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Created December 28, 2014 00:35
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Read in activity data from Jawbone UP api in R (gist)
# Read in activity data from Jawbone UP api in R
# 1. Setup an application at:
# 2. Set the OAuth redirect URLs: http://localhost:1410, http://localhost:1410/
# 3. Be sure to set your key and secret in R:
# Sys.setenv(JAWBONE_API_KEY = "Your Client Id",
# 4. Install httr package: install.packages("httr")
# Read in existing data from a file or from the api if the file does not exist.
filename <- "jawbone.txt"
if(file.exists(filename)) {
} else {
jawbone <- oauth_endpoint("token", "auth", "token", base_url = "")
jawbone.api.key <- Sys.getenv(c("JAWBONE_API_KEY")) <- oauth_app("jawbone", jawbone.api.key)
# Full list of possible scopes:
# basic_read, extended_read, location_read, friends_read, mood_read, mood_write, move_read, move_write,
# sleep_read, sleep_write, meal_read, meal_write, weight_read, weight_write, cardiac_read, cardiac_write,
# generic_event_read, generic_event_write
jawbone.token <- oauth2.0_token(jawbone,,
c("basic_read", "extended_read", "location_read",
"friends_read", "mood_read", "move_read",
"sleep_read", "meal_read", "weight_read",
request.url <- c("")
req <- GET(request.url, config(token = jawbone.token))
stop_for_status(req) <- content(req)
save(, file = filename)
# Create a simple data frame with date and total number of steps taken
steps.df <- data.frame(date = as.Date(character()),
steps = integer(),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
for(m in$data$items[$data$size]){
steps.df <- rbind(steps.df, data.frame(date = as.Date(as.character(m$date), format = c("%Y%m%d")),
steps = m$details$steps,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
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