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Last active June 7, 2021 09:38
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Removed the postulate about funext
{-# OPTIONS --cubical --rewriting #-}
module cubical.Univalence where
open import Cubical.Core.Everything
using (_∧_; _∨_; ~_; i0;i1 ; transp; Σ; fst; snd
; Glue ; glue ; unglue ; lineToEquiv)
renaming (_≃_ to _≃c_; _,_ to _,c_)
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
using (transportRefl; _≡⟨_⟩_; _∎)
renaming ( _≡_ to _≡c_
; refl to refl-c
; transport to transport-c
; J to J-c
; JRefl to J-cRefl
; sym to !-c
; _∙_ to ·-c
; cong to cong-c
; isContr to isContr-c
; isProp to isProp-c
; isSet to isSet-c
; funExt to funext-c
; funExt⁻ to happly-c
; subst to subst-c
; isPropIsContr to isPropIsContr-c
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
using ( idEquiv; equivToIso; compEquiv; isPropIsEquiv
; equivEq ; invEq ; retEq ; secEq ; funIsEq )
renaming ( isEquiv to isEquiv-c
; fiber to fiber-c)
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
using ( isoToEquiv; iso; Iso)
open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence
renaming ( ua to ua-c
; pathToEquiv to idtoeqv-c
; pathToEquiv-ua to ua-β-c
; ua-pathToEquiv to ua-η-c
; univalence to eqvUnivalence-c
; univalenceIso to univalenceIso-c )
open import foundations.BasicTypes
using ( refl; Level; Type; idp; Eq; proj₁; proj₂ ; _,_)
open import foundations.BasicFunctions using ( ap )
open import foundations.EquivalenceType
using (_≃_;isEquiv; lrmap-inverse ; rlmap-inverse)
open import foundations.FibreType using ( fiber )
open import foundations.HLevelTypes using (isContr)
ℓ : Level
A : Type ℓ
{- The following actually appears in Cubical.Data.Equality -}
module _ {x y : A} where
eqToPath : Eq x y → x ≡c y
eqToPath idp i = x
pathToEq : x ≡c y → Eq x y
pathToEq p = transp (λ i → Eq x (p i)) i0 (refl x)
module _ {x y : A} where
eqToPath-pathToEq : (p : x ≡c y) → (eqToPath (pathToEq p)) ≡c p
eqToPath-pathToEq p
= J-c (λ _ h → eqToPath (pathToEq h) ≡c h) (cong-c eqToPath (transportRefl (refl x))) p
pathToEq-eqToPath : (p : Eq x y) → pathToEq (eqToPath p) ≡c p
pathToEq-eqToPath idp = transportRefl idp
Eq≃Path : ∀ {ℓ}{A : Type ℓ} {x y : A} → (Eq x y) ≃c (x ≡c y)
Eq≃Path = isoToEquiv (iso eqToPath pathToEq eqToPath-pathToEq pathToEq-eqToPath)
Path≡Eq : ∀ {ℓ} {A : Set ℓ} → {x y : A}
→ (Eq x y) ≡c (x ≡c y)
Path≡Eq = ua-c Eq≃Path
path-to-≃c : {A B : Type ℓ} → A ≡c B → A ≃c B
path-to-≃c p = lineToEquiv (λ i → p i)
isContr≡isContr-c : ∀ {ℓ} {A : Set ℓ} → (isContr A) ≡c (isContr-c A)
isContr≡isContr-c {A = A} i = Σ A (λ x → (y : A) → Path≡Eq {x = x} {y} i)
module _ {ℓ₁ ℓ₂} {A : Set ℓ₁}{B : Set ℓ₂} (f : A → B) where
fiber≡fiber-c : (b : B) → (fiber f b) ≡c (fiber-c f b)
fiber≡fiber-c b i = Σ A λ (x : A) → Path≡Eq {x = f x} {b} i
isEquiv≡isEquiv-c' : isEquiv f ≡c ((b : B) → isContr-c (fiber-c f b))
isEquiv≡isEquiv-c' = λ i → (b : B) → isContr≡isContr-c {A = fiber≡fiber-c b i} i
isEquiv≃cisEquiv-c : ((b : B) → isContr-c (fiber-c f b)) ≃c (isEquiv-c f)
isEquiv≃cisEquiv-c = isoToEquiv (iso go back go-back back-go )
go : ((b : B) → isContr-c (fiber-c f b)) → (isEquiv-c f)
isEquiv-c.equiv-proof (go f-is-equiv) = f-is-equiv
back : (isEquiv-c f) → ((b : B) → isContr-c (fiber-c f b))
back r = isEquiv-c.equiv-proof r
go-back : (p : (isEquiv-c f)) → go (back p) ≡c p
go-back p = isPropIsEquiv f _ _
back-go : (p : _) → back (go p) ≡c p
back-go q = funext-c λ b → isPropIsContr-c _ _
isEquiv≡cisEquiv-c : isEquiv f ≡c isEquiv-c f
isEquiv≡cisEquiv-c = ·-c isEquiv≡isEquiv-c' (ua-c isEquiv≃cisEquiv-c)
equiv-≡ : (f , isEquiv f) ≡c (f , isEquiv-c f)
equiv-≡ = λ i → (f , isEquiv≡cisEquiv-c i)
module _ {ℓ₁ ℓ₂} {A : Set ℓ₁}{B : Set ℓ₂} where
≃-≡-≃c : (A ≃ B) ≡c (A ≃c B)
≃-≡-≃c = λ i → Σ (A → B) (λ f → isEquiv≡cisEquiv-c f i)
≃-≃c-≃c : (A ≃ B) ≃c (A ≃c B)
≃-≃c-≃c = idtoeqv-c ≃-≡-≃c
≃-to-≃c : A ≃ B → A ≃c B
≃-to-≃c = fst ≃-≃c-≃c
≃c-to-≃ : A ≃c B → A ≃ B
≃c-to-≃ = invEq ≃-≃c-≃c
module _ {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level}{A : Type ℓ₁} {B : A → Type ℓ₂}
{f g : (a : A) → B a} where
: ((x : A) → Eq (f x) (g x))
→ Eq f g
funext p = pathToEq (λ i x → eqToPath (p x) i)
: Eq f g
→ ((x : A) → Eq (f x) (g x))
happly p a = pathToEq λ i → (eqToPath p) i a
≡-app = happly
eqFunExt' : (Eq f g) ≃c ((x : A) → Eq (f x) (g x))
eqFunExt' = isoToEquiv (iso happly funext go back)
go : (b : (x : A) → Eq (f x) (g x) )
→ happly (funext b) ≡c b
go b = happly (funext b)
≡⟨ funext-c (λ a → cong-c (λ o → pathToEq (λ i → (o i a)))
(eqToPath-pathToEq {x = f}{y = g} (λ j x → eqToPath (b x) j))) ⟩
(λ a → pathToEq (eqToPath (b a)))
≡⟨ funext-c (λ a → pathToEq-eqToPath (b a)) ⟩
b ∎
back : (b : Eq f g) → funext (happly b) ≡c b
back b = funext (happly b)
≡⟨ refl-c ⟩
pathToEq (λ i x → eqToPath (((happly b)) x) i)
≡⟨ refl-c ⟩
pathToEq (λ i x → eqToPath ((pathToEq (λ j → (eqToPath b) j x))) i)
≡⟨ cong-c pathToEq
(λ k → funext-c (λ x → eqToPath-pathToEq {x = f x}{y = g x}
(λ j → (eqToPath b) j x) k)) ⟩
pathToEq (λ i x → (eqToPath b) i x)
≡⟨ cong-c pathToEq refl-c ⟩
pathToEq (eqToPath b)
≡⟨ pathToEq-eqToPath b ⟩
b ∎
module _ {ℓ} {A B : Set ℓ} where
ua : A ≃ B → Eq A B
ua e = pathToEq (ua-c (≃-to-≃c e))
idtoeqv : Eq A B → A ≃ B
idtoeqv e = ≃c-to-≃ (idtoeqv-c (eqToPath e))
: (e : Eq A B)
→ (ua (idtoeqv e)) ≡c e
ua-η' e =
(ua (idtoeqv e))
≡⟨ refl-c ⟩
pathToEq (ua-c (≃-to-≃c (≃c-to-≃ (idtoeqv-c (eqToPath e)))))
≡⟨ cong-c (λ o → pathToEq (ua-c o)) (retEq ≃-≃c-≃c (idtoeqv-c (eqToPath e))) ⟩
pathToEq (ua-c (idtoeqv-c (eqToPath e)))
≡⟨ cong-c (λ o → pathToEq o) (ua-η-c (eqToPath e)) ⟩
pathToEq (eqToPath e)
≡⟨ secEq Eq≃Path e ⟩
e ∎
: (e : A ≃ B)
→ (idtoeqv (ua e)) ≡c e
ua-β' e =
(idtoeqv (ua e))
≡⟨ refl-c ⟩
≃c-to-≃ (idtoeqv-c (eqToPath (pathToEq (ua-c (≃-to-≃c e)))))
≡⟨ cong-c (λ o → ≃c-to-≃ (idtoeqv-c o)) (retEq Eq≃Path (ua-c (≃-to-≃c e))) ⟩
≃c-to-≃ (idtoeqv-c (ua-c (≃-to-≃c e)))
≡⟨ cong-c (λ o → ≃c-to-≃ o) (ua-β-c (≃-to-≃c e)) ⟩
≃c-to-≃ (≃-to-≃c e)
≡⟨ secEq ≃-≃c-≃c e ⟩
e ∎
eqvUnivalence' : (Eq A B) ≃c (A ≃ B)
eqvUnivalence' = isoToEquiv (iso idtoeqv ua ua-β' ua-η')
eqvUnivalence : (Eq A B) ≃ (A ≃ B)
eqvUnivalence = ≃c-to-≃ eqvUnivalence'
ua-η : (e : Eq A B) → Eq (ua (idtoeqv e)) e
ua-η e = pathToEq (ua-η' e)
ua-β : (e : A ≃ B) → Eq (idtoeqv (ua e)) e
ua-β e = pathToEq (ua-β' e)
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