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Created August 25, 2018 02:32
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for/fold from racket interpreted to clojure
(ns forfold)
;;From racket example
;; (for/fold ([acc '()]
;; [seen (hash)]
;; #:result (reverse acc))
;; ([x (in-list '(0 1 1 2 3 4 4 4))])
;; (cond
;; [(hash-ref seen x #f)
;; (values acc seen)]
;; [else (values (cons x acc)
;; (hash-set seen x #t))]))
;; '(0 1 2 3 4)
;;we can opt in using macros...
(defmacro for-fold [bindings for-clause & body]
(let [binds (partition 2 bindings)
[pairs [[_ result]]]
(partition-by (fn [[l _]]
(= l :result)) binds)
result-expr (second result)
vars (mapv first pairs)
inits (mapv second pairs)
iter (first for-clause)
res (gensym "res")]
`(let [[~@vars :as ~res]
(reduce (fn [[~@vars] ~iter]
~inits (for ~for-clause
~(or result
;; (for-fold [acc '()
;; seen #{}
;; :result (reverse acc)]
;; [x '(0 1 1 2 3 4 4 4)]
;; (cond (seen x) [acc seen]
;; :else [(cons x acc) (conj seen x)]))
;; (0 1 2 3 4)
;;or use reduce...
(->> '(0 1 1 2 3 4 4 4)
(reduce (fn [[acc seen :as res] x]
(if (seen x) res
[(cons x acc) (conj seen x)]))
['() #{}])
;;or use a need to reverse.
(->> '(0 1 1 2 3 4 4 4)
(reduce (fn [[acc seen :as res] x]
(if (seen x) res
[(conj acc x) (conj seen x)]))
[[] #{}])
;;or use state + filter
(let [seen (atom #{})]
(->> '(0 1 1 2 3 4 4 4)
(filter (fn [x] (when-not (@seen x)
(do (swap! seen conj x)
;;or define our own stateful filter
(defn filter-once
(let [f (atom #{})]
(fn [x] (when-not (@f x)
(do (swap! f conj x)
(pred x))))))
([] (filter-once identity)))
;;and use transducers via into
(into [] (filter (filter-once)) '(0 1 1 2 3 4 4 4))
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