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Created November 19, 2011 06:00
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require "shellwords"
require "open3"
module FFmpegInfo
FFMPEG = `which ffmpeg`.chop
def self.getinfo(input)
video = {}
audio = {}
duration = 0
stdin, stdout_and_stderr = *Open3.popen2e("#{FFMPEG} -i #{Shellwords.shellescape(input)}")
stdout_and_stderr.each_line do |line|
case line
when /\s*Stream #\d\.\d.*?: Video: (.+?), (.+?), (.+?),/
video[:codec] = $1
video[:format] = $2
video[:size] = $3
when /\s*Stream #\d\.\d.*?: Audio: (.+?), (.+?), (.+?), (.+?)/
audio[:codec] = $1
audio[:rate] = $2.to_i
audio[:channels] = $3
when /Duration: (\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)\.(\d\d),/
duration = $1.to_i * 3600 + $2.to_i * 60 + $3.to_i
if video[:size]
video[:size] =~ /(\d+)x(\d+)/
video[:width] = $1.to_i
video[:height] = $2.to_i
video[:aspect] = sprintf("%1.4f", $1.to_f / $2.to_f)
{:video => video, :audio => audio, :duration => duration}
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