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Created August 30, 2017 10:51
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Extending incanter's dataset protocols to a different implementation from spork.util.table
;;Compatibility layer to extend spork.util.table usage
;;into incanter datasets (as of 1.9.1).
;;Since datasets are now based on an API in clojure.core.matrix,
;;we can extend the API to use our table functions. This should
;;eliminate the trouble we've have processing incanter
;;datasets effeciently, since we can parse spork tables
;;using schemas.
(ns proc.dataset
(:require [spork.util [table :as tbl]]
[clojure.core.matrix.protocols :as mp]
[clojure.core.matrix.implementations :as imp]
[clojure.core.matrix.impl.dataset :as dsi]
[clojure.core.matrix.dataset :as ds])
(:import [clojure.lang IPersistentVector]))
;;In theory, these get us compatible dataset implementations for spork.util.table...
(defn table-col [t i]
(if (number? i)
(nth (tbl/table-columns t) i)
(tbl/field-vals (tbl/get-field i t))))
(extend-type spork.util.table.column-table
;;"Protocol to support getting slices of an array. If implemented, must return either a view, a scalar
;; or an immutable sub-matrix: it must *not* return copied data. i.e. making a full copy must be avoided."
;;"Gets a row of a matrix with the given row index."
(get-row [m i]
(tbl/nth-row m i))
;;"Gets a column of a matrix with the given row index."
(get-column [m i]
(table-col m i))
;;"Gets the major slice of an array with the given index. For a 2D matrix, equivalent to get-row"
(get-major-slice [m i]
(mp/get-row m i))
;;"Gets a slice of an array along a specified dimension with the given index."
(get-slice [m dimension i]
(case dimension
0 (tbl/nth-row m i)
1 (table-col m i)
(throw (Exception. (str [:invalid-slice dimension i])))))
;;"Protocol for accessing rows of a matrix"
;;"Returns the rows of a matrix, as a seqable object"
(get-rows [m] (tbl/table-rows m))
;;"Protocol for accessing columns of a matrix"
;;"Returns the columns of a matrix, as a seqable object"
(get-columns [m] (tbl/table-columns m))
(label [m dim i]
(let [dim (long dim)]
(== 1 dim) (nth (tbl/table-fields m) i)
:else nil)))
(labels [m dim]
(let [dim (long dim)]
(== 1 dim) (tbl/table-fields m)
:else nil)))
(column-name [m i] (nth (tbl/table-fields m) i))
(column-names [m] (tbl/table-fields m))
(implementation-key [m] :table)
(meta-info [m]
{:doc "spork.util.table implementation for datasets"})
(new-vector [m length]
(mp/new-vector [] length))
(new-matrix [m rows columns]
(let [col-indexes (range columns)]
(for [i col-indexes]
(mp/new-vector (imp/get-canonical-object) rows)))))
(new-matrix-nd [m shape]
(mp/new-matrix-nd [] shape))
(construct-matrix [m data]
(if (== 2 (long (mp/dimensionality data)))
(dsi/dataset-from-array data)
(supports-dimensionality? [m dims]
(<= 1 (long dims) 2))
(convert-to-nested-vectors [ds]
(let [cols (mapv mp/convert-to-nested-vectors (tbl/table-columns ds))]
(mp/transpose cols)))
#_(column-index [ds column-name]
(when-let [cnames (mp/column-names ds)]
(let [cnames ^IPersistentVector (vec cnames)]
(and cnames (first (tbl/find-where #{column-name} cnames))))))
(set-column [ds i column]
(let [scol (mp/get-column ds 0)
column (mp/broadcast-like scol column)]
(assoc ds
(assoc (tbl/table-columns ds) i column))))
(dimensionality [m] 2)
(is-vector? [m] false)
(is-scalar? [m] false)
(get-shape [m] [(tbl/count-rows m) (count (tbl/table-fields m))])
(dimension-count [m dim]
(.nth ^IPersistentVector (.shape m) (long dim)))
(extend-type spork.util.table.column-table
;;Datasets for making tables play nice with incanter...
;"Returns a persistent vector containing columns in the same order they are placed in the dataset"
(columns [ds]
(tbl/table-columns ds))
;"Produces a new dataset with the columns in the specified order"
(select-columns [ds cols]
(tbl/select-fields cols ds))
;"Produces a new dataset with specified rows"
(select-rows [ds rows]
(let [rf (set rows)
empty-cols (mapv (fn [_] []) (:fields ds))]
(->> (tbl/table-rows ds)
(map-indexed (fn [idx x]
(when (rf idx) x)))
(filter identity)
(tbl/conj-rows empty-cols)
(assoc ds :columns))))
;"Adds column to the dataset"
(add-column [ds col-name col]
(tbl/conj-field [col-name col] ds))
;;"Returns a dataset created by combining columns of the given datasets.
;;In case of columns with duplicate names, last-one-wins strategy is applied"
(merge-datasets [ds1 ds2]
(let [ls (tbl/table-fields ds1)
rs (mp/column-names ds2)
left? (set ls)
right? (set rs)]
(-> (for [f (dedupe (concat ls rs))]
[f (if (right? f)
(mp/get-column ds2 f)
(tbl/field-vals (tbl/get-field f ds1)))])
(tbl/conj-fields tbl/empty-table))))
;;"Renames columns based on map of old new column name pairs"
(rename-columns [ds col-map]
(tbl/rename-fields col-map ds))
;;"Replaces column in a dataset with new values"
(replace-column [ds col-name vs]
(tbl/conj-field [col-name vs] ds))
;;"Returns a dataset created by combining the rows of the given datasets"
(join-rows [ds1 ds2]
(let [ls (tbl/table-fields ds1)
rs (mp/column-names ds2)
lset (set ls)
rset (set rs)]
(if (= (into #{} ls)
(into #{} rs))
(let [cols (mapv #(mp/get-column ds2 %) rs)
rcount (count (first cols))]
(->> (tbl/conj-rows (tbl/table-columns ds1)
(for [i (range rcount)]
(mapv #(nth % i) cols)))
(assoc ds1 :columns)))
(throw (Exception. (str "trying to join rows from tables with different column-names: "
[ls rs]))))))
;;"Returns a dataset created by combining the columns of the given datasets"
(join-columns [ds1 ds2]
(let [ls (tbl/table-fields ds1)
rs (mp/column-names ds2)]
(if (empty? (clojure.set/intersection (set ls) (set rs)))
(mp/merge-datasets ds1 ds2)
(throw (Exception. (str "cannot merge duplicate fields"))))))
;"Returns map of columns with associated list of values"
(to-map [ds]
(zipmap (tbl/table-fields ds)
(tbl/table-columns ds)))
;"Returns seq of maps with row values"
(row-maps [ds] (tbl/table-records ds)))
(comment ;testing dataset api..
(def res (tbl/make-table {:name ["tom" "bill" "joe"], :age [1 2 3]}))
(def other (tbl/make-table {:name ["tom" "bill" "joe"], :age [1 2 3]}))
(ds/join-columns res other)
;#spork.util.table.column-table{:fields [:name :age :year :type], :columns [["tom" "bill" "joe"] [1 2 3] [10 20 30] [:a :b :c]]}
(ds/add-column res :blah [:A :a :a])
;#spork.util.table.column-table{:fields [:name :age :blah], :columns [["tom" "bill" "joe"] [1 2 3] [:A :a :a]]}
(ds/add-column res :blah [:A :a :a :a])
;#spork.util.table.column-table{:fields [:name :age :blah], :columns [["tom" "bill" "joe"] [1 2 3] [:A :a :a]]}
(ds/column-index res :name)
(ds/column-index res :age)
(ds/except-columns res [:name])
;#spork.util.table.column-table{:fields [:age], :columns [[1 2 3]]}
(ds/replace-column res :age [0 0 0])
;#spork.util.table.column-table{:fields [:name :age], :columns [["tom" "bill" "joe"] [0 0 0]]}
(ds/row-maps (ds/replace-column res :age [0 0 0]))
;({:name "tom", :age 0} {:name "bill", :age 0} {:name "joe", :age 0})
(ds/select-rows res [1])
;#spork.util.table.column-table{:fields [:name :age], :columns [["bill"] [2]]}
(ds/select-rows res [0])
;#spork.util.table.column-table{:fields [:name :age], :columns [["tom"] [1]]}
(ds/select-rows res [0 1])
;#spork.util.table.column-table{:fields [:name :age], :columns [["tom" "bill"] [1 2]]}
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