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Last active August 29, 2015 14:23
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JOptionPane Example
def svImageSeq(switch,imRelPath,fnPostfix,imPrefix,tickNumber,frWidth,frHeight,viewPoint):
""" HansPeter Roesli
Captures an image sequence from the active display in png format,
using filename template,
with given frame width/height and viewpoint,
options for label at the bottom and colour bar at the top
of the images (colour bar to be shown has to be marked
with id=thisColourBar.
switch=0: keep layer label
switch=1: delete layer label
switch=2: delete layer label,
add text label below image
switch=3: delete layer label,
add text label below image,
add colour bar above image
(set Id in proeprties of image display to
imRelPath: path to output files relative to home directory
fnPostfix: text string to follow standard date/time
string in fileName
imPrefix: text string to precede date/time string
tickNumber: number of ticks in colour bar
frWidth: width of "full-screen" frame
frHeight: height of "full-screen" frame (for switch=2/3
adds 20 / 36 lines for banners at bottom / top)
viewPoint: must exist in the list at
Sample call:
svImageSeq(2,"/Desktop/test/","_MedLow-ME","m9 AIRM - ",7,520,320,"CH")
files: <YYYYmmDDhhMM>_m9-AIRM_MedLow-ME.png
directory: <home>/Desktop/test/
layer label: disabled
image label: m9 IR10.8 - <YYYY-mm-DD hh:MMUTC>
colour bar: 7 tick marks
image frame: 520x320 pixel
viewPoint: CH
# search for thisColourBar prior to doing any work
if switch == 3 and not islInterpreter.findDisplayControl('thisColourBar'):
from javax.swing.JOptionPane import showMessageDialog, QUESTION_MESSAGE
showMessageDialog(None, "Colour bar?", "beware", QUESTION_MESSAGE)
import time
# pick up number of tick marks
# special syntax requirement!
tickNumbers = str(tickNumber)
# define heights of matte for label and colour bar
lHeight = 20 # I like these
cHeight = 36 # ... values
lHeights = str(lHeight)# special syntax requirement!
cHeights = str(cHeight)# special syntax requirement!
# derive absolute save path
homeDir = os.path.expanduser('~') # OS-independent root of save path
imPath = homeDir + imRelPath
# if path does not exist, create it
if not os.path.exists(imPath):
print "image(s) saved in: ", imPath
# get display controls
imDisplay = activeDisplay()
imLayer = imDisplay.getLayer(1)
imLayerVM = imLayer.getViewManager()
# set width of "full-screen" frame, adapt height to presence of image label and
# colour bar(s)
if switch < 2:
if switch == 2: # compensate for matte height (keep multiple-8)
if switch == 3: # compensate for matte height (keep multiple-8)
# for not better identified reason a print command is needed here
print ''
# go "full-screen"
imLayerVM.setFullScreen() # go "full-screen"
# make sure display label is off/on
print type(imControls)
print type(imControls[1])
if switch > 0:
imControls[1].setShowInDisplayList(0) # off
imControls[1].setShowInDisplayList(1) # on
imLayerVM.setFullScreen() # go "full-screen"
if switch > 0:
# set viewpoint to an item in list of saved viewpoints at Projection>Viewpoints
# get parameters of image sequence
# start saving from beginning of sequence
# time.sleep(5) # let things settle
# go through sequence and save frames
for image in range(imSteps):
idx = imAnim.getCurrent()
strTime = str(imTimes[image]) # compose date-time string for filename
HH, mm, SS = imTimes[image].timeString().split(":")
yyyy, MM, dd = imTimes[image].dateString().split("-")
dString = yyyy + MM + dd + HH + mm
fileName = imPath + dString + fnPostfix + ".png" # final filename
print idx, ' ', fileName
imLabel = imPrefix + strTime # compose image label
if switch < 2: # plain image with(out) layer label
writeImageAtIndex(fileName, idx)
if switch == 2: # add image label (bottom)
writeImageAtIndex(fileName, idx, \
"matte background=white bottom="+lHeights+";\
overlay text="+imLabel+" anchor=LM place=LM,0,-5 color=black fontsize=12 fontface=Tahoma bold")
if switch == 3: # add image label (bottom) and colour bar (top)
writeImageAtIndex(fileName, idx, \
"matte background=white top="+cHeights+";\
colorbar display=thisColourBar width=560 height=12 anchor=UM place=UM,0,2 showlines=true tickmarks="+tickNumbers+" showunit=true fontsize=12 Fontface=Tahoma bold;\
matte background=white bottom="+lHeights+";\
overlay text="+imLabel+" anchor=LM place=LM,0,-5 color=black fontsize=12 fontface=Tahoma bold")
# time.sleep(2)
imAnim.takeStep() # step on
# reset to original display (in case saving has to be repeated)
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