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Schemata sketches -- adding whole object instance validation
(in-package :schemata)
;; Marker class for objects that know how to validate themselves.
(defclass validating-object-mixin ()
((%schema :initarg :schema
:initform (error "No schema specified")
:reader object-schema)))
(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((instance validating-object-mixin) &rest args)
(declare (ignore args)
;; (setf (%schema instance) (schemata:find-schema (%schema instance)))
(schemata:validate-with-schema (object-schema instance) instance)))
(defclass validating-object-schema (schemata:object-schema)
((instance-validator :initarg :instance-validator
:accessor instance-validator
:initform nil
:type (or null trivial-types:function-designator)
:documentation "A function that validates the whole object, after the attribute/slots have been
(:documentation "An extension of schemata:object-schema that adds validation for the whole
object, in addition to the attributes/slots."))
(defmethod parse-schema-type ((schema-type (eql 'validating-object)) schema-spec)
(destructuring-bind (name attributes &optional options) (rest schema-spec)
(apply #'make-instance 'validating-object-schema
:name name
:attributes (mapcar #'parse-attribute attributes)
(defclass accessor-test (validating-object-mixin)
((%slot-w-reader :initarg :slot-w-reader :initform nil :reader slot-w-reader)
(%slot-w-writer :initarg :slot-w-writer :initform nil :writer slot-w-writer)
(%slot-w-accessor :initarg :slot-w-accessor :initform nil :accessor slot-w-accessor)
(%slot-bare :initarg :slot-bare :initform nil)))
(defclass subclass-accessor-test (accessor-test)
((%slot-subw-reader :initarg :slot-subw-reader :reader slot-subw-reader :type integer)
(%slot-subw-writer :initarg :slot-subw-writer :writer slot-subw-writer :type string)
(%slot-subw-accessor :initarg :slot-subw-accessor :accessor slot-subw-accessor :type float)
(%slot-subbare :initarg :slot-subbare :type integer)))
(defun %acceptable-str-slot (x)
(member x '("MOO" "BAHAHA" "WOOF") :test #'equalp))
(defun %acceptable-accessor-test-instance (instance)
(log:info "Calling instance validator with instance: ~a" instance)
(> 20 (+ (slot-w-reader instance) (slot-value instance '%slot-bare))))
;;(%acceptable-accessor-test-instance *slot-object*)
;;(+ (slot-w-reader *slot-object*) (slot-value *slot-object* '%slot-bare))
(defschema accessor-test-schema
((%slot-w-reader integer :reader slot-w-reader :required t)
(%slot-w-writer (satisfies %acceptable-str-slot) :writer slot-w-writer :required nil)
(%slot-w-accessor float :accessor slot-w-accessor :required t)
(%slot-bare integer :required t))
(:instance-validator %acceptable-accessor-test-instance)))
#+(or)(defparameter *slot-object*
(make-instance 'accessor-test :slot-w-reader 15
:slot-w-writer "MOO" :slot-w-accessor 3.5
:slot-bare 4))
#+(or)(defparameter *subclass-slot-object*
(make-instance 'subclass-accessor-test :slot-w-reader 1 :slot-w-writer "MOO" :slot-w-accessor 3.5 :slot-bare 4
:slot-subw-reader 1 :slot-subw-writer "MOO" :slot-subw-accessor 3.5 :slot-subbare 4))
;;;; ================================================================================
;;;; CLOS utilities
;;;; ================================================================================
(defun all-direct-slots (class)
(append (c2mop:class-direct-slots class)
(alexandria:mappend #'all-direct-slots
(c2mop:class-direct-superclasses class))))
;;(all-direct-slots (find-class 'subclass-accessor-test))
(defun all-slot-readers (class)
(alexandria:mappend #'c2mop:slot-definition-readers
(all-direct-slots class)))
(defun all-slot-writers (class)
(alexandria:mappend #'c2mop:slot-definition-writers
(all-direct-slots class)))
;; From cl-mop
;; (MIT License)
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; basic operations
(defmethod slot-names ((object error))
(slot-names (class-of object)))
(defmethod slot-names ((object standard-object))
(slot-names (class-of object)))
(defmethod slot-names ((class standard-class))
(mapcar #'slot-definition-name (class-slots class)))
(defgeneric map-slots (function instance)
(:documentation "Takes a binary function and an instance.
Returns the sequence resulting from calling the function on each bound (slot-name slot-value) of instance"))
(defmethod map-slots ((fn function) (instance error))
(loop for slot in (class-slots (class-of instance))
for slot-name = (slot-definition-name slot)
when (slot-boundp instance slot-name)
collect (funcall fn slot-name (slot-value instance slot-name))))
(defmethod map-slots ((fn function) (instance standard-object))
"The default case of map-slots specializes on STANDARD-OBJECT."
(loop for slot in (class-slots (class-of instance))
for slot-name = (slot-definition-name slot)
when (slot-boundp instance slot-name)
collect (funcall fn slot-name (slot-value instance slot-name))))
(defmethod to-alist ((instance error))
(map-slots (lambda (k v) (cons k v)) instance))
(defmethod to-alist ((instance standard-object))
"Returns an assoc list of (k . v) pairs from the given instances' slots and slot-values.
This is meant to provide an easy way of showing "
(map-slots (lambda (k v) (cons k v)) instance))
;; Added by me
(defmethod to-plist ((instance error))
(flatten (map-slots (lambda (k v) (list (alexandria:make-keyword k) v)) instance)))
(defmethod to-plist ((instance standard-object))
"Returns a plist of ((keyword k) v ...) pairs from the given instances' slots and slot-values.
This is meant to provide an easy way of showing "
(flatten (map-slots (lambda (k v) (list (alexandria:make-keyword k) v)) instance)))
(defun %slot-reader-fn (class slot-name)
"Get the slot-definition for SLOT-NAME in CLASS, and return a function that reads
the slot. First try to use the accessor function, then the reader, otherwise
return a lambda that uses slot-value."
(let ((dslots (all-direct-slots class)))
(alexandria:if-let ((slot (loop :for ds in dslots
;; :do (log:info "checking ~a, against ~a" (c2mop:slot-definition-name ds) slot-name)
:when (string= slot-name (c2mop:slot-definition-name ds))
:return ds)))
(if (c2mop:slot-definition-readers slot)
(lambda (obj) (funcall (fdefinition (first (c2mop:slot-definition-readers slot))) obj))
(lambda (obj) (slot-value obj slot-name)))
(log:info "No slot definition found for ~a in ~a" slot-name class))))
(defun %slot-writer-fn (class slot-name)
"Get the slot-definition for SLOT-NAME in CLASS, and return a function that
writes the slot. First try to use the accessor function, then the writer,
otherwise return a lambda that uses setf on slot-value."
(let ((dslots (all-direct-slots class)))
(alexandria:if-let ((slot (loop :for ds in dslots
:when (string= slot-name (c2mop:slot-definition-name ds))
:return ds)))
(if (c2mop:slot-definition-writers slot)
(lambda (value obj)
(funcall (fdefinition (first (c2mop:slot-definition-writers slot))) value obj))
(lambda (value obj) (setf (slot-value obj slot-name) value))))))
(defun generate-schema-from-class (class)
"Generate a schema from CLASS, using reflection."
(let ((attributes
(loop for slot in (all-direct-slots class)
if (null (c2mop:slot-definition-type slot))
do (warn "Cannot create a schema attribute for ~a because it has no type." (c2mop:slot-definition-name slot))
collect (make-instance 'attribute
:name (c2mop:slot-definition-name slot)
:required (not (typep nil (c2mop:slot-definition-type slot)))
:writer (%slot-writer-fn class (c2mop:slot-definition-name slot))
:reader (%slot-reader-fn class (c2mop:slot-definition-name slot))
;; :documentation (c2mop:slot-definition-documentation slot)
:type (make-instance 'type-schema :type (c2mop:slot-definition-type slot))))))
(make-instance 'object-schema
:name (class-name class)
:documentation (documentation class t)
:attributes attributes
:class (class-name class))))
;;(defparameter *subclass-accessor-test-schema* (generate-schema-from-class (find-class 'subclass-accessor-test)))
;;(schemata::schema-validate *subclass-accessor-test-schema* *subclass-slot-object*)
(defmethod schema-validate ((schema object-schema) data)
"Validate data using schema object. "
(unless (trivial-types:association-list-p data)
;; (validation-error "Not an object data: ~s" data)
(log:warn "data parameter is not an association list, coercing to one...")
(setf data (to-alist data)))
;; Check unknown attributes first
(unless (or *ignore-unknown-object-attributes*
(ignore-unknown-attributes schema))
(alexandria:when-let ((unknown-attributes
(set-difference (mapcar 'car data)
(mapcar 'attribute-name (object-attributes schema))
:test 'equalp
:key 'string)))
(validation-error "Attributes not part of schema: ~a" unknown-attributes)))
;; Validate each attribute of object
:for schema-attribute :in (object-attributes schema)
:for data-attribute := (assoc (string (attribute-name schema-attribute))
:test #'equalp
:key #'string)
((and (not data-attribute)
(not (attribute-optional-p schema-attribute)))
(let ((error-msg (or (attribute-required-message schema-attribute)
(format nil "Attribute required: ~a"
(or (attribute-external-name schema-attribute)
(attribute-name schema-attribute))))))
(validation-error error-msg)))
((not data-attribute)
;; Nothing to validate
((not (and (attribute-optional-p schema-attribute)
(null data-attribute)))
(schema-validate schema-attribute
(cdr data-attribute))))))
(defmethod schema-validate ((schema validating-object-schema) data)
"Validate instance using schema object. "
;; Validate each attribute of object
:for schema-attribute :in (object-attributes schema)
:do (let* ((data-reader (attribute-reader schema-attribute))
(data-attribute (funcall data-reader data)))
;; (setf *last-attribute* schema-attribute)
((and (not data-attribute)
(not (attribute-optional-p schema-attribute)))
(let ((error-msg (or (attribute-required-message schema-attribute)
(format nil "Attribute required: ~a"
(or (attribute-external-name schema-attribute)
(attribute-name schema-attribute))))))
(validation-error error-msg)))
((not data-attribute)
;; Nothing to validate
((not (and (attribute-optional-p schema-attribute)
(null data-attribute)))
(schema-validate schema-attribute data-attribute)))
;;After validating attributes, validate instance
(let ((instance-validator (instance-validator schema)))
(when instance-validator
(unless (funcall instance-validator data)
(validation-error "Instance validator failed."))))
(log:info "WOOHOO! Validated instance: ~a. ALL GOOD" data)
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