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Created June 11, 2014 19:26
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async = require 'async'
{inspect} = require 'util'
memwatch = require 'memwatch'
# Install
# npm install async memwatch
# Run
# coffee
# The goal here is to investigate whether async.waterfall leaks memory if you
# exit a task early without calling its callback by calling a callback from an
# outer scope.
# This program runs a waterfall and prints out heap diffs. In the heap diffs,
# you should see an increase in the amount of LeakingClass instances allocated
# if there is a leak (like this example:
# When this flag is on, a task will be exited early by calling an outer callback.
# When this flag is on, an unrelated memory leak will be created just so you
# can see what a memory leak would look like. This leak is created by pushing
# instances of LeakingClass onto a global array so they can't get garbage
# collected.
hd = new memwatch.HeapDiff()
#memwatch.on 'stats', console.log
#memwatch.on 'leak', (info) ->
# console.log info
# console.log inspect hd.end(), depth: null
# hd = new memwatch.HeapDiff()
class LeakingClass
leaks = []
big_closure = ->
leaking_instances = [1..100].map -> new LeakingClass
leaks.push leaking_instances if INDUCE_UNRELATED_LEAK
(cb) -> leaking_instances; setImmediate cb
outer_fn = (i, outer_cb) ->
if i % 1000 is 0
# hd.end() forces garbage collection
console.log inspect hd.end(), depth: null
hd = new memwatch.HeapDiff()
console.log process.memoryUsage()
async.waterfall [
(cb_wf1) -> setImmediate cb_wf1
(cb_wf2) -> setImmediate if SHORT_CIRCUIT_WATERFALL then outer_cb else cb_wf2
], -> outer_cb()
async.eachSeries [1..10000], outer_fn, -> console.log 'done'
# Results
# When I run this with or without short-circuiting, I don't see any change in
# the count for LeakingClass, which leads me to believe that all allocated
# instances are garbage collected, so it's safe to short-circuit a waterfall
# this way.
# That means if you need to exit a waterfall in a task, you can wrap the entire
# waterfall in a function and immediately call it on the callback you were
# going to use at the end of the waterfall originally.
# For example, consider the following waterfall. Here, we want to short-circuit
# the waterfall if result1 is undefined, so we pass undefined results through
# the rest of the waterfall, checking for undefined at the beginning of every
# subsequent task. This sucks.
async.waterfall [
(cb_wf) ->
# ...
cb_wf result1
(result1, cb_wf) ->
return cb_wf() unless result1?
# ...
cb_wf result2
(result2, cb_wf) ->
return cb_wf() unless result2?
# ...
cb_wf result3
], (err, final_result) ->
# ... do something with final_result, which may be undefined ...
# Instead, we can wrap the entire waterfall in a function, which we apply
# immediately to the original final callback. Then this final callback will be
# in scope within the waterfall, so we can use it exit the entire waterfall in
# the second task without having to do any handling in subsequent tasks.
((final_cb) ->
async.waterfall [
(cb_wf) -> # ...
(result1, cb_wf) ->
return final_cb() unless result1?
# ...
cb_wf result2
(result2, cb_wf) ->
# ...
cb_wf result3
], final_cb) (err, final_result) ->
# ... do something with final_result, which may be undefined ...
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