :blank ::blank-line
:comment ::commented-text))
(s/def ::source-block
(s/or :code-line ::code
:non-code ::non-code))
(s/def ::source-code (s/* ::source-block))
;;Source Code Parsing Pipeline
(defn source->tree [path]
(->> (slurp path)
(s/conform ::source-code)))
;;once we have our tagged tree, we can
;;process it to determine which lines belong to
;;code blocks, based on lexical "depth."
(defn tree->depth [xs]
(let [d (atom 0)]
(for [[cl [kind nd]] xs
(case cl
(let [{:keys [open closed]} nd
delta (- open closed)
dnew (swap! d + delta)]
(merge {:kind :code-line :depth dnew} nd ))
{:kind :non-code :depth @d :line nd}))))
;;Since we have depth now, should be able to group
;;our lines by depth, and classify them in the
(defn depth-grouping [{:keys [depth kind] :as nd}]
(cond (and (zero? depth) (= kind :non-code))
(> depth 0) :multi-line-form
(and (zero? depth) (= (:open nd) (:closed nd)))
:else :multi-line-form ))
(defn tree->groupings [tr]
(->> tr
(map-indexed (fn [idx nd] (assoc nd :idx idx :scope (depth-grouping nd))))
(partition-by :scope)))
;;Org Specific Transformations
;;Detect markdown headers.
(defn header [x] (re-find #"^=+\s*$" x))
(defn uncomment [x]
(clojure.string/replace-first x #"\s*;*" ""))
(defn mdheader->org-header [xs]
(reduce (fn [acc ln]
(if-let [h (header ln)]
(let [x (last acc)]
(assoc acc (dec (count acc))
(str "* " x)))
(conj acc ln))) [] xs))
;;Multimethods allow us to define flexible
;;processing for different classes of tagged
;;blocks we might find. So, we could expand
;;this if we have more sophisticated parsing
(defmulti group->org (fn [xs] (:scope (first xs))))
(defmethod group->org :top-level-comment [xs]
(->> xs
(map :line)
(map uncomment)
(clojure.string/join \newline )))
(defmethod group->org :top-level-form [xs]
(str (str "#+BEGIN_SRC clojure") \newline
(clojure.string/join \newline (map :line xs)) \newline
(str "#+END_SRC")))
(defmethod group->org :multi-line-form [xs]
(str (str "#+BEGIN_SRC clojure") \newline
(clojure.string/join \newline (map :line xs)) \newline
(str "#+END_SRC")))
;;Entry Point
;;This is the main function. Currently it just
;;parses the source from path and creates a
;;similarly name file colocated with
;;the original source.
(defn orgify-source [path]
(->> path
(map group->org)
(clojure.string/join \newline)
(spit (str path ".org"))
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