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Proving function extensionality from naive non-dependent function extensionality
module Non-dependent-funext-implies-general-funext where
open import BasicFunctions
open import TransportLemmas
open import EquivalenceType
open import QuasiinverseType
open import QuasiinverseLemmas
open import HLevelTypes
open import HLevelLemmas
open import UnivalenceAxiom
open import CoproductIdentities
: {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level} {A : Type ℓ₁}{B : Type ℓ₂}
→ (f : A → B) → isEquiv f
→ ∀ {x y : A} → (f x ≡ f y) → x ≡ y
equiv-is-inj {A = A}{B} f f-is-equiv fx≡fy = ! cr · (ap f^-1 fx≡fy · cr)
f^-1 : B → A
f^-1 = remap (f , f-is-equiv)
cr : ∀ {x : A} → f^-1 (f x) ≡ x
cr = rlmap-inverse (f , f-is-equiv)
module _ {ℓ : Level} {A : Type ℓ} where
: (P : (C : Type ℓ) → (A ≃ C) → Type ℓ)
→ P A idEqv
→ (C : Type ℓ)
→ (e : A ≃ C)
→ P C e
equiv-induction P p-refl C e = tr (P C) (ua-β e) g
open import HLevelLemmas
P' : (C : Type ℓ) → A ≡ C → Type ℓ
P' C p = P C (idtoeqv p)
b' : P A (idtoeqv idp)
b' = tr (P A) (sameEqv idp) p-refl
f' : (C : Type ℓ) → (p : A ≡ C) → P C (idtoeqv p)
f' C idp = b'
g : P C (idtoeqv (ua e))
g = f' C (ua e)
: (B : Type ℓ)
→ (e : A ≃ B)
→ ∀ {C : Type ℓ}
→ isEquiv {A = C → A} {B = C → B} (_:> (e ∙→))
postcomp-is-equiv B e
= equiv-induction (λ C A≃C → isEquiv (_:> (A≃C ∙→) )) base-case B e
base-case : isEquiv (λ f x → π₁ idEqv (f x))
base-case = π₂ idEqv
: (B : Type ℓ)
→ (e : A ≃ B)
→ (X : Type ℓ)
→ (X → A) ≃ (X → B)
postcomp-≃ B e X = (_:> (e ∙→)) , postcomp-is-equiv B e
: (B : Type ℓ)
→ (e : A ≃ B)
→ {C : Type ℓ}
→ (f g : C → A)
→ f :> (e ∙→) ≡ g :> (e ∙→)
→ f ≡ g
postcomp-is-inj B e f g p =
equiv-is-inj (_:> (e ∙→)) (postcomp-is-equiv B e) p
-- The naive non-dependent function extensionality axiom
: {ℓ : Level} {A : Type ℓ}{B : Type ℓ}
→ (f g : A → B)
→ (h : ∏[ x ∶ A ] (f x ≡ g x))
→ f ≡ g
funext' {A = A}{B} f g h = ap (_:> p₁) d≡e
d e : A → ∑[ (x , y ) ∶ (B × B) ] (x ≡ y)
d = λ x → ((f x , f x)) , refl (f x)
e = λ x → ((f x , g x)) , h x
p₀ : ∑[ (x , y ) ∶ (B × B) ] (x ≡ y) → B
p₀ ((x , y) , p) = x
p₁ : ∑[ (x , y ) ∶ (B × B) ] (x ≡ y) → B
p₁ ((x , y) , p) = y
p₀-is-equiv : isEquiv p₀
= π₂ (qinv-≃ p₀ ((λ x → ((x , x) , (refl x) )) ,
(λ {p → idp}) , (λ {((x , .x) , idp) → idp})))
d:>p₀≡e:>p₀ : (d :> p₀) ≡ (e :> p₀)
d:>p₀≡e:>p₀ = idp
d≡e : d ≡ e
d≡e = postcomp-is-inj B (p₀ , p₀-is-equiv) d e d:>p₀≡e:>p₀
-- naive-funext implies weak extensionality:
open import FibreType
open import EquivalenceReasoning
: {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level} {A : Type ℓ₁}{B : A → Type ℓ₂}
→ (a x : A)
→ (∑[ p ∶ a ≡ x ] B a) ≃ (∑[ b ∶ B a ] a ≡ x)
left-universal-property-of-idenity-type a x
= qinv-≃ f (g , ((λ {(_ , idp) → idp}) , λ { (idp , π₄) → idp}))
f = λ {(idp , b) → (b , idp)}
g = λ {(b , p) → (p , b)}
: {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level} {A : Type ℓ₁}{B : A → Type ℓ₂}
→ (x : A)
→ B x ≃ (∑[ a ∶ A ] ∑[ p ∶ a ≡ x ] B a)
universal-property-of-identity-type x = qinv-≃ f (g , (λ { (a , idp , π₄) → idp}) , λ {p → idp})
f = λ b → (x , (refl x , b))
g = λ {(a , (idp , b)) → b}
: {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level} {A : Type ℓ₁}{B : A → Type ℓ₂}
→ ((x : A) → isContr (B x)) → (pr₁ {A = A}{B}) is-equiv
contr-fibers-gives-pr₁-equiv {A = A}{B} Bx-is-contr
= λ x → equiv-preserves-contr (calculation x) (Bx-is-contr x)
open import SigmaEquivalence
open import SigmaPreserves
open import HLevelLemmas
calculation : (x : A) → (B x) ≃ fib (pr₁ {A = A}{B}) x
calculation x =
B x
≃⟨ universal-property-of-identity-type {A = A}{B} x ⟩
∑[ a ∶ A ] (∑[ p ∶ a ≡ x ] B a)
≃⟨ sigma-preserves (λ a → left-universal-property-of-idenity-type {A = A}{B} a x) ⟩
∑[ a ∶ A ] (∑[ b ∶ B a ] a ≡ x)
∑[ a ∶ A ] (∑[ b ∶ B a ] (pr₁ {A = A}{B} (a , b) ≡ x) )
≃⟨ ∑-assoc ⟩
(∑[ p ∶ ∑ A B ] (pr₁ p ≡ x))
fib (pr₁ {A = A}{B}) x
happly : ∀ {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level} {A : Type ℓ₁}{B : A → Type ℓ₂}
→ {f g : ∏ A B}
→ (f ≡ g)
→ (x : A) → (f x ≡ g x)
happly idp x = idp
weak-extensionality pi-is-contr
: {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level} {A : Type ℓ₁}{B : A → Type ℓ₂}
→ ((x : A) → isContr (B x)) → isContr (Π A B)
weak-extensionality {ℓ₁}{ℓ₂}{A}{B} Bx-is-contr
= retract-of-singleton Π-is-retract fib-α-id-is-contr
open import SectionsAndRetractions
α≃ : ((↑ ℓ₂ A) → ∑ (↑ ℓ₂ A) λ { (Lift a) → B a}) ≃ ((↑ ℓ₂ A) → ↑ ℓ₂ A)
α≃ = postcomp-≃ (↑ ℓ₂ A)
(pr₁ , contr-fibers-gives-pr₁-equiv
(λ { (Lift a) → Bx-is-contr a})) (↑ ℓ₂ A)
α = α≃ ∙→
fib-α-id = fib α (id-on (↑ ℓ₂ A))
fib-α-id-is-contr : isContr (fib-α-id)
fib-α-id-is-contr = pr₂ α≃ (id-on (↑ ℓ₂ A))
φ : fib-α-id → Π A B
φ (g , p) = λ x → tr (λ { (Lift a) → B a}) (happly p (Lift x)) (pr₂ (g (Lift x)))
ψ : (f : Π A B) → fib-α-id
ψ f = ((λ {(Lift a) → (Lift a) , f a}) , refl (id-on (↑ ℓ₂ A)))
Π-is-retract : retract (Π A B) of fib-α-id
Π-is-retract = (φ , (ψ , λ f → idp))
pi-is-contr = weak-extensionality
: {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level} {A : Type ℓ₁}{B : A → Type ℓ₂}
→ (f g : ∏ A B)
→ (h : ∏[ x ∶ A ] (f x ≡ g x))
→ f ≡ g
funext {ℓ₁}{ℓ₂}{A}{B} f g h = ap (_!-inv) p
hat : (∏ A B) → (↑ ℓ₂ A) → ∑ A B
hat f (Lift a) = (a , f a)
hat-f≡hat-g : (hat f) ≡ (hat g)
hat-f≡hat-g = funext' (hat f) (hat g) (λ { (Lift a) → pair= (idp , h a)})
_! : ∏ A B → ∑[ h ∶ ((↑ ℓ₂ A) → ∑ A B) ] (∏[ x ∶ (↑ ℓ₂ A) ] (π₁ (h x) ≡ lower x) )
f ! = ( hat f , λ { (Lift a) → refl a})
_!-inv : ∑[ h ∶ ((↑ ℓ₂ A) → ∑ A B) ] (∏[ x ∶ (↑ ℓ₂ A) ] (π₁ (h x) ≡ (lower x)) ) → ∏ A B
_!-inv (h , p) = λ x → tr B (p (Lift x)) (π₂ (h (Lift x)))
-- see that, the round trip gives.
_ : ((f !) !-inv) ≡ f
_ = idp
p : (f !) ≡ (g !)
p = pair= (hat-f≡hat-g , q)
open import HLevelLemmas
q : PathOver (λ h₁ → ∏ (↑ ℓ₂ A) (λ x → π₁ (h₁ x) ≡ lower x))
(π₂ (f !)) hat-f≡hat-g (π₂ (g !))
q = contr-is-prop (weak-extensionality (λ {(Lift a) → idp , λ { idp → idp}}))
(tr (λ h → ∏ (↑ ℓ₂ A) λ x → π₁ (h x) ≡ lower x) hat-f≡hat-g (π₂ (f !))) (π₂ (g !))
fiberwise-transformation fiberwise-map-from_to_
: ∀ {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level} {A : Type ℓ₁}
→ (P Q : A → Type ℓ₂)
→ Type (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂)
fiberwise-transformation P Q = ∏[ x ] (P x → Q x)
fiberwise-map-from_to_ = fiberwise-transformation
: ∀ {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level} {A : Type ℓ₁}{P Q : A → Type ℓ₂}
→ (f : fiberwise-map-from P to Q)
→ ((∑ A P) → (∑ A Q))
total f (a , p) = ( a , f a p)
: ∀ {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level} {A : Type ℓ₁}{P Q : A → Type ℓ₂}
→ (f : fiberwise-map-from P to Q)
→ (x : A) (v : Q x)
→ fib (total f) (( x , v)) ≃ fib (f x) v
fib-total-≃fib-fiberwise {P = P}{Q} f x v =
qinv-≃ f' (g' , (λ {(p , idp) → idp}) , λ { (a , idp) → idp})
f' = λ { ((a , p) , idp) → (p , idp)}
g' = λ { (p , idp) → ( (x , p) , idp)}
: ∀ {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level} {A : Type ℓ₁}{P Q : A → Type ℓ₂}
→ (f : fiberwise-map-from P to Q)
→ ((x : A) → (f x) is-equiv) -- this says f is fiberwise equivalence.
→ ((total f) is-equiv)
fib-total-equiv-from-fiberwise-equiv f f-fiberwise-equiv
= λ x → equiv-preserves-contr
(≃-sym (fib-total-≃fib-fiberwise f (π₁ x) (π₂ x)))
(f-fiberwise-equiv (π₁ x) (π₂ x))
: ∀ {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level} {A : Type ℓ₁}{P Q : A → Type ℓ₂}
→ (f : fiberwise-map-from P to Q)
→ ((total f) is-equiv)
→ ((x : A) → (f x) is-equiv)
fib-total-equiv-to-fiberwise-equiv f total-is-equiv
= λ x → λ p → equiv-preserves-contr (fib-total-≃fib-fiberwise f x p) (total-is-equiv ((x , p)))
: ∀ {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level} {A : Type ℓ₁}{B : A → Type ℓ₂}
→ {f g : ∏ A B}
→ (happly {f = f} {g}) is-equiv
happly-is-equiv {A = A}{B}{f = f}{g} h
= fib-total-equiv-to-fiberwise-equiv s total-happly-is-equiv g h
open import SigmaEquivalence
: (∏[ x ∶ A ] (∑[ u ∶ B x ] (f x ≡ u)))
≃ (∑[ g ∶ ∏ A B ] (∏[ x ∶ A ] (f x ≡ g x)))
calculation = choice
α-codomain-is-contr : isContr ((∑[ g ∶ ∏ A B ] (∏[ x ∶ A ] (f x ≡ g x))))
= equiv-preserves-contr
(pi-is-contr (λ x → pathfrom-is-contr _ _))
s : (g : (∏ A B)) → (f ≡ g) → (∏[ x ∶ A ] (f x ≡ g x))
s g p = happly p
α : (∑[ g ∶ (∏ A B) ] (f ≡ g)) → (∑[ g ∶ ∏ A B ] ∏[ x ∶ A ] (f x ≡ g x))
α (g , p) = (g , happly p)
total-happly-is-equiv : α is-equiv
total-happly-is-equiv (g , p) =
α-codomain-is-contr _ _
open import SectionsAndRetractions
α-domain-is-contr : isContr (domain α)
α-domain-is-contr = pathfrom-is-contr _ _
map-domain-and-codomain-contr-is-equiv : ∀ {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level}{X : Type ℓ₁}{Y : Type ℓ₂}
→ X is-contr
→ Y is-contr
→ (f : X → Y)
→ f is-equiv
map-domain-and-codomain-contr-is-equiv {X = X}{Y} X-is-contr Y-is-contr f
= λ y → ((center-of X-is-contr , contr-is-prop Y-is-contr _ _))
, λ x → pair= (contr-is-prop X-is-contr _ _ ,
prop-is-set (contr-is-prop Y-is-contr) _ _ _ _)
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