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Created June 10, 2021 13:24
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Cubical experiment
{-# OPTIONS --cubical --rewriting #-}
module _ where
open import Cubical.Core.Everything
using (_∧_; _∨_; ~_; i0;i1 ; transp; Σ; fst; snd
; Glue ; glue ; unglue ; lineToEquiv;
_≃_; _,_)
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
using ( transportRefl
; _≡⟨_⟩_
; _∎
; _≡_
; refl
; transport
; hcomp
; J
; JRefl
; sym
; _∙_
; cong
; isContr
; isProp
; isSet
; funExt
; funExt⁻
; subst
; isPropIsContr
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
using ( idEquiv; equivToIso; compEquiv; isPropIsEquiv
; equivEq ; invEq ; retEq ; secEq ; funIsEq
; isEquiv ; fiber )
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
using ( isoToEquiv; iso; Iso; isoToPath)
open import Cubical.Foundations.GroupoidLaws
open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence
using ( ua
; pathToEquiv
; pathToEquiv-ua
; ua-pathToEquiv
; univalence
; univalenceIso )
open import Cubical.Data.Bool
open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.HITs.Susp using (Susp; north; south; merid)
open import Cubical.HITs.S1 using (S¹; base ; loop)
_-sphere : ℕ → Set
0 -sphere = Bool
(suc n) -sphere = Susp (n -sphere)
1-sphere-to-S1 : (1 -sphere) → S¹
1-sphere-to-S1 north = base
1-sphere-to-S1 south = base
1-sphere-to-S1 (merid false i) = base
1-sphere-to-S1 (merid true i) = loop i
/ \
f | | t
\ /
/ \
n/s | t
\ /
S1-to-1-sphere : S¹ → (1 -sphere )
S1-to-1-sphere base = south
S1-to-1-sphere (loop i) = (sym (merid false) ∙ merid true) i
/ \
f | ↻ | t
\ /
go : (b : S¹) → 1-sphere-to-S1 (S1-to-1-sphere b) ≡ b
go base = refl
go (loop i) j = lUnit loop (~ j) i
aux : (λ j → 1-sphere-to-S1 (S1-to-1-sphere (loop j))) ≡ (refl ∙ loop)
aux = refl
| |
refl . loop | lUnit | loop
| |
base <--j---- base
j is x-axis
i is y-axis
forall j -> 1-sphere-to-S1 (S1-to-1-sphere (loop j)) ≡ (refl ∙ loop) j
(sym (merid false) ∙ merid true) i0,i1 == south
(refl · loop) i = loop i (after applying 1-sphere-to-S1)
1-sphere-to-S1 (S1-to-1-sphere (loop i))
1-sphere-to-S1 ((sym (merid false) ∙ merid true) i)
= (want)
(1-sphere-to-S1 (sym (merid false)) ∙ 1-sphere-to-S1 (merid true)) i
= (want)
(sym (1-sphere-to-S1 (merid false)) ∙ 1-sphere-to-S1 (merid true)) i
back : (b : Susp Bool) → S1-to-1-sphere (1-sphere-to-S1 b) ≡ b
back north = sym (merid false)
back south = refl
back (merid false i) j = sym (merid false) (~ i ∧ j)
merid false (~ i ∧ j0) = merid false (j0) : north = south
merid false (~ i ∧ j1) = merid false (~ i)
-- sym (merid false (~ i ∧ j1) )
back (merid true i) j =
hcomp (λ k → λ { (i = i0) → {! !}
; (i = i1) → {! !}
; (j = i0) → {! !}
; (j = i1) → {! !}}
(sym (merid false) i)
j0 j1
((merid false)⁻¹ ∙ merid true) | | merid true
south --
-- lemma : 1 -sphere ≡ S¹
-- lemma = isoToPath (iso 1-sphere-to-S1 S1-to-1-sphere go back)
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