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Last active December 19, 2015 09:29
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# == title
# Simple template for text interpolation
# == description
# I like text interpolation in Perl. But in R, if you want to connect plain text and variables,
# you need to use `paste` or functions in `stringr`. However, if there are so many variables or
# or many quotes in the string you want to construct, it would be a little terrible.
# So, this function allows you to construct strings as Perl style.
# == param
# -text template text
# -replacemmet a list containing variable name and values. If it is not specified,
# variables in parent frame will be used.
# -code.pattern patterns of the code markings. Default is @{CODE}, which means
# CODE part will be replaced with its real value
template = function(text, replacement = parent.frame(), code.pattern = NULL) {
if (is.null(code.pattern)) {
code.pattern = "\\@\\{CODE\\}"
if(length(text) != 1) {
stop("length of the text should be 1.")
lines = strsplit(text, "\n")[[1]]
if(length(lines) == 0) {
lines = ""
newlines = character(length(lines))
# import variables in replacement
# bug: need to new an environment and assign the value in this envrionment
# and specify the environment in 'eval'
if(!is.null(replacement)) {
if(is.environment(replacement)) {
e = replacement
} else {
e = new.env()
for(varname in names(replacement)) {
assign(varname, replacement[[varname]], envir = e)
} else {
e = .GlobalEnv
print(ls(envir = e))
for (i in 1:length(lines)) {
# check wether there are code replacements
code = find_code(code.pattern, lines[i])
code.template = code[[1]]
code.variable = code[[2]]
if(length(code.template)) {
# if there is code replacement
# replace the code with its value
code.result = lapply(code.variable, function(code) eval(parse(text = code), envir = e)) # anony function is the first level parent
# length of the return value
v.lines = sapply(code.result, function(x) length(x))
if(max(v.lines) > 1) {
current.line = rep(lines[i], max(v.lines))
for(ai in 1:max(v.lines)) {
for(iv in 1:length(code.template)) {
current.line[ai] = gsub(code.template[iv],
code.result[[iv]][(ai-1) %% length(code.result[[iv]]) + 1],
current.line[ai], fixed = TRUE)
newlines[i] = paste(current.line, collapse = "\n")
else if(max(v.lines == 1)) {
current.line = lines[i]
for(iv in 1:length(code.template)) {
current.line = gsub(code.template[iv], code.result[[iv]],
current.line, fixed = TRUE)
newlines[i] = current.line
else {
newlines[i] = ""
else {
newlines[i] = lines[i]
return(paste(newlines, collapse="\n"))
find_code = function(m, text) {
if(length(text) != 1) {
stop("text must be length of 1.")
m2 = gsub("CODE", ".+?", m)
reg = gregexpr(m2, text, perl = TRUE)[[1]]
v1 = character(0)
if(reg[1] > -1) {
v1 = sapply(1:length(reg), function(i)substr(text, as.numeric(reg)[i], as.numeric(reg)[i]+ attr(reg, "match.length")[i] - 1))
edge = strsplit(m, "CODE")[[1]]
v2 = gsub(paste("^", edge[1], "|", edge[2], "$", sep=""), "", v1)
return(list(template=v1, variable=v2))
tp = template
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jokergoo commented Jul 5, 2013

An example is:

a = "a"
b = "b"
template("y = list(a = '@{a}', b = '@{b}', c = 'c')")
paste("y = list(a = '", a, "', b = '", b, "', c = 'c')", sep = "")

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