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Created July 31, 2014 18:28
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bitfield and graph structures from bnc, for priorityqueue and directedgraph amongst things like triangulation algorithms see:
#ifndef CONFIG_H
#define CONFIG_H
#include <stdint.h>
#include <vector>
#include <string.h>
#ifndef __ICC
#include <tr1/unordered_map>
#include <hash_map>
#endif /* __ICC */
#include <assert.h>
#include <string>
#include <limits.h>
using namespace std;
/** Representation of a BitField */
template<size_t size> class BitField {
/** Definition of underlying type for the bitfield*/
typedef unsigned int _word;
/** Number of bits per word */
static const size_t _bitsPerWord = CHAR_BIT * sizeof(_word);
/** Number of words for bitfield<size> */
static const size_t _words = (size + _bitsPerWord - 1) / _bitsPerWord;
/** Word offset for a given position */
static size_t _wordOffset(size_t pos) {
return pos / _bitsPerWord;
/** Bit offset offset for a given position */
static size_t _bitOffset(size_t pos) {
return pos % _bitsPerWord;
/** Bitmask for pos in a word */
static _word _bitmask(size_t pos) {
return ((_word)1)<<_bitOffset(pos);
/** Count trailing zeroes
* @remarks: Returns undefined if w == 0
static size_t _bitscan(_word w){
return __builtin_ctz(w);
static size_t _popcount(_word v){
//A generalization of the best bit counting method from:
//Please note: This only generalizes upto 128 bit
assert(_bitsPerWord <= 128);
v = v - ((v >> 1) & (_word)~(_word)0/3);
v = (v & (_word)~(_word)0/15*3) + ((v >> 2) & (_word)~(_word)0/15*3);
v = (v + (v >> 4)) & (_word)~(_word)0/255*15;
return (_word)(v * ((_word)~(_word)0/255)) >> (sizeof(_word) - 1) * CHAR_BIT;
/** Underlying word array */
_word _bits[_words];
/** Create a new empty bitfield */
/** Copy create a bitfield from another */
BitField(const BitField<size>& bf){
for(size_t i = 0; i < _words; i++)
_bits[i] = bf._bits[i];
/** Clear all bits */
BitField<size>& clear();
/** Clear bit at position pos */
BitField<size>& clear(size_t pos);
/** Test bit at position pos */
bool test(size_t pos) const;
/** Set all bits */
BitField<size>& set();
/** Set bit a position pos */
BitField<size>& set(size_t pos);
/** Set bit a position pos to value */
BitField<size>& set(size_t pos, bool value);
/** Flip all bits */
BitField<size>& flip();
/** Flip bit at position pos */
BitField<size>& flip(size_t pos);
/** Test if any bit is set */
bool any() const;
/** Test if no bits are set */
bool none() const;
/** Count the number of high bits */
size_t count() const;
BitField<size>& operator&= (const BitField<size>& rhs);
BitField<size>& operator|= (const BitField<size>& rhs);
BitField<size>& operator^= (const BitField<size>& rhs);
BitField<size> operator~() const;
bool operator== (const BitField<size>& rhs) const;
bool operator!= (const BitField<size>& rhs) const;
/** Iterator over the high bits in a BitField */
class BitIterator{
const BitField<size>& _bf;
size_t _pos;
BitIterator(const BitField<size>& bf) : _bf(bf) {
bool operator++(int){
_word w = _bf._bits[_wordOffset(_pos)];
//Discard bits lower than _pos
w &= (~(_word)0) << _bitOffset(_pos);
//Check the first word
if(w != (_word)0){
_pos = _bitscan(w) + _wordOffset(_pos) * _bitsPerWord;
return true;
//Check all the following words
for(size_t i = _wordOffset(_pos) + 1; i < _words; i++){
w = _bf._bits[i];
if(w != 0){
_pos = _bitscan(w) + i * _bitsPerWord ;
return true;
_pos = -1;
return false;
while(_pos < size && !_bf.test(_pos));
return _pos < size;
#endif /* USE_BITSCAN */
size_t operator*(){
return _pos;
/** Reset the BitIterator */
void reset(){
_pos = -1;
#ifndef __ICC
template<typename> friend struct std::tr1::hash;
template<size_t> friend struct BitFieldHasher;
#endif /* __ICC */
#ifndef __ICC
namespace std {
namespace tr1{
/** Template specialization of std::tr1::hash<> for BitField<size> */
template<size_t size>
struct hash< BitField<size> > : public unary_function<BitField<size>, size_t>{
size_t operator()(const BitField<size>& bf) const{
size_t hash = 0;
for(size_t i = 0; i < BitField<size>::_words; i++)
hash ^= bf._bits[i];
return hash;
/** Specialization of unordered_map for mapping from BitField to value */
template<size_t size, typename value>
struct BitFieldMap : public std::tr1::unordered_map<BitField<size>, value, std::tr1::hash< BitField<size> > > {};
/** Creates a hash of a bitfield */
template<size_t size>
struct BitFieldHasher{
size_t operator()(const BitField<size>& bf) const{
size_t hash = 0;
for(size_t i = 0; i < BitField<size>::_words; i++)
hash ^= bf._bits[i];
return hash;
/** Specialization of hash_map for mapping from BitField to value*/
template<size_t size, typename value>
struct BitFieldMap : public __gnu_cxx::hash_map < BitField<size>, value, BitFieldHasher<size> > {};
#endif /* __ICC */
template<size_t size>
inline BitField<size> operator&(const BitField<size>& lhs, const BitField<size>& rhs){
BitField<size> retval(lhs);
retval &= rhs;
return retval;
template<size_t size>
inline BitField<size> operator|(const BitField<size>& lhs, const BitField<size>& rhs){
BitField<size> retval(lhs);
retval |= rhs;
return retval;
template<size_t size>
inline BitField<size> operator^(const BitField<size>& lhs, const BitField<size>& rhs){
BitField<size> retval(lhs);
retval ^= rhs;
return retval;
template<size_t size>
inline BitField<size>& BitField<size>::clear(){
memset(_bits, 0, sizeof(_word) * _words);
return *this;
template<size_t size>
inline BitField<size>& BitField<size>::clear(size_t pos){
assert(pos < size);
_bits[_wordOffset(pos)] &= ~_bitmask(pos);
return *this;
template<size_t size>
inline bool BitField<size>::test(size_t pos) const{
assert(pos < size);
return (_bits[_wordOffset(pos)] & _bitmask(pos)) != (_word)0;
template<size_t size>
inline BitField<size>& BitField<size>::set(){
memset(_bits, 0xff, sizeof(_word) * _words);
_bits[_words-1] = _bits[_words-1] & ~((~(_word)0)<< _bitOffset(size));
return *this;
template<size_t size>
inline BitField<size>& BitField<size>::set(size_t pos){
assert(pos < size);
_bits[_wordOffset(pos)] |= _bitmask(pos);
return *this;
template<size_t size>
inline BitField<size>& BitField<size>::set(size_t pos, bool value){
assert(pos < size);
return *this;
template<size_t size>
inline BitField<size>& BitField<size>::flip(){
for(size_t i = 0; i < _words-1; i++)
_bits[i] = ~_bits[i];
_bits[_words-1] = ~_bits[_words-1] & ~((~(_word)0)<<_bitOffset(size));
return *this;
template<size_t size>
inline BitField<size>& BitField<size>::flip(size_t pos){
assert(pos < size);
_bits[_wordOffset(pos)] ^= _bitmask(pos);
return *this;
template<size_t size>
inline bool BitField<size>::any() const{
for(size_t i = 0; i < _words; i++)
if(_bits[i] != (_word)0)
return true;
return false;
template<size_t size>
inline bool BitField<size>::none() const{
_word tmp = (_word)0;
for(size_t i = 0; i < _words; i++)
tmp |= _bits[i];
return tmp == (_word)0;
template<size_t size>
inline size_t BitField<size>::count() const{
size_t count = 0;
for(size_t i = 0; i < _words; i++)
count += _popcount(_bits[i]);
return count;
template<size_t size>
inline BitField<size>& BitField<size>::operator&=(const BitField<size>& rhs){
for(size_t i = 0; i < _words; i++)
_bits[i] &= rhs._bits[i];
return *this;
template<size_t size>
inline BitField<size>& BitField<size>::operator|=(const BitField<size>& rhs){
for(size_t i = 0; i < _words; i++)
_bits[i] |= rhs._bits[i];
return *this;
template<size_t size>
inline BitField<size>& BitField<size>::operator^=(const BitField<size>& rhs){
for(size_t i = 0; i < _words; i++)
_bits[i] ^= rhs._bits[i];
return *this;
template<size_t size>
inline BitField<size> BitField<size>::operator~() const{
return BitField<size>(*this).flip();
template<size_t size>
bool BitField<size>::operator==(const BitField<size>& rhs) const{
for(size_t i = 0; i < _words; i++)
if(_bits[i] != rhs._bits[i])
return false;
return true;
template<size_t size>
bool BitField<size>::operator!=(const BitField<size>& rhs) const{
for(size_t i = 0; i < _words; i++)
if(_bits[i] != rhs._bits[i])
return true;
return false;
#endif /* CONFIG_H */
#include <stdint.h>
/** Representation of a node (must be an integer type) */
typedef uint8_t Node;
/** Type for counting state space size */
typedef uint8_t StateSpaceSize;
/** Type for associating weights with nodes */
typedef StateSpaceSize* Weights;
/** Type for total table size **/
typedef uint64_t TableSize;
#endif /* DEFINITIONS_H */
#ifndef GRAPH_H
#define GRAPH_H
#include "bitfield.h"
#include "definitions.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
/** Representation of an undirected graph */
template<size_t size> class Graph {
BitField<size> _matrix[size];
/** Set an edge */
void setEdge(Node x, Node y){
assert(x != y);
/** Set an edge to true or false */
void setEdge(Node x, Node y, bool value){
assert(x != y || !value);
_matrix[x].set(y, value);
_matrix[y].set(x, value);
/** Clear all edges of the graph */
void clear(){
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
/** Perform a consistency check */
bool isConsistent() const;
/** Get neighbour bitfield */
const BitField<size>& neighbours(Node x) const{
return _matrix[x];
/** Method for hacking the raw matrix (use with caution) */
BitField<size>* HackMatrix(){
return _matrix;
/** Checks if the edge (x,y) exists */
bool adjacent(Node x, Node y) const{
return _matrix[x].test(y);
/** Iterator for iterating over neighbours */
class NeighbourIterator : public BitField<size>::BitIterator {
NeighbourIterator(const Graph<size>& graph, Node node)
: BitField<size>::BitIterator(graph.neighbours(node)) {}
/** Iterator for iterating over all nodes
* @remarks this is potentially stupid, consider just using a simple for-loop
class NodeIterator{
Node _i;
_i = -1;
NodeIterator(const Graph<size>&){
_i = -1;
/** Advance the iterator once */
bool operator++(int){
return ++_i < size;
/** Get the current node */
Node operator*(){
return _i;
/** Reset the iterator to start */
void reset(){
_i = -1;
/** Compare two graphs */
bool operator== (const Graph<size>& rhs) const{
for(size_t i = 0; i < size; i++){
if(rhs._matrix[i] != _matrix[i])
return false;
return true;
/** Compare two graphs */
bool operator!= (const Graph<size>& rhs) const{
return !(*this == rhs);
template<size_t size> bool Graph<size>::isConsistent() const{
for(size_t i = 0; i < size; i++){
for(size_t j = 0; j < size; j++){
// Matrix must be symmetrical
if(!_matrix[i].test(j) == _matrix[j].test(i))
return false;
// Diagonal must be set to 0
if(i == j && _matrix[i].test(j))
return false;
return true;
/** Representation of a graph with dynamic size
* This strucutre is not fast, but nodes cat be added to the graph dynamically.
class Graph<0>{
/** Underlying bit matrix */
vector< vector<bool> > _matrix;
/** Get the number nodes in this graph */
size_t size() const {
return _matrix.size();
/** Add a new node, and get the number of the node */
Node addNode() {
Node node = size();
_matrix[node] = vector<bool>();
for(size_t i = 0; i < size(); i++){
_matrix[node][i] = false;
_matrix[i][node] = false;
return node;
/** Set an edge */
void setEdge(Node x, Node y){
assert(x != y);
_matrix[x][y] = true;
_matrix[y][x] = true;
/** Set an edge to true or false */
void setEdge(Node x, Node y, bool value){
assert(x != y || !value);
_matrix[x][y] = value;
_matrix[y][x] = value;
/** Clear all edges of the graph */
void clear(){
for(size_t i = 0; i < size(); i++)
for(size_t j = 0; j < size(); j++)
_matrix[i][j] = false;
/** Perform a consistency check */
bool isConsistent() const;
/** Checks if the edge (x,y) exists */
bool adjacent(Node x, Node y) const{
return _matrix[x][y];
/** Iterator for iterating over neighbours */
class NeighbourIterator {
const Graph<0>& _graph;
size_t _offset;
Node _node;
NeighbourIterator(const Graph<0>& graph, Node node)
: _graph(graph) {
_node = node;
_offset = -1;
bool operator++(int){
while(_offset < _graph.size() && !_graph.adjacent(_node, _offset));
return _offset < _graph.size();
size_t operator*(){
return _offset;
/** Reset iterator to start */
void reset(){
_offset = -1;
/** Iterator for iterating over all nodes
* @remarks this is potentially stupid, consider just using a simple for-loop
class NodeIterator{
Node _i;
const Graph<0>& _graph;
NodeIterator(const Graph<0>& graph)
: _graph(graph) {
_i = -1;
/** Advance the iterator once */
bool operator++(int){
return ++_i < _graph.size();
/** Get the current node */
Node operator*(){
return _i;
/** Reset the iterator to start */
void reset(){
_i = -1;
template<size_t fixedsize>
Graph<fixedsize> getFixedSize() const{
assert(fixedsize == size());
Graph<fixedsize> G;
for(size_t i = 0; i < fixedsize; i++){
for(size_t j = 0; j < fixedsize; j++)
G.setEdge(i, j, adjacent(i, j));
return G;
#endif /* GRAPH_H */
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