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Forked from na-ka-na/gen_class_javadoc.clj
Last active May 9, 2019 01:15
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;;updated example from the old clojure 1.0
(ns documentation
(:require [ :as io]
[ :as shell]
[clojure [string :as s]]))
(def +sep+ (System/getProperty "file.separator"))
(defn- convert-fn-meta-into-javadoc
[impl-ns prefix mname pclasses rclass is-static?]
(let [m (meta (resolve (symbol (str (str impl-ns) "/" prefix (str mname)))))
{:keys [file line doc]} m
arglist (first (filter #(= (count pclasses) (count %)) (:arglists m)))
method-sign (str "public "
(if is-static? "static " "")
(str rclass) " "
(str mname) " ("
(apply str (drop-last (interleave pclasses (repeat " ") arglist (repeat ", "))))
") {}")]
" /**\n"
" * " (s/join "\n * " (s/split doc #"\n")) "\n"
" * Definition present at " {:file file :line line} "\n"
" */\n "
(defn- generate-javadoc
(let [default-options {:prefix "-" :impl-ns (ns-name *ns*)}
{:keys [name methods prefix impl-ns class-doc]} (merge default-options options-map)
[_ package c-name] (re-matches #"(.+)\.([^\.]+)" name)
javadoc (str
"package " package ";\n"
" /**\n"
" * " (s/join "\n * " (s/split class-doc #"\n")) "\n"
" */\n "
"public class " c-name "{\n\n")
javadoc (loop [methods methods
javadoc javadoc]
(if-let [[mname pclasses rclass :as msig] (first methods)]
(recur (rest methods)
(str javadoc
(convert-fn-meta-into-javadoc impl-ns prefix
mname pclasses rclass (:static (meta msig)))))
javadoc)) javadoc (str javadoc "}\n")]
[package c-name javadoc]))
(defmacro gen-class+javadoc
[& options]
(let [options-map (into {} (map vec (partition 2 options)))
[package c-name javadoc] (generate-javadoc options-map)
path-of-java-file (str (s/join +sep+ [(System/getProperty "user.dir") "src"
(.replaceAll package "\\." (str +sep+ +sep+)) c-name])
(when (or *compile-files* (:javadoc? options-map))
(do (io/make-parents (io/file path-of-java-file))
(spit path-of-java-file javadoc)
(let [cmd (str "javadoc -sourcepath src -d doc " package " > doc/javadoc.out 2> doc/javadoc.err")
javadoc-ret (shell/sh "cmd.exe" "/c" cmd :return-map true)]
(io/delete-file path-of-java-file))))
`(gen-class ~@options)))
(defn -method1
"This does really cool stuff
@param opts A map containing all the necessary options
@return A cool value
@version 0.0.1
@author Chuck Norris
(+ 1 2)
(defn -method2
"This does such cool stuff, you'll be blown off!
@param x Degree of coolness wanted
@param y Degree of your patience
@param z How much you'll pay me
@return An infinite LazySeq of my coolness.
@version 0.0.1
@author Chuck Norris"
[x y z]
(* 0 (+ x y z))
(defn -method3
"Meaning of life
@return An Object which will help you attain nirvana.
@version 0.0.1
@author Chuck Norris"
;;this should emit documentation in ./doc/documentation
;;ensure javadoc is on your path.
;;Note: use this for testing or limited drop-in replacement
;;to compile javadocs conveniently. It'll run javadoc
;;each time, which could get slow if repetitive.
:class-doc "Class Docs
<ul> <li> One </li> <li> Two </li> </ul>
:name "documentation.MyCoolClass"
:methods [
#^{:static true} [method1 [clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap] int]
#^{:static true} [method2 [int int float] clojure.lang.LazySeq]
#^{:static true} [method3 [] Object]
:javadoc? true)
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