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Created November 29, 2012 14:58
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salt.states.debconf module
Support for APT (Advanced Packaging Tool)
# Import python libs
import os
import re
# Import Salt libs
import salt.utils
def __virtual__():
Confirm this module is on a Debian based system
return 'pkg' if __grains__['os'] in ('Debian', 'Ubuntu') else False
def __init__(opts):
For Debian and derivative systems, set up
a few env variables to keep apt happy and
if __virtual__():
env_vars = {
'DEBIAN_FRONTEND': 'noninteractive',
# Export these puppies so they persist
def available_version(name):
Return the latest version of the named package available for upgrade or
installation via the available apt repository
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkg.available_version <package name>
version = ''
cmd = 'apt-cache -q policy {0} | grep Candidate'.format(name)
out = __salt__['cmd.run_stdout'](cmd)
version_list = out.split()
if len(version_list) >= 2:
version = version_list[-1]
return version
def version(name):
Returns a string representing the package version or an empty string if not
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkg.version <package name>
pkgs = list_pkgs(name)
if name in pkgs:
return pkgs[name]
return ''
def refresh_db():
Updates the APT database to latest packages based upon repositories
Returns a dict::
{'<database name>': Bool}
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkg.refresh_db
cmd = 'apt-get -q update'
out = __salt__['cmd.run_stdout'](cmd)
servers = {}
for line in out:
cols = line.split()
if not len(cols):
ident = " ".join(cols[1:4])
if 'Get' in cols[0]:
servers[ident] = True
servers[ident] = False
return servers
def install(pkg, refresh=False, repo='', skip_verify=False,
debconf=None, version=None, **kwargs):
Install the passed package
The name of the package to be installed
refresh : False
Update apt before continuing
repo : (default)
Specify a package repository to install from
(e.g., ``apt-get -t unstable install somepackage``)
skip_verify : False
Skip the GPG verification check (e.g., ``--allow-unauthenticated``)
debconf : None
Provide the path to a debconf answers file, processed before
version : None
Install a specific version of the package, e.g. 1.0.9~ubuntu
Return a dict containing the new package names and versions::
{'<package>': {'old': '<old-version>',
'new': '<new-version>']}
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkg.install <package name>
salt.utils.daemonize_if(__opts__, **kwargs)
if refresh:
if debconf:
ret_pkgs = {}
old_pkgs = list_pkgs()
if version:
pkg = "{0}={1}".format(pkg, version)
elif 'eq' in kwargs:
pkg = "{0}={1}".format(pkg, kwargs['eq'])
cmd = 'apt-get -q -y {confold}{verify}{target} install {pkg}'.format(
confold=' -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confold',
verify=' --allow-unauthenticated' if skip_verify else '',
target=' -t {0}'.format(repo) if repo else '',
new_pkgs = list_pkgs()
for pkg in new_pkgs:
if pkg in old_pkgs:
if old_pkgs[pkg] == new_pkgs[pkg]:
ret_pkgs[pkg] = {'old': old_pkgs[pkg],
'new': new_pkgs[pkg]}
ret_pkgs[pkg] = {'old': '',
'new': new_pkgs[pkg]}
return ret_pkgs
def remove(pkg):
Remove a single package via ``apt-get remove``
Returns a list containing the names of the removed packages.
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkg.remove <package name>
ret_pkgs = []
old_pkgs = list_pkgs()
cmd = 'apt-get -q -y remove {0}'.format(pkg)
new_pkgs = list_pkgs()
for pkg in old_pkgs:
if pkg not in new_pkgs:
return ret_pkgs
def purge(pkg):
Remove a package via ``apt-get purge`` along with all configuration
files and unused dependencies.
Returns a list containing the names of the removed packages
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkg.purge <package name>
ret_pkgs = []
old_pkgs = list_pkgs()
# Remove inital package
purge_cmd = 'apt-get -q -y purge {0}'.format(pkg)
new_pkgs = list_pkgs()
for pkg in old_pkgs:
if pkg not in new_pkgs:
return ret_pkgs
def upgrade(refresh=True, **kwargs):
Upgrades all packages via ``apt-get dist-upgrade``
Returns a list of dicts containing the package names, and the new and old
{'<package>': {'old': '<old-version>',
'new': '<new-version>']
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkg.upgrade
salt.utils.daemonize_if(__opts__, **kwargs)
if refresh:
ret_pkgs = {}
old_pkgs = list_pkgs()
cmd = 'apt-get -q -y -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confold dist-upgrade'
new_pkgs = list_pkgs()
for pkg in new_pkgs:
if pkg in old_pkgs:
if old_pkgs[pkg] == new_pkgs[pkg]:
ret_pkgs[pkg] = {'old': old_pkgs[pkg],
'new': new_pkgs[pkg]}
ret_pkgs[pkg] = {'old': '',
'new': new_pkgs[pkg]}
return ret_pkgs
def list_pkgs(regex_string=""):
List the packages currently installed in a dict::
{'<package_name>': '<version>'}
External dependencies::
Virtual package resolution requires aptitude.
Without aptitude virtual packages will be reported as not installed.
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkg.list_pkgs
salt '*' pkg.list_pkgs httpd
ret = {}
cmd = 'dpkg-query --showformat=\'${{Status}} ${{Package}} ${{Version}}\n\' -W {0}'.format(regex_string)
out = __salt__['cmd.run_stdout'](cmd)
for line in out.split('\n'):
cols = line.split()
if len(cols) and ('install' in cols[0] or 'hold' in cols[0]) and 'installed' in cols[2]:
ret[cols[3]] = cols[4]
# If ret is empty at this point, check to see if the package is virtual.
# We also need aptitude past this point.
if not ret and __salt__['cmd.has_exec']('aptitude'):
cmd = ('aptitude search "?name(^{0}$) ?virtual ?reverse-provides(?installed)"'
out = __salt__['cmd.run_stdout'](cmd)
if out:
ret[regex_string] = '1' # Setting all 'installed' virtual package
# versions to '1'
return ret
def _get_upgradable():
Utility function to get upgradable packages
Sample return data:
{ 'pkgname': '1.2.3-45', ... }
cmd = 'apt-get --just-print dist-upgrade'
out = __salt__['cmd.run_stdout'](cmd)
# rexp parses lines that look like the following:
## Conf libxfont1 (1:1.4.5-1 Debian:testing [i386])
rexp = re.compile('(?m)^Conf '
'([^ ]+) ' # Package name
'\(([^ ]+) ' # Version
'([^ ]+)' # Release
'(?: \[([^\]]+)\])?\)$') # Arch
keys = ['name', 'version', 'release', 'arch']
_get = lambda l, k: l[keys.index(k)]
upgrades = rexp.findall(out)
r = {}
for line in upgrades:
name = _get(line, 'name')
version = _get(line, 'version')
r[name] = version
return r
def list_upgrades():
List all available package upgrades.
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkg.list_upgrades
r = _get_upgradable()
return r
def upgrade_available(name):
Check whether or not an upgrade is available for a given package
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkg.upgrade_available <package name>
r = name in _get_upgradable()
return r
Support for Debconf
# Import Salt libs
import os
import re
import tempfile
def _unpack_lines(out):
Unpack the debconf lines
rexp = ('(?ms)'
'^(?P<package>[^#]\S+)[\t ]+'
'(?P<question>\S+)[\t ]+'
'(?P<type>\S+)[\t ]+'
lines = re.findall(rexp, out)
return lines
def __virtual__():
Confirm this module is on a Debian based system
return 'debconf' if __grains__['os'] in ['Debian', 'Ubuntu'] else False
def get_selections(fetchempty=True):
Answers to debconf questions for all packages in the following format::
{'package': [['question', 'type', 'value'], ...]}
CLI Example::
salt '*' debconf.get_selections
selections = {}
cmd = 'debconf-get-selections'
out = __salt__['cmd.run_stdout'](cmd)
lines = _unpack_lines(out)
for line in lines:
package, question, type, value = line
if fetchempty or value:
.setdefault(package, [])
.append([question, type, value]))
return selections
def show(name):
Answers to debconf questions for a package in the following format::
[['question', 'type', 'value'], ...]
If debconf doesn't know about a package, we return None.
CLI Example::
salt '*' <package name>
result = None
selections = get_selections()
result = selections.get(name)
return result
def _set_file(path):
Execute the set selections command for debconf
cmd = 'debconf-set-selections {0}'.format(path)
def set(package, question, type, value, *extra):
Set answers to debconf questions for a package.
CLI Example::
salt '*' debconf.set <package> <question> <type> <value> [<value> ...]
if extra:
value = ' '.join((value,) + tuple(extra))
fd, fname = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix="salt-")
line = "{0} {1} {2} {3}".format(package, question, type, value)
os.write(fd, line)
return True
def set_file(path):
Set answers to debconf questions from a file.
CLI Example::
salt '*' debconf.set_file salt://pathto/pkg.selections
r = False
path = __salt__['cp.cache_file'](path)
if path:
r = True
return r
Management of Debconf settings
This module requires debconf-utils to be installed on a minon. Example usage:
.. code-block:: yaml
- watch:
- debconf: locales
- questions:
select: en_US.UTF-8
- en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8
- en_GB.UTF-8 UTF-8
This will generate a file with the following preseed data that can be imported
with `debconf-set-selections`::
locales locales/default_environment_locale select en_US.UTF-8
locales locales/locales_to_be_generated multiselect en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8, en_GB.UTF-8 UTF-8
Instead of specifying all debconf data in SLS file it is possible to use
preseed file as jinja template to be loaded with `debconf-set-selections`:
.. code-block:: yaml
- ignore_passwords: true
- source: salt://locales.selection
- template: jinja
- context:
- defaults:
Among other data types accepted by debconf like `select`, `multiselect`,
`boolean`, `string`, `note`, `text` there is a `password` type. Packages use
them only during post-install stage to set passwords and then wipe them out.
Salt will by default put password data into debconf database only if the
package is not installed.
To prevent storing password data in debconf database it is strongly adviced to
make debconf state dependent on the relevant pkg state.
If you still want to store passwords in the debconf database you may set
`ignore_passwords` argument to `false`, however this will invoke all
`mod_watch` functions that depend on this state that will lead to continious
reconfiguring of the package that depends on debconf state.
One good way of updating passwords is using mod_watch function. When debconf
is called from this function, `ignore_passwords` option is set to `false` and
the password will be updated. Here is an extended example for mysql package:
.. code-block:: yaml
- require:
- debconf: mysql-server-5.5
- watch:
- debconf: mysql-server-5.5
- name: root
- password: secret
- watch_in:
- debconf: mysql-server-5.5
- questions:
password: secret
password: secret
This example is useless since mysql_user state has already ways to change
root passwords, but it should give the main idea.
def __virtual__():
Only load if debconf-get-selections is available
if (__grains__['os'] in ['Debian', 'Ubuntu'] and
return 'debconf'
return false
def seed_file(name, source, ignore_passwords=True, template=None, context=None, defaults=None):
Ensures that the debconf values are set for the named package
The package that debconf settings are applied to
Path to the file containing debconf answers (can be generated via
Most packages store passwords in debconf database only during
post-install stage and then wipe them out of debconf. While by default
mismatching password fields won't initiate changes to be pushed to the
database, this option if set to True allows to store password after
package installation. This, however, will invoke package
reconfiguration only when executed inside watch call.
If this setting is applied then the named templating engine will be
used to render the downloaded file, currently jinja, mako, and wempy
are supported.
Context variables passed to the template.
Default values passed to the template.
def seed(name, questions, ignore_passwords=True):
Ensures that the debconf values are set for the named package
The package that debconf settings are applied to
Dictionary of debconf settings with items like `{question:{<type>:
Most packages store passwords in debconf database only during
post-install stage and then wipe them out of debconf. While by default
mismatching password fields won't initiate changes to be pushed to the
database, this option if set to True allows to store password after
package installation. This, however, will invoke package
reconfiguration only when executed inside watch call.
def mod_watch(name, **kwargs):
Installation of packages using OS package managers such as yum or apt-get.
Salt can manage software packages via the pkg state module, packages can be
set up to be installed, latest, removed and purged. Package management
declarations are typically rather simple:
.. code-block:: yaml
# Import python ilbs
import logging
import os
from distutils.version import LooseVersion
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def __gen_rtag():
Return the location of the refresh tag
return os.path.join(__opts__['cachedir'], 'pkg_refresh')
def installed(
Verify that the package is installed, and only that it is installed. This
state will not upgrade an existing package and only verify that it is
The name of the package to install
Specify a non-default repository to install from
skip_verify : False
Skip the GPG verification check for the package to be installed
version : None
Install a specific version of a package
- installed
- repo: mycustomrepo
- skip_verify: True
- version: 2.0.6~ubuntu3
rtag = __gen_rtag()
cver = __salt__['pkg.version'](name)
if cver == version:
# The package is installed and is the correct version
return {'name': name,
'changes': {},
'result': True,
'comment': ('Package {0} is already installed and is the '
'correct version').format(name)}
elif cver:
# The package is installed
return {'name': name,
'changes': {},
'result': True,
'comment': 'Package {0} is already installed'.format(name)}
if __opts__['test']:
return {'name': name,
'changes': {},
'result': None,
'comment': 'Package {0} is set to be installed'.format(name)}
if refresh or os.path.isfile(rtag):
changes = __salt__['pkg.install'](name,
if os.path.isfile(rtag):
changes = __salt__['pkg.install'](name,
if not changes:
return {'name': name,
'changes': changes,
'result': False,
'comment': 'Package {0} failed to install'.format(name)}
return {'name': name,
'changes': changes,
'result': True,
'comment': 'Package {0} installed'.format(name)}
def latest(name, refresh=False, repo='', skip_verify=False, **kwargs):
Verify that the named package is installed and the latest available
package. If the package can be updated this state function will update
the package. Generally it is better for the ``installed`` function to be
used, as ``latest`` will update the package whenever a new package is
The name of the package to maintain at the latest available version
repo : (default)
Specify a non-default repository to install from
skip_verify : False
Skip the GPG verification check for the package to be installed
rtag = __gen_rtag()
ret = {'name': name, 'changes': {}, 'result': False, 'comment': ''}
version = __salt__['pkg.version'](name)
avail = __salt__['pkg.available_version'](name)
if not version:
# Net yet installed
has_newer = True
elif not avail:
# Already at latest
has_newer = False
has_newer = LooseVersion(avail) > LooseVersion(version)
except AttributeError:
'Error comparing versions for "{0}" ({1} > {2})'.format(
name, avail, version)
ret['comment'] = 'No version could be retrieved for "{0}"'.format(
return ret
if has_newer:
if __opts__['test']:
ret['result'] = None
ret['comment'] = 'Package {0} is set to be upgraded'.format(name)
return ret
if refresh or os.path.isfile(rtag):
ret['changes'] = __salt__['pkg.install'](name,
if os.path.isfile(rtag):
ret['changes'] = __salt__['pkg.install'](name,
if ret['changes']:
ret['comment'] = 'Package {0} upgraded to latest'.format(name)
ret['result'] = True
ret['comment'] = 'Package {0} failed to install'.format(name)
ret['result'] = False
return ret
ret['comment'] = 'Package {0} already at latest'.format(name)
ret['result'] = True
return ret
def removed(name):
Verify that the package is removed, this will remove the package via
the remove function in the salt pkg module for the platform.
The name of the package to be removed
changes = {}
if not __salt__['pkg.version'](name):
return {'name': name,
'changes': {},
'result': True,
'comment': 'Package {0} is not installed'.format(name)}
if __opts__['test']:
return {'name': name,
'changes': {},
'result': None,
'comment': 'Package {0} is set to be installed'.format(
changes['removed'] = __salt__['pkg.remove'](name)
if not changes:
return {'name': name,
'changes': changes,
'result': False,
'comment': 'Package {0} failed to remove'.format(name)}
return {'name': name,
'changes': changes,
'result': True,
'comment': 'Package {0} removed'.format(name)}
def purged(name):
Verify that the package is purged, this will call the purge function in the
salt pkg module for the platform.
The name of the package to be purged
changes = {}
if not __salt__['pkg.version'](name):
return {'name': name,
'changes': {},
'result': True,
'comment': 'Package {0} is not installed'.format(name)}
if __opts__['test']:
return {'name': name,
'changes': {},
'result': None,
'comment': 'Package {0} is set to be purged'.format(name)}
changes['removed'] = __salt__['pkg.purge'](name)
if not changes:
return {'name': name,
'changes': changes,
'result': False,
'comment': 'Package {0} failed to purge'.format(name)}
return {'name': name,
'changes': changes,
'result': True,
'comment': 'Package {0} purged'.format(name)}
def mod_init(low):
Set a flag to tell the install functions to refresh the package database.
This ensures that the package database is refreshed only once durring
a state run significaltly improving the speed of package management
durring a state run.
It sets a flag for a number of reasons, primarily due to timeline logic.
When originally setting up the mod_init for pkg a number of corner cases
arose with different package managers and how they refresh package data.
if low['fun'] == 'installed' or low['fun'] == 'latest':
rtag = __gen_rtag()
if not os.path.exists(rtag):
open(rtag, 'w+').write('')
return True
return False
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