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Created April 30, 2014 15:33
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Crazy Stuff
require 'nokogiri'
require 'open-uri'
# this class will do a search for Movies in/around
# a specified location. The location can be given as
# a STRING: "Staten Island", a ZIP: 10017, or LATTITUDE/
# LONGITUDE: 40.741061, -73.989699
# It makes use of Nokogiri and open-uri
class Movies
def initialize(*location)
now =
# The search requires a timeframe for what you would
# like returned in the results
# 1 = Morning, 2 = Early Afternoon, 3 = Evening
# 4 = Latenight, 5 = All day
# The following conditionals only look for options
# 1-4
if now.hour > 20 && now.min > 50
time = 4
elsif now.hour > 4 && now.min > 50
time = 3
elsif now.hour == 11 && now.min > 50
time = 2
time = 1
# These conditionals check for what is passed in
# to the instantiation of the object
# If the location is one of the 5 matching strings
# (the FOUR borughs of NYC and the wrongfully annexed
# city of Brooklyn) it sets the location. It then
# tests to see if the first element of the array is
# both an integer and 5 digits long (for a ZIP). If
# both those tests return false then it assumes that
# latitude and longitude was passed and converts them
# to strings, inserting the required "%20" and sets
# the location variable to the correct value
if location[0] == "Queens" || location[0] == "Staten Island" || location[0] == "Bronx" || location[0] == "Manhattan" || location[0] == "Brooklyn"
location = location[0].gsub(" ", "%20")
elsif location[0].is_a?(Integer) && location[0].to_s.split("").length == 5
location = location[0]
latitude = location[0].to_s + "%2C"
longitude = location[1].to_s
location = latitude + longitude
# the instance variable that is used by all the
# following methods is set here, using string
# interpolation to passed in location and the
# time parameter
@response = Nokogiri::HTML(open("{location}&mid=&hl=en&date=0&view=list&time=#{time}"))
# this method returns an array of the movies playing
# closest to the location that was provided when the
# Movies object was instantiated. It's a crazy ass
# parsing thing made by Joshua, and it freaks me out
def closest_movies
@local_movies = []
theaters = @response.css(".desc")
movie_info = []
theater_hash = {}
movie_hash = {}
theaters.each do |theater|
theater_hash[:id] = "#" + theater.attributes["id"].value
theater_hash[:name] = theater.css("h2").text
theater_hash[:address] = theater.css(".info").text
@response.css(theater_hash[:id]).each do |node|
node.next_sibling.css(".name").each do |movie|
movie_hash[:name] = movie.text
movie_info << movie_hash[:name].dup
counter = 1
node.next_sibling.css(".times").each do |movie|
movie_hash[:times] = movie.text.gsub(/[a-zA-Z\&\s\z]/, " ").split(" ")
movie_info.insert(counter, movie_hash[:times].dup)
counter += 2
theater_hash[:movies] = movie_info.dup
movie_info = []
@local_movies << theater_hash.dup
return @local_movies
# this method returns the specific information about
# a theater from the @local_movies array. At this
# point, the method is used solely for testing, as
# far as I can see, but there may be a use for it
# that I'm not currently seeing.
def display_a_sampler(number)
my_theater = @local_movies[number]
theater = my_theater[:name]
address = my_theater[:address]
movie1 = my_theater[:movies][0]
movie_time1 = my_theater[:movies][1]
if (movie2 = my_theater[:movies][2])
movie_time2 = my_theater[:movies][3]
movie2 = ""
movie_time2 = []
return movie_array = [theater, address, [movie1, movie_time1], [movie2, movie_time2] ]
# this method shows the next set of movies
# it will display nine movies if they were present
# in the query, if not, it returns what it has
# available. This is do to the times. If a search is
# conducted in the AM, there are fewer showings
# scheduled, so only a couple will be returned
def next_nine_movies
my_movies = {
:movies1 => self.display_a_sampler(0),
:movies2 => self.display_a_sampler(1),
:movies3 => self.display_a_sampler(3)
return my_movies
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