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Created April 18, 2017 01:15
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A dumb lazy map.
(defn mapEquals [^clojure.lang.IPersistentMap m1 obj]
(clojure.lang.APersistentMap/mapEquals m1 obj))
(defmacro with-lazy-map [thunk lm symb & body]
(let [the-map (with-meta symb {:tag 'clojure.lang.IPersistentMap})]
`(do (when (not (realized? ~thunk))
(set! ~lm (force ~thunk)))
(let [~the-map ~lm]
(deftype LazyMap [^clojure.lang.Delay thunk
^:unsynchronized-mutable ^clojure.lang.IPersistentMap m]
(hasheq [this] (with-lazy-map thunk m the-map
(.hasheq the-map)))
(hashCode [this]
(with-lazy-map thunk m the-map
(.hashCode the-map)))
(equals [this o] (clojure.lang.APersistentMap/mapEquals this o))
(equiv [this o]
(cond (identical? this o) true
(instance? clojure.lang.IHashEq o) (== (hash this) (hash o))
(or (instance? clojure.lang.Sequential o)
(instance? java.util.List o)) (clojure.lang.Util/equiv (seq this) (seq o))
:else nil))
(meta [this] (with-lazy-map thunk m the-map (.meta ^clojure.lang.IObj the-map)))
(withMeta [this xs] (with-lazy-map thunk m the-map (with-meta the-map xs)))
(valAt [this k] (with-lazy-map thunk m the-map (.valAt the-map k)))
(valAt [this k not-found]
(if-let [res (.valAt this k)]
(entryAt [this k] (with-lazy-map thunk m the-map (.entryAt the-map k)))
(assoc [this k v] (with-lazy-map thunk m the-map (.assoc the-map k v)))
(cons [this e] (with-lazy-map thunk m the-map (.cons the-map e)))
(without [this k] (with-lazy-map thunk m the-map (.without the-map k)))
(seq [this] (with-lazy-map thunk m the-map (seq the-map)))
(count [this] (with-lazy-map thunk m the-map (.count the-map)))
java.util.Map ;;some of these aren't correct....might matter.
(put [this k v] (.assoc this k v))
(putAll [this c] (with-lazy-map thunk m the-map (.putAll ^java.util.Map the-map c)))
(clear [this] {})
(containsKey [this k]
(with-lazy-map thunk m the-map (.containsKey ^java.util.Map the-map k)))
(containsValue [this o]
(with-lazy-map thunk m the-map (.containsValue ^java.util.Map the-map o)))
(entrySet [this] (with-lazy-map thunk m the-map
(.entrySet ^java.util.Map the-map)))
(keySet [this] (with-lazy-map thunk m the-map
(.keySet ^java.util.Map the-map)))
(kv-reduce [this f init]
(with-lazy-map thunk m the-map
(reduce-kv f init the-map))))
(defmacro lazy-map [expr]
`(LazyMap. (delay ~expr) nil))
;;If you call (type ...) on this, or otherwise
;;invoke (meta ...), you will force the map to
;;eval. Other than that, we should be golden.
;;So, (class ...) is good.
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