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Last active September 19, 2018 04:23
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Solution to run wk2-Tutorial-TextMining.Rmd

If you just wanna see the final report and don't wanna knit it by yourself, just download this html(click and Ctrl+S, with your columbia gmail logged in):

Here are some solutions to some common problems when you try to run/knitr "wk2-Tutorial-TextMining.Rmd".
Hope it can help you.

Install/Load packages

During the first chunk of packages installation&loading, you may see several warnings(which doesn't matter) or errors(which prevents success install/load).
We suggest run "library("rvest"); library("tibble"); ..." line by line and figure out which packages haven't been properly installed. Then, install.package("<TheTroublePackageName>") So you can manually look up the error messages in Google.
Sometimes it may already output the directions to solve the error, just follow it.

Java problem(for "qdap" package)

when install.packages/library("qdap"), it may show errors similar to below:

- Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘qdap’:
-  .onLoad failed in loadNamespace() for 'rJava', details:
-   call: dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...)
-   error: unable to load shared object '/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.4/Resources/library/rJava/libs/':
-   dlopen(/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.4/Resources/library/rJava/libs/, 6): Library not loaded: /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk-9.jdk/Contents/Home/lib/server/libjvm.dylib
-   Referenced from: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.4/Resources/library/rJava/libs/
-   Reason: image not found

That's because this package has some specific requirements for Java environment.

Solutions for Mac OS 10.5 or later

Step 0 Uninstall existing JDK

(If you are familiar with JRE setting, just set the $JAVA_HOME to your /jre directory and skip Step 0, Step 1, Step 2)
Start your MacOS terminal from your launchpad. Then run:(without the $ sign)

$ cd /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines
$ sudo rm -rf *

This will remove all JDK existing on your machine before, just to make a same initial environment for the following steps. Otherwise, the following steps may not work.

Step 1 Install JDK (Java Development Kit)

You can download your responding JDK8 here. Install it.

Step 2 Setting the $JAVA_HOME environment variable

adding export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home)/jre to ~/.bash_profile.
In case you are not familiar with terminal text editing, you can follow the steps below:
First, in your terminal(MacOS terminal, not R Console), run

$ sudo vim ~/.bash_profile 

In the file open, type Shift+G, then type o, then add the following line:

export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home)/jre

After that, type Escape, then type :wq, Return(Enter).

Step 3 Configure Java for R

Returning to the terminal, run

$ source ~/.bash_profile
$ sudo R CMD javareconf

Probably, when running R CMD javareconf, the output will contain the xcrun error as below:

xcrun: error: invalid active developer path (/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools), missing xcrun at: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/xcrun

Then you should re-install xcode command line by:

$ xcode-select --install

Then $ sudo R CMD javareconf again. If the xcrun problem still exists, try $ sudo xcode-select -switch / then $ sudo R CMD javareconf

Finally, restart R/RStudio, re-run install.packages("qdap") or library("qdap") in the R console, the problem could be solved.

Solutions for Linux(Ubuntu)

The solutions to linux systems is similar to the MacOS one, except the JDK installation, you can run:

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer

Also, instead of add export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home)/jre, you need to add export JAVA_HOME=$JAVA_HOME/jre

topicmodels error

you may also encounter error when install "topicmodels" rpackage, because of lacking gsl, then meet a compiling error. Then you need to setup gsl library on your system.
For Ubuntu, you can run $ sudo apt-get install libgsl-dev

Runtime Error

different nrow

When running line #97, you may encounter the following problem:

> speech.list=cbind(speech.list, speech.url)
Error in data.frame(..., check.names = FALSE) : 
  arguments imply differing number of rows: 125, 126

that is because the .csv megadata file is too old, as there appears a new speech on the presidency website.
you can use the csv file below to replace the original one in /data :

cannot open file '../data/fulltext/inaugGeorgeWashington-1.txt'

The error message:

cannot open file '../data/fulltext/inaugGeorgeWashington-1.txt': No such file or directoryError in file(file, if (append) "a" else "w") : 
  cannot open the connection

That's because you've downloaded the ADS_Teaching/Tutorials/wk2-TextMining/ , which doesn't have ../data/fulltext Instead, you should use "ADS_Teaching/Tutorials/"

names do not match

> speech.list=rbind(speech.list, Trump.speeches)
Error in match.names(clabs, names(xi)) : 
  names do not match previous names

If you View(speech.list), you may see the header president become "锘縋resident".
This problem is common in Windows.


For every read.csv, add, fileEncoding = "UTF-8-BOM"
such as:
line #82 inaug.list=read.csv("../data/inauglist.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, fileEncoding = "UTF-8-BOM")

Knitr(YAML) error

When Knit the document, it may occur:

Error in yaml::yaml.load(string, ...) : 
  Scanner error: mapping values are not allowed in this context at line 2, column 23
Calls: <Anonymous> ... parse_yaml_front_matter -> yaml_load_utf8 -> <Anonymous>
Execution halted


For Windows, you can replace the YAML by:

title: 'Tutorial (week 2) B: text mining'
    toc: true
    toc_depth: '2'

For linux, you can use:

title: "Tutorial (week 2) B: text mining"
    toc: true
    toc_depth: 2

or, just select "knit to html" through the drawdown triangle.


If it still encounters some problems, we recommmend you to update(uninstall and install again) R and RStudio to the newest version, then update.packages() in the R Console.
Or, you can search your problem on piazza or Google.

Welcome to leave comment if there are any problem with these.

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