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Last active December 17, 2015 07:03
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Save jolle-c/9957187 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Type for Lasso 9 to facilitate handling of uploaded files.
local(myfile = jc_fileuploads(1)) // the integer is optional and will if provided restrict the method to the n:th count of uploaded files
#myfile -> size // how many files that where uploaded or handled by the type
#myfile -> contenttype // or #myfile -> contenttype(n) when targeting the n:th file // for example image/jpeg
#myfile -> fieldname // #myfile -> fieldname(n)
#myfile -> filesize // #myfile -> filesize(n)
#myfile -> filename // #myfile -> filename(n)
#myfile -> tmpfilename // #myfile -> tmpfilename(n)
#myfile -> suffix // #myfile -> suffix(n)
#myfile -> save('/path/to/file/filename.sfx')
#myfile -> save('/path/to/file/filename.sfx', -overwrite, -count = n)
An actual file can also be retrieved as a file object from jc_fileuploads using
#myfile -> file
#myfile -> file(n)
Short hand examples
jc_fileuploads -> file // will return the uploaded file as a file object
jc_fileuploads -> save('/path/to/file/filename.sfx')
jc_fileuploads also works with query expressions
local(myfiles = jc_fileuploads)
(with file in #myfiles
let name = #file -> filename
let filesize = #file -> filesize
select 'The file ' + #name + ' was uploaded with size ' + #filesize) -> join('<br />')
2015-12-17 JC Changed suffix method to use splitextension
2014-11-03 JC Rewritten to support query expressions
2014-10-22 JC Fixed save signatures to adjust for 9.3 issues (Thanks Brad!)
2013-11-01 JC Minor tweaks to data names and calls
2012-07-31 JC Corrected the abortion of the with loop when type is called for only one
2011-10-24 JC First version
define jc_fileuploads => type {
trait { import trait_queriable }
data private fileinfo = map
data private filecount = 0
public oncreate(count::integer = -1) => {
local(fup_tmp = map)
local(fups = web_request -> fileuploads)
local(_count = #count > 0 ? #count | #fups -> size)
local(lcount = 0)
with fup in #fups
where #lcount < #_count
do {
#lcount += 1
#fup_tmp = jc_fileupload
with upl in #fup
do {
#fup_tmp -> insert(#upl -> first = #upl->second)
.fileinfo -> insert(#lcount = #fup_tmp)
.filecount = .fileinfo -> size
} // oncreate
public forEach() => {
.fileinfo -> foreach => {
public size() => .filecount
public contenttype(count::integer = 1) => {
if(#count <= .filecount) => {
return .fileinfo -> find(#count) -> contenttype
public fieldname(count::integer = 1) => {
if(#count <= .filecount) => {
return .fileinfo -> find(#count) -> fieldname
public filesize(count::integer = 1) => {
if(#count <= .filecount) => {
return .fileinfo -> find(#count) -> filesize
public tmpfilename(count::integer = 1) => {
if(#count <= .filecount) => {
return .fileinfo -> find(#count) -> tmpfilename
public filename(count::integer = 1) => {
if(#count <= .filecount) => {
return .fileinfo -> find(#count) -> filename
public suffix(count::integer = 1) => {
if(#count <= .filecount) => {
return .fileinfo -> find(#count) -> suffix
public save(path::string, overwrite::boolean, count::integer = 1) => {
if(#count<= .filecount) => {
.fileinfo -> find(#count) -> save(#path, #overwrite)
public save(path::string, -overwrite::boolean = false, -count::integer =
1) => .save(#path, #overwrite, #count)
public file(count::integer = 1) => {
if(#count <= .filecount) => {
return .fileinfo -> find(#count) -> file
define jc_fileupload => type {
data private fileinfo = map
public oncreate(...) => {
#rest? #rest->forEach => { .fileinfo -> insert(#1) }
public insert(item::pair) => {
.fileinfo -> insert(#item)
public asstring => {
return .fileinfo
public contenttype => {
return .fileinfo -> find('contenttype')
public fieldname => {
return .fileinfo -> find('fieldname')
public filesize => {
return .fileinfo -> find('filesize')
public tmpfilename => {
return .fileinfo -> find('tmpfilename')
public filename => {
return .fileinfo -> find('filename')
public suffix => {
return .fileinfo -> find('filename') -> splitextension -> value
public save(path::string, overwrite::boolean) => {
file(.fileinfo -> find('tmpfilename')) -> copyto(#path, #overwrite)
public save(path::string, -overwrite::boolean = false) => .save(#path, #overwrite)
public file => {
return file(.fileinfo -> find('tmpfilename'))
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