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Last active November 30, 2019 08:23
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Example Task Spec for Sticky Partitioner
“task”: {
“type”: “.TaskRole,
“initialDelayMs”: 20000,
“taskSpecs”: {
"bench0": {
"class": "org.apache.kafka.trogdor.workload.ProduceBenchSpec",
"startMs": 0,
"durationMs": 720000,
"producerNode": "node0",
"bootstrapServers": "%{bootstrapServers}",
"targetMessagesPerSec": 10000,
"maxMessages": 100000000000000000
"producerConf": {
"acks": "all"
"" : 0
"activeTopics": {
"active[1-4]": {
"numPartitions": 16,
"replicationFactor": 3
"inactiveTopics": {
"inactive1": {
"numPartitions": 16,
"replicationFactor": 3
"keyGenerator": {“type”: null},
"useConfiguredPartitioner": true,
“skipFlush”: true
"bench1": {
"class": "org.apache.kafka.trogdor.workload.ProduceBenchSpec",
"startMs": 0,
"durationMs": 720000,
"producerNode": "node1",
"bootstrapServers": "%{bootstrapServers}",
"targetMessagesPerSec": 10000,
"maxMessages": 100000000000000000
"producerConf": {
"acks": "all"
"" : 0
"activeTopics": {
"active[1-4]": {
"numPartitions": 16,
"replicationFactor": 3
"inactiveTopics": {
"inactive1": {
"numPartitions": 16,
"replicationFactor": 3
"keyGenerator": {“type”: null},
"useConfiguredPartitioner": true,
“skipFlush”: true
"bench2": {
"class": "org.apache.kafka.trogdor.workload.ProduceBenchSpec",
"startMs": 0,
"durationMs": 720000,
"producerNode": "node2",
"bootstrapServers": "%{bootstrapServers}",
"targetMessagesPerSec": 10000,
"maxMessages": 100000000000000000
"producerConf": {
"acks": "all"
"" : 0
"activeTopics": {
"active[1-4]": {
"numPartitions": 16,
"replicationFactor": 3
"inactiveTopics": {
"inactive1": {
"numPartitions": 16,
"replicationFactor": 3
"keyGenerator": {“type”: null},
"useConfiguredPartitioner": true,
“skipFlush”: true
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