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Last active June 22, 2021 14:18
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Inductive definition
{-# OPTIONS --without-K  --exact-split --rewriting #-}

module lib.graph-embeddings.Planar.InductiveDef where
open import foundations.Core

open import lib.graph-definitions.Graph
open Graph
open import lib.graph-walks.Walk
open import lib.graph-walks.Walk.Composition

open import lib.graph-homomorphisms.Hom
open import lib.graph-homomorphisms.classes.Injective
open import lib.graph-classes.EmptyGraph

open import foundations.Fin
open import foundations.NaturalsType

PathGraph : ∀ {ℓ} → ℕ → Graph ℓ
PathGraph {ℓ} n
  = graph (Fin ℓ n) edges (Fin-is-set _) edges-form-set
  edges : Fin ℓ n → Fin ℓ n → Type _
  edges (x , p) (y , q) =  ↑ _ (y ≡ succ x)

  edges-form-set : (x y : Fin ℓ n) → (edges x y) is-set
  edges-form-set (x , p) (y , q)  = prop-is-set ↑≡-is-prop
    ↑-≃-≡ : (y ≡ succ x) ≃ (↑ ℓ (y ≡ succ x))
    ↑-≃-≡ = (lifting-equivalence (y ≡ succ x))

    ↑≡-is-prop :  (↑ ℓ (y ≡ succ x)) is-prop
    ↑≡-is-prop = equiv-preserves-prop ↑-≃-≡ (ℕ-is-set _ _)

-- A walk can be also seen as an instance
-- of a homomorphism.
module _ {ℓ : Level}{G : Graph ℓ}
  open import foundations.Nat ℓ

    :  {x y : Node G}
    → (w : Walk G x y)
    → (pos : Fin ℓ (succ (length G w)))
    → Node G
  walk-node ⟨ x ⟩ (zero , ∗)       = x
  walk-node ⟨ _ ⟩ (succ n , <0)    = ⊥-elim {ℓ₂ = ℓ} (n<0 {n = n} <0)
  walk-node {x} (e ⊙ w) (zero , ∗) = x
  walk-node (e ⊙ w) (succ n , p)   = walk-node w (n , p)

    :  {x y : Node G}
    → (w : Walk G x y)
    → 0 < (length G w)
    → ( n@(np , p) : Fin ℓ (length G w))
    → ∑[ x' ] ∑[ y' ]
      ∑[ e ∶ (Edge G x' y') ]
         ((x' ≡ walk-node w ((np , <-trans {x = np} p (<-succ (length G w)))))
        × (y' ≡ walk-node w (succ np , p)))
  walk-edge ⟨ _ ⟩ () _
  walk-edge (e ⊙ ⟨ _ ⟩) ∗ (zero , ∗) = (_ , _ , e , idp , idp)
  walk-edge (e ⊙ ⟨ _ ⟩) ∗ (succ n , p) = ⊥-elim {ℓ₂ = ℓ} (n<0 {n = n} p)
  walk-edge (e ⊙ w@(_ ⊙ _)) _ (zero , π₄) = (_ , _ , e , idp , idp)
  walk-edge (e ⊙ w@(_ ⊙ x₁)) ∗ (succ n , p)
    with walk-edge w ∗ (n , p)
  ... | _ , _ , e2 , idp , idp = _ , _ , e2
    ,  ap (walk-node w) helper , idp
    helper : (n , <-trans {x = n} p (<-succ (length G x₁))) ≡ (n , _)
    helper = pair= (idp , <-prop {m = n} _ _)

    : ∀ {x y : Node G}
    → (w : Walk G x y)
    → (Hom {ℓ} (PathGraph (length G w)) G) -- TODO: the hom is inj

  Walk-→-PathGraph ⟨ _ ⟩
    = hom ⊥- λ {(n , <0) → ⊥-elim {ℓ₂ = ℓ} (n<0 {n = n} <0)}
      ⊥- : Node (PathGraph 0) → Node G
      ⊥- (n , <0) = ⊥-elim {ℓ₂ = ℓ} (n<0 {n = n} <0)
  Walk-→-PathGraph (e ⊙ w) = hom f g
      f : Fin ℓ (succ (length G w)) → Node G
      f n = walk-node w n

      g : ∀ x y
        → Edge (PathGraph (succ (length G w))) x y
        → Edge G (f x) (f y)
      g (zero , ∗) (succ .0 , p) (Lift idp)
        with walk-edge w p (zero , _)
      ... | _ , _ , e2 , idp , idp = e2
      g (succ n , p) (succ .(succ n) , q) (Lift idp)
        with walk-edge w ( <-trans {x = 0}{succ n}{length G w} ∗ q )
          (succ n , q)
      ... | _ , _ , e2 , idp , idp
        =  tr (λ o → Edge G (walk-node w (succ n , o)) _)
          ((<-prop {n = length G w} {m = n}
                    (<-trans {x = succ n}{y = length G w}{succ (length G w)} q
                    (<-succ (length G w))) p)) e2

open import lib.graph-families.CycleGraph
open import lib.graph-families.CycleGraph.Walk
open import lib.graph-families.CycleGraph.isPlanar
open import lib.graph-families.CycleGraph.Faces
open import lib.graph-families.CycleGraph.isCyclicGraph
open import lib.graph-families.CycleGraph.isFiniteGraph

module _ {ℓ : Level} where
  open ℕ-ordering ℓ

  Glue : (G : Graph ℓ) → ∀ {x y} → (w : Walk G x y) → (n : ℕ) → Graph ℓ
  Glue G w k = graph (Node G + Fin ℓ k) edge {!!} {!!}

  open import lib.graph-families.CycleGraph.Walk

  open import lib.graph-walks.Walk.Composition

    hull : ∀ n x → Walk (Cycle ℓ n) x x
      : ∀ {G} {x y} → (v : Walk G y x) (k : ℕ)
      → (w : Walk G x y)
      → Walk (Glue G w k) _ _

    cycle-ccw : ∀ {n}{0<n} → Walk (Cycle ℓ n) (0 , 0<n) (0 , 0<n)

       : (G : Graph ℓ)
       → ∀ x → (w : Walk G x x) -- this acting as the outer face
       → Type (lsuc ℓ)
    cycle : ∀ (n : ℕ) → (0<n : 0 < n)
          → inductivelyPlanar (Cycle ℓ n) ((0 , 0<n)) cycle-ccw
    glue  : ∀ {G : Graph ℓ} {x}{outwalk}
          → inductivelyPlanar G x outwalk  -- base graph.
          → ∀ n k → 0 < k → 0 < n
          → ∀ {y} → (u : Walk G x y) → (v : Walk G y x)
          → let open ∙-walk G
          in (outwalk ≡ (u ∙w v))
          → inductivelyPlanar {!!} {!!} {!!}

|   (Cn+k) |
----u----- ·
\   (G)   /
 .-- v --/

the outwalk is u·v


  -- This u+p has the right property as push-out.

  -- open import lib.graph-embeddings.Planar
  -- open import lib.graph-families.CycleGraph.isPlanar

  -- lem : ∀ (G : Graph ℓ) → isIPlanar G → Planar G
  -- lem G (cycle n 0<n) = Cn-is-planar ℓ n 0<n
  -- lem _ (glue n k 0<k G p) = {!p!}

  data List (A : Type ℓ) : Type ℓ
    [] : List A
    _∷_ : A → List A → List A

-- the following is a draft for the  Yamamoto's description
-- of planar graphs with some modifications.
-- isPGraph (vs es rs oc : Type) : Type
--   where
  -- base-case : (c : cycle) → # c > 2
  --           → isPGraph (vertex c) (edges-of c)
                          -- ([ rev c ]) (reverse w)

  -- induction : ∀ {vs es rs oc} {u v}
           -- → (c : cycle) → isPGraph vs es rs oc
           -- → u ≠ v
           -- → u ∈ c → u ∈ vs
           -- → (∀ v → v ≠ u → ¬ (v ∈ c) ∧ ¬ (v ∈ vs)
           -- → (#c = 1 → ¬ {u,v} ∈ es)
           -- → let vs' = vs ++ vertices-of c
                 -- es' = es' ++ {(x , y) | (x ∈ c, y = φC x
                                          -- ,          φC x ≠ u)
                              -- ∨ (x∈c, y=v, φC  x=u)}

           --       rs' = rs ++ {cyc-insert(cyc-rev c) u (cyc-contract oc v u)}
           --       oc' = cyc-insertc(cyc-contract oc u v) u c.
           -- in isPGraph vs' es' rs' oc'
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