%% Based on code from |
%% Erlang Programming |
%% Francecso Cesarini and Simon Thompson |
%% O'Reilly, 2008 |
%% http://oreilly.com/catalog/9780596518189/ |
%% http://www.erlangprogramming.org/ |
%% (c) Francesco Cesarini and Simon Thompson |
-module(frequency). |
-export([start/0, allocate/0, deallocate/1, stop/0, sup_start/0, sim_clients/1]). |
-export([init/0, sup_init/0, sim_client_init/0]). |
%% These are the start functions used to create and |
%% initialize the server. |
start() -> |
% Registering io for sending messages back to the shell. |
register(io, self()), |
register(frequency, |
spawn(frequency, init, [])). |
init() -> |
process_flag(trap_exit, true), |
Frequencies = {get_frequencies(), []}, |
loop(Frequencies). |
% Hard Coded |
get_frequencies() -> [10,11,12,13,14,15]. |
%% The Main Loop |
loop(Frequencies) -> |
receive |
{request, Pid, allocate} -> |
%% Sleep timer for testing the clear/0 call. |
%timer:sleep(10000), |
{NewFrequencies, Reply} = allocate(Frequencies, Pid), |
Pid ! {reply, Reply}, |
loop(NewFrequencies); |
{request, Pid, {deallocate, Freq}} -> |
NewFrequencies = deallocate(Frequencies, Freq), |
Pid ! {reply, ok}, |
loop(NewFrequencies); |
{'EXIT', Pid, _Reason} -> |
io:format("Received exit for Pid ~w", [Pid]), |
NewFrequencies = exited(Frequencies, Pid), |
loop(NewFrequencies); |
{request, Pid, stop} -> |
Pid ! {reply, stop} |
end. |
%% Functional interface |
allocate() -> |
server_request(allocate). |
deallocate(Freq) -> |
server_request({deallocate, Freq}). |
stop() -> |
server_request(stop). |
server_request(Msg) -> |
Server = whereis(frequency), |
case Server of |
undefined -> |
{error, no_server}; |
_ -> |
frequency ! {request, self(), Msg}, |
receive |
{reply, Reply} -> Reply |
end |
end. |
%% Called when a process dies. The server finds the associated frequency |
%% that was allocated for it, and removes it from the allocated list. |
exited({Free, Allocated}, Pid) -> |
case lists:keysearch(Pid, 2, Allocated) of |
{value, {Freq, Pid}} -> |
NewAllocated = lists:keydelete(Freq, 1, Allocated), |
{[Freq|Free], NewAllocated}; |
false -> |
{Free, Allocated} |
end. |
%% The Internal Help Functions used to allocate and |
%% deallocate frequencies. |
%% The main allocate function that checks if a process already has a |
%% frequency allocated for it. If it does, we do not do anything else, |
%% otherwise we make a new allocation, and link it with the server process |
%% so we can monitor when the process dies. |
allocate({[], Allocated}, _Pid) -> |
{{[], Allocated}, {error, no_frequency}}; |
allocate({[Freq|Free], Allocated}=Freqs, Pid) -> |
IsAllocated = lists:keymember(Pid, 2, Allocated), |
case IsAllocated of |
true -> |
{Freqs, {error, already_allocated}}; |
false -> |
link(Pid), |
{{Free, [{Freq, Pid}|Allocated]}, {ok, Freq}} |
end. |
%% Deallocates a frequency for a given process and unlinks it |
%% from the server process. |
deallocate({Free, Allocated}, Freq) -> |
case lists:keysearch(Freq,1,Allocated) of |
{value,{Freq,Pid}} -> |
unlink(Pid), |
NewAllocated=lists:keydelete(Freq, 1, Allocated), |
{[Freq|Free], NewAllocated}; |
false -> |
{Free, Allocated} |
end. |
%% This is the supervisor start function, similar to the server start/0. |
%% The 'sup' stands for supervisor. |
sup_start() -> |
% Registering io for sending messages back to the shell. |
register(io, self()), |
spawn(frequency, sup_init, []). |
sup_init() -> |
process_flag(trap_exit, true), |
register(frequency, |
spawn_link(frequency, init, [])), |
supervisor_loop(). |
%% This is the supervisor loop function. It waits for an exit message, |
%% which can only come from a server we spawned.in sup_init/0, and then |
%% restarts the process along with registering the 'frequency' atom. |
supervisor_loop() -> |
receive |
{'EXIT', _Pid, _Reason} -> |
io ! io:format("Server shutdown. Attempting restart..~n"), |
register(frequency, spawn_link(frequency, init, [])), |
supervisor_loop(); |
stop -> |
ok |
end. |
%% Simulation functions for acting like a client. |
%% Like the supervisor and server, we have an init function to catch exits, |
%% and a client loop that listens for an exit signal from a server. |
%% If there is no pending message, we continue randomizing activity |
%% and (ah ah ah) staying alive until the server is back up. |
sim_client_init() -> |
process_flag(trap_exit, true), |
sim_client_loop(no_freq_set). % We start without a frequency |
%% The `Freq` is the one we allocate which we hold on to for deallocation. |
sim_client_loop(Freq) -> |
receive |
{'EXIT', Pid, _Reason} -> |
io:format("Server ~w has shutdown~n", [Pid]), |
% I'm not sure if this eplicity call to unlink is required, but |
% it doesn't seem to cause issues otherwise. |
unlink(Pid), |
simulate_client(no_freq_set) |
after 0 -> |
simulate_client(Freq) |
end. |
%% Randomly decides to allocate, deallocate, and timeout along the way. |
%% Continues to do this forever until the process is killed. |
%% If allocating, we check if already allocated first. |
simulate_client(Freq) -> |
%% Using random to get either 1 to 3. |
case rand:uniform(3) of |
1 -> % We simulate allocation |
sim_client_allocate(Freq), |
timer:sleep(rand:uniform(5000)); |
2 -> % We sleep, simulating activity/randomness |
io ! io:format("~w zzz..~n", [self()]), |
timer:sleep(rand:uniform(5000)); |
3 -> % We simulate deallocation |
io ! io:format("~w attempt dealloc~n", [self()]), |
sim_client_deallocate(Freq), |
timer:sleep(rand:uniform(5000)) |
end, |
sim_client_loop(Freq). |
%% Simulates allocation requests and handles responses accordingly. |
sim_client_allocate(Freq) -> |
Reply = allocate(), |
case Reply of |
{ok, New} -> |
io ! io:format("Allocating ~w with freq ~w~n", [self(), New]), |
simulate_client(New); |
{error, Reason} -> |
io ! io:format("Errored: ~w~n", [Reason]), |
simulate_client(Freq) |
end. |
%% Simulates deallocation requests and handles responses accordingly. |
sim_client_deallocate(Freq) -> |
case Freq of |
no_freq_set -> % This means we haven't allocated a frequency yet. |
io ! io:format("no_freq_set ~w~n", [self()]), |
no_freq_set; |
_ -> |
io ! io:format("calling dealloc now ~w~n", [self()]), |
io ! io:format("dealloc resp: ~w~n", [deallocate(Freq)]) |
end. |
%% Helper function to let you spawn `N` number of clients at once. |
sim_clients(N) -> |
sim_clients(N, []). |
sim_clients(0, List) -> |
List; |
sim_clients(N, List) -> |
Pid = spawn(frequency, sim_client_init, []), |
sim_clients(N - 1, [Pid|List]). |