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Created April 29, 2024 06:34
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Simple web server in F#
open System.Net
open System.Net.Sockets
open System.IO
open System.Text.RegularExpressions
open System.Text
/// A table of MIME content types.
let mimeTypes =
dict [".html", "text/html";
".htm", "text/html";
".txt", "text/plain";
".gif", "image/gif";
".jpg", "image/jpeg";
".png", "image/png"]
/// Compute a MIME type from a file extension.
let getMimeType(ext) =
if mimeTypes.ContainsKey(ext) then mimeTypes.[ext]
else "binary/octet"
/// The pattern Regex1 uses a regular expression to match one element.
let (|Regex1|_|) (patt : string) (inp : string) =
try Some(Regex.Match(inp, patt).Groups.Item(1).Captures.Item(0).Value)
with _ -> None
/// The root for the data we serve
let root = @"~/wsf/wwwroot"
/// Handle a TCP connection for an HTTP GET. We use an asynchronous task in
/// case any future actions in handling a request need to be asynchronous.
let handleRequest(client : TcpClient) = async {
use stream = client.GetStream()
let out = new StreamWriter(stream)
let headers (lines : seq<string>) =
let printLine s = s |> fprintf out "%s\r\n"
lines |> Seq.iter printLine
// An empty line is required before content, if any.
printLine ""
let notFound () = headers ["HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found"]
let inp = new StreamReader(stream)
let request = inp.ReadLine()
match request with
| "GET / HTTP/1.0" | "GET / HTTP/1.1" ->
// From the root, redirect to the start page.
headers ["HTTP/1.0 302 Found"; "Location: http://localhost:8090/iisstart.htm"]
| Regex1 "GET /(.*?) HTTP/1\\.[01]$" fileName ->
let fname = Path.Combine(root, fileName)
let mimeType = getMimeType(Path.GetExtension(fname))
if not(File.Exists(fname)) then notFound()
let content = File.ReadAllBytes fname
["HTTP/1.0 200 OK";
sprintf "Content-Length: %d" content.Length;
sprintf "Content-Type: %s" mimeType]
|> headers
stream.Write(content, 0, content.Length)
| _ -> notFound()}
/// The server as an asynchronous process. We handle requests sequentially.
let server = async {
let socket = new TcpListener(IPAddress.Parse(""), 8090)
while true do
use client = socket.AcceptTcpClient()
do! handleRequest client}
// Async.Start server;;
// val it : unit = ()
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