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Last active October 13, 2015 10:56
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Read Typesafe config settings using approach from 's CLI module
* Rapture CLI, version 2.0.0. Copyright 2010-2015 Jon Pretty, Propensive Ltd. *
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* The primary distribution site is *
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* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in complance *
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at *
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed *
* on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License *
* for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. *
import com.typesafe.config.{ ConfigFactory, Config => UntypedConfig }
import scala.util.Try
import scala.collection.immutable.ListMap
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.reflect._, runtime.universe.TypeTag
trait MethodConstraint
trait `Settings.parse` extends MethodConstraint
case class MissingSetting(name: String) extends
Exception(s"the Settingeter --$name was missing")
//@implicitNotFound("Can not combine elements of type ${A} and ${B}")
trait Construct[-A <: Settings, -B <: Settings] { construct =>
type And <: Settings
type Or <: Settings
def and(a: A, b: B): ProductSettings[And]
def or(a: A, b: B): CoproductSettings[Or]
def swap: Construct[B, A] { type And = construct.And; type Or = construct.Or } =
new Construct[B, A] {
type And = construct.And
type Or = construct.Or
def and(a: B, b: A): ProductSettings[And] = construct.and(b, a)
def or(a: B, b: A): CoproductSettings[Or] = construct.or(b, a)
trait Construct_1 {
implicit def general[A <: Settings, B <: Settings]: Construct[A, B] { type And =
A with B; type Or = A with B } = {
new Construct[A, B] {
type And = A with B
type Or = A with B
def and(a: A, b: B) = ProductSettings[A with B](Set(a, b))
def or(a: A, b: B) = CoproductSettings[A with B](Vector(a, b))
object Construct extends Construct_1 {
implicit def leftProduct[A <: Settings, B <: SimpleSetting[_]]: Construct[ProductSettings[A], B] {
type And = A with B; type Or = ProductSettings[A] with B } = {
new Construct[ProductSettings[A], B] {
type And = A with B
type Or = ProductSettings[A] with B
def and(a: ProductSettings[A], b: B) = ProductSettings[A with B](a.elements + b)
def or(a: ProductSettings[A], b: B) =
CoproductSettings[ProductSettings[A] with B](Vector(a, b))
implicit def rightProduct[A <: SimpleSetting[_], B <: Settings]: Construct[A, ProductSettings[B]] {
type And = B with A; type Or = ProductSettings[B] with A } = leftProduct[B, A].swap
implicit def leftCoproduct[A <: Settings, B <: SimpleSetting[_]]: Construct[CoproductSettings[A],
B] { type And = CoproductSettings[A] with B; type Or = A with B } = {
new Construct[CoproductSettings[A], B] {
type And = CoproductSettings[A] with B
type Or = A with B
def and(a: CoproductSettings[A], b: B) =
ProductSettings[CoproductSettings[A] with B](Set(a, b))
def or(a: CoproductSettings[A], b: B) = CoproductSettings[A with B](a.elements :+ b)
implicit def rightCoproduct[A <: SimpleSetting[_], B <: Settings]: Construct[A,
CoproductSettings[B]] { type And = CoproductSettings[B] with A; type Or = B with A } =
leftCoproduct[B, A].swap
trait Settings { Settings =>
type Result
def parse(args: UntypedConfig): Result
def &[B <: Settings](b: B)(implicit con: Construct[Settings.type, b.type]):
ProductSettings[con.And] = {
con.and(this, b)
def |[B <: Settings](b: B)(implicit con: Construct[Settings.type, b.type]):
CoproductSettings[con.Or] = {
con.or(this, b)
def unary_~ : OptionSettings[this.type] = OptionSettings(this)
def by[R](fn: Result => R): Setting.Handler[this.type, R] =
new Setting.Handler[this.type, R](this) {
type From = Result
def handle(v: From): R = fn(v)
case class OptionSettings[Ps <: Settings](Settings: Ps) extends Settings {
type Result = Option[Settings.Result]
def parse(args: UntypedConfig): Result =
override def toString = s"[$Settings]"
case class ProductSettings[Ps <: Settings](elements: Set[Settings]) extends Settings {
type ProductTypes = Ps
type Result = Product[ProductTypes]
def parse(args: UntypedConfig): Result = {
val map = => key -> key.parse(args))
new Product[Ps](map.toMap)
override def toString = elements.mkString("( ", " & ", " )")
case class CoproductSettings[Ps <: Settings](elements: Vector[Settings]) extends Settings {
type CoproductTypes = Ps
type Result = Coproduct[CoproductTypes]
def parse(args: UntypedConfig): Result = {
val elems =[List].flatMap { k =>
Option(k.parse(args)).map(k -> _)
elems match {
case (key, res) :: _ => Coproduct[CoproductTypes](key -> res)
case Nil => throw new MissingSetting(toString)
override def toString = elements.mkString("( ", " | ", " )")
case class SimpleSetting[T: Setting.Extractor](val path: String) extends Settings {
simpleSetting =>
type Result = T
def checkValue: Option[T] = None
def filter(fn: T => Boolean): SimpleSetting[T] = new SimpleSetting[T](path) {
override def checkValue = simpleSetting.checkValue
protected val extractor: Setting.Extractor[T] = implicitly[Setting.Extractor[T]]
def parse(args: UntypedConfig): Result =
extractor.extract(args, path)
// Also consider `extractor` in `hashCode` and `equals`
override def hashCode = path.hashCode ^ extractor.hashCode
override def equals(that: Any) = that match {
case that: SimpleSetting[_] =>
path == that.path && that.extractor == extractor
case _ =>
override def toString = path
def of(v: T): SimpleSetting[T] = new SimpleSetting[T](path) {
override def checkValue = Some(v)
object Setting {
object Extractor {
implicit val stringExtractor: Extractor[String] = new Extractor[String] {
def extract(config: UntypedConfig, path: String): String =
implicit val intExtractor: Extractor[Int] = new Extractor[Int] {
def extract(config: UntypedConfig, path: String): Int =
trait Extractor[T] { def extract(config: UntypedConfig, path: String): T }
abstract class Handler[-K, +H](val Settings: Settings) {
type From
def handle(v: From): H
def apply[T: Extractor](path: String): SimpleSetting[T] = SimpleSetting[T](path)
//@implicitNotFound("product does not contain this value")
trait ProductContainsSetting[V, T]
object ProductContainsSetting {
implicit def acceptable[V, T <: V]: ProductContainsSetting[V, T] = null
//@implicitNotFound("coproduct cannot contain this value")
trait CoproductContainsSetting[V, T]
object CoproductContainsSetting {
implicit def acceptable[V, T <: V]: CoproductContainsSetting[V, T] = null
case class Product[T <: Settings](tmap: Map[Settings, Any]) {
def apply[V <: Settings](value: V)(implicit acc: ProductContainsSetting[V, T]):
value.Result = tmap(value).asInstanceOf[value.Result]
override def toString = { case (k, v) => s"$k: $v" }.mkString(", ")
case class Coproduct[T <: Settings](value: (Settings, Any)) {
def handle[K, R](handlers: Setting.Handler[K, R]*)(implicit ev: K <:< T): R = {
val h = handlers.find(_.Settings == value._1).get
override def toString = s"${value._1}: ${value._2}"
scala> val config = com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory.parseString("""
| a.b.c = 42
| d.e.f = hello world
| g.h.i = 2m
| """)
config: com.typesafe.config.Config = Config(SimpleConfigObject({"a":{"b":{"c":42}},"d":{"e":{"f":"hello world"}},"g":{"h":{"i":"2m"}}}))
scala> val Alpha = Setting[Int]("a.b.c")
Alpha: commands.common.SimpleSetting[Int] = a.b.c
scala> Alpha.parse(config)
res0: Alpha.Result = 42
scala> val Beta = Setting[String]("d.e.f")
Beta: commands.common.SimpleSetting[String] = d.e.f
scala> (Alpha & Beta).parse(config)
res1: commands.common.Product[Alpha.type with Beta.type] = a.b.c: 42, d.e.f: hello world
scala> .apply(Beta)
res2: Beta.Result = hello world
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