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Last active September 15, 2021 13:49
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WAMP - add_vhost.php - Metro Theme
// Update 3.0.6
// Check / at first position of $vh_folder
// Possibility to suppress VirtualHost
// Possibility for VirtualHost by IP
$server_dir = "../";
require $server_dir.'scripts/';
require $server_dir.'scripts/wampserver.lib.php';
// Language
$langue = $wampConf['language'];
if (isset($_GET['lang']))
$langue = htmlspecialchars($_GET['lang'],ENT_QUOTES);
// Recherche des différentes langues disponibles
$langueswitcher = '<form method="get" style="display:inline-block;"><select name="lang" id="langues" onchange="this.form.submit();">'."\n";
$i_langues = glob('wamplangues/add_vhost_*.php');
$selected = false;
foreach ($i_langues as $i_langue) {
$i_langue = str_replace(array('wamplangues/add_vhost_','.php'), '', $i_langue);
$langueswitcher .= '<option value="'.$i_langue.'"';
if(!$selected && $langue == $i_langue) {
$langueswitcher .= ' selected ';
$selected = true;
$langueswitcher .= '>'.$i_langue.'</option>'."\n";
$langueswitcher .= '</select></form>';
if(file_exists('wamplangues/add_vhost_'.$langue.'.php')) {
$langue_temp = $langues;
$langues = array_merge($langue_temp, $langues);
// Correction automatique des erreurs ?
$automatique = (isset($_POST['correct']) ? true : false);
$message_ok = '';
$message = array();
$errors = false;
$errors_auto = false;
$vhost_created = false;
$sub_menu_on = true;
//On récupère la valeur de VirtualHostMenu
$VirtualHostMenu = !empty($wampConf['VirtualHostSubMenu']) ? $wampConf['VirtualHostSubMenu'] : "off";
if($VirtualHostMenu !== "on") {
$message[] = '<p class="warning">'.$langues['VirtualSubMenuOn'].'</p>';
$errors = true;
$sub_menu_on = false;
//To not see form to suppress VirtualHost
$seeVhostDelete = false;
if(isset($_POST['seedelete']) && $_POST['seedelete'] == 'afficher')
$seeVhostDelete = true;
/* Some tests about httpd-vhosts.conf file */
$virtualHost = check_virtualhost();
/* If form suppress VirtualHost submitted */
if(isset($_POST['vhostdelete'])) {
if(isset($_POST['virtual_del'])) {
$myVhostsContents = file_get_contents($c_apacheVhostConfFile);
$c_hostsFile_escape = str_replace('\\', '\\\\', $c_hostsFile);
$myHostsContents = file_get_contents($c_hostsFile_escape);
$nb = count($_POST['virtual_del']);
$replaceVhosts = $replaceHosts = false;
for($i = 0; $i < $nb ;$i++) {
//Extract <VirtualHost... </VirtualHost>
$value = $_POST['virtual_del'][$i];
$p_value = preg_quote($value);
if(in_array($value, $virtualHost['ServerName'])) {
$mask = "{
<VirtualHost # beginning of VirtualHost
[^<]*(?:<(?!/VirtualHost)[^<]*)* # avoid premature end
\n\s*ServerName\s+${p_value}\s*\n # Test server name
.*? # we stop as soon as possible
</VirtualHost>\s*\n # end of VirtualHost
$count = 0;
$myVhostsContents = preg_replace($mask,"\r\n",$myVhostsContents,-1,$count);
if($count == 1) {
$replaceVhosts = true;
//Suppress ServerName into hosts file
$count = $count1 = 0;
$myHostsContents = preg_replace("~^[0-9\.:]+\s+".$p_value."\r?$~mi",'',$myHostsContents,-1, $count);
$myHostsContents = str_ireplace($value,'',$myHostsContents,$count1);
if($count > 0 || $count1 > 0 )
$replaceHosts = true;
else {
$message[] = '<p class="warning">ServerName '.$value.' doesn\'t exist</p>';
$errors = true;
} //End for
if($replaceVhosts) {
//Cleaning of httpd-vhosts.conf file
$myVhostsContents = clean_file_contents($myVhostsContents);
$fp = fopen($c_apacheVhostConfFile, 'wb');
fwrite($fp, $myVhostsContents);
if($replaceHosts) {
//Cleaning of hosts file
$myHostsContents = clean_file_contents($myHostsContents,true);
$fp = fopen($c_hostsFile_escape, 'r+b');
if(flock($fp, LOCK_EX)) { // acquire an exclusive lock
ftruncate($fp, 0); // truncate file
fwrite($fp, $myHostsContents);
fflush($fp); // flush output before releasing the lock
flock($fp, LOCK_UN); // release the lock
else {
$message[] = '<p class="warning">Unable to write to '.$c_hostsFile.' file</p>';
$errors = true;
$virtualHost = check_virtualhost();
$VhostDefine = $VhostDelete = "";
if($virtualHost['nb_Server'] > 0) {
$i = 0;
foreach($virtualHost['ServerName'] as $value) {
$ip ='';
$ip = " - VirtualHost ip = <span style='color:blue;'>".$virtualHost['virtual_ip'][$i].'</span>';
$VhostDefine .= "<li title='".$virtualHost['documentPath'][$i].$ip."'>".$value."</li>\n";
if($value != 'localhost')
$VhostDelete .= "<li><input type='checkbox' name='virtual_del[]' value='".$value."'/>".$value."</li>";
if($virtualHost['include_vhosts'] === false && !$errors) {
if($automatique) {
$httpConfFileContents = file_get_contents($c_apacheConfFile);
$httpConfFileContents = preg_replace("~^[ \t]*#[ \t]*(Include[ \t]*conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf.*)$~m","$1",$httpConfFileContents,1);
$fp = fopen($c_apacheConfFile,'wb');
$virtualHost = check_virtualhost();
else {
$message[] = '<p class="warning_auto">'.sprintf($langues['UncommentInclude'],$c_apacheConfFile).'</p>';
$errors = true;
$errors_auto = true;
if($virtualHost['vhosts_exist'] === false && !$errors) {
if($automatique) {
$fp = fopen($c_apacheVhostConfFile,'wb');
$virtualHost = check_virtualhost();
else {
$message[] = '<p class="warning_auto">'.sprintf($langues['FileNotExists'],$c_apacheVhostConfFile).'</p>';
$errors = true;
$errors_auto = true;
if(in_array("dummy", $virtualHost['ServerNameValid'], true) !== false && !$errors) {
if($automatique) {
$fp = fopen($c_apacheVhostConfFile,'wb');
$virtualHost = check_virtualhost();
else {
$message[] = '<p class="warning_auto">'.sprintf($langues['NotCleaned'],$c_apacheVhostConfFile).'</p>';
$errors = true;
$errors_auto = true;
if(empty($virtualHost['FirstServerName']) && !$errors) {
if($automatique) {
if(substr($wampConf['apacheVersion'],0,3) == '2.2') {
$virtual_localhost = <<< EOFLOCAL
NameVirtualHost *:{$c_UsedPort}
<VirtualHost *:{$c_UsedPort}>
ServerName localhost
DocumentRoot "{$wwwDir}"
<Directory "{$wwwDir}/">
Options +Indexes +Includes +FollowSymLinks +MultiViews
AllowOverride All
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
Allow from localhost ::1
else {
$virtual_localhost = <<< EOFLOCAL
<VirtualHost *:{$c_UsedPort}>
ServerName localhost
DocumentRoot "{$wwwDir}"
<Directory "{$wwwDir}/">
Options +Indexes +Includes +FollowSymLinks +MultiViews
AllowOverride All
Require local
$fp = fopen($c_apacheVhostConfFile,'wb');
$virtualHost = check_virtualhost();
else {
$message[] = '<p class="warning_auto">'.sprintf($langues['NoVirtualHost'],$c_apacheVhostConfFile).'</p>';
$errors = true;
$errors_auto = true;
/* If form submitted */
if (isset($_POST['submit']) && !$errors) {
// Escape any backslashes used in the path to the file
$c_apacheVhostConfFile_escape = str_replace('\\', '\\\\', $c_apacheVhostConfFile);
$c_hostsFile_escape = str_replace('\\', '\\\\', $c_hostsFile);
$vh_name = trim(strip_tags($_POST['vh_name']));
$vh_ip = trim(strip_tags($_POST['vh_ip']));
$vh_folder = str_replace(array('\\','//'), '/',trim(strip_tags($_POST['vh_folder'])));
if(substr($vh_folder,-1) == "/")
$vh_folder = substr($vh_folder,0,-1);
$vh_folder = strtolower($vh_folder);
//3.0.6 - Check / at first character
if(substr($vh_folder,0,1) == "/" && substr($vh_folder,0,2) != "//")
$vh_folder = "/".$vh_folder;
if($virtualHost['FirstServerName'] !== "localhost" && !$errors) {
$message[] = '<p class="warning">'.sprintf($langues['NoFirst'],$c_apacheVhostConfFile).'</p>';
$errors = true;
/* Validité du nom de domaine */
[A-Za-z]+ # letter in first place
([A-Za-z0-9] # letter or number at the beginning
[-.](?![-.]) # a . or - not followed by . or -
| # or
[A-Za-z0-9] # a letter or a number
){1,60} # this, repeated from 1 to 60 times
[A-Za-z0-9] # letter or number at the end
$/x',$vh_name) == 0) {
$message[] = '<p class="warning">'.sprintf($langues['ServerNameInvalid'],$vh_name).'</p>';
$errors = true;
elseif((!file_exists($vh_folder) || !is_dir($vh_folder))) {
$message[] = '<p class="warning">'.sprintf($langues['DirNotExists'],$vh_folder).'</p>';
$errors = true;
elseif($c_hostsFile_writable !== true) {
$message[] = '<p class="warning">'.sprintf($langues['FileNotWritable'],$c_hostsFile).'</p>';
$errors = true;
elseif($wampConf['NotCheckDuplicate'] == 'off' && array_key_exists(strtolower($vh_name), array_change_key_case($virtualHost['ServerName'], CASE_LOWER))) {
$message[] = '<p class="warning">'.sprintf($langues['VirtualAlreadyExist'],$vh_name).'</p>';
$errors = true;
$c_UsedIp = '*';
$c_HostIp = '';
if(!$errors && !empty($vh_ip)) {
if($vh_ip == '' || $vh_ip == '' ) {
$message[] = '<p class="warning">'.sprintf($langues['VirtualIpAlreadyUsed'],$vh_ip).'</p>';
$errors = true;
// Validité IP locale
elseif(check_IP($vh_ip) === false) {
$message[] = '<p class="warning">'.sprintf($langues['LocalIpInvalid'],$vh_ip).'</p>';
$errors = true;
elseif(in_array($vh_ip, $virtualHost['virtual_ip']) && $wampConf['NotCheckDuplicate'] == 'off') {
$message[] = '<p class="warning">'.sprintf($langues['VirtualIpAlreadyUsed'],$vh_ip).'</p>';
$errors = true;
$c_UsedIp = $c_HostIp = $vh_ip;
if($errors === false) {
/* Préparation du contenu des fichiers */
if(substr($wampConf['apacheVersion'],0,3) == '2.2') {
$httpd_vhosts_add = <<< EOFNEWVHOST
<VirtualHost {$c_UsedIp}:{$c_UsedPort}>
ServerName {$vh_name}
DocumentRoot "{$vh_folder}"
<Directory "{$vh_folder}/">
Options +Indexes +Includes +FollowSymLinks +MultiViews
AllowOverride All
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
Allow from localhost ::1
else {
$httpd_vhosts_add = <<< EOFNEWVHOST
<VirtualHost {$c_UsedIp}:{$c_UsedPort}>
ServerName {$vh_name}
DocumentRoot "{$vh_folder}"
<Directory "{$vh_folder}/">
Options +Indexes +Includes +FollowSymLinks +MultiViews
AllowOverride All
Require local
$hosts_add = <<< EOFHOSTS
{$c_HostIp} {$vh_name}
::1 {$vh_name}
/* Ouverture des fichiers pour ajout des lignes */
$fp1 = fopen($c_apacheVhostConfFile_escape, 'a+b');
$fp2 = fopen($c_hostsFile_escape, 'a+b');
if (fwrite($fp1, $httpd_vhosts_add) && fwrite($fp2, $hosts_add)) {
/* Actualisation des dns - Il faudrait redémarrer le service Apache par
net stop wampapache
net start wampapache
et c'est impossible car alors plus de PHP.
La commande ci-dessous fonctionne parfaitement dans un script comme wamp/script/msg.php
$command = 'start /b /wait '.$c_apacheExe.' -n wampapache -k restart';
mais pas si elle est lancée via http
et il n'existe pas de "graceful restart" Apache sous Windows*/
/*$command = array(
'net stop wampapache',
'ipconfig /flushdns',
'net stop Dnscache',
'net start Dnscache',
'net start wampapache',
foreach($command as $value) {
echo "Command-> ".$value."\n";
$output = iconv("CP850","UTF-8//TRANSLIT", ob_get_contents());
$dns_refresh_message = '<pre><code>'.$output.'</code></pre>';*/
$dns_refresh_message = "";
$message_ok = '<p class="ok">'.sprintf($langues['VirtualCreated'],$vh_name).'</p>';
$message_ok .= '<h2>'.$langues['CommandMessage'].'</h2>'.$dns_refresh_message;
$message_ok .= '<p class="ok_plus">'.$langues['However'].'</p>';
$vhost_created = true;
else {
$message = '<p class="warning">'.$langues['NoModify'].'</p>';
$pageContents = <<< EOPAGE
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="fr">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
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margin: 1em 10%;
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margin-bottom: 1.8em;
padding-bottom: 0em;
border-bottom: 1px solid #999;
height: 125px;
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padding-top: 15px;
font-size: 1.8em;
header h1 a:hover {color:blue;}
h2 {
margin: 0.8em 0 0 0;
p {
padding: 1%;
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text-align: center;
font-size: 1.3em;
text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 #000;
background: #585858;
.ok {
color: limegreen;
.ok_plus {
background: #777777;
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color: orange;
.warning_auto {
border: 3px solid #4FEF10;
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dd ul li {
background: url("wampthemes/metro-blue/images/vhost-icon.png") 0% 42% no-repeat !important;
<link rel="stylesheet" href="wampthemes/metro-blue/style.css">
<div id="head">
<div class="innerhead">
<a style="color: #aaa;" href="add_vhost.php?lang={$langue}">{$langues['addVirtual']}</a> - <a style="color: #aaa; font-weight: lighter;" href="index.php?lang={$langue}">{$langues['backHome']}</a>
<li style="
color: #252525;
">PHP 5</li>
<li style="
color: #252525;
">Apache 2.4</li>
<li style="
color: #252525;
">MySQL 5</li>
<ul class="utility">
<li>Version ${c_wampVersion} - ${c_wampMode}</li>
<div class="config" style="padding-bottom: 25%;">
<div class="innerconfig">
<dl class="content">
$pageContents .= $message_ok;
else {
if($errors) {
foreach($message as $value)
$pageContents .= $value;
if($sub_menu_on === true) {
$pageContents .= <<< EOPAGEB
<dt>Apache Viritual Hosts:</dt>
$pageContents .= <<< EOPAGEB
<dt>Windows hosts:</dt>
if(!empty($VhostDefine)) {
if(!$seeVhostDelete) {
$pageContents .= <<< EOPAGEB
<div id='vhostdelete'>
} else {
$pageContents .= "<dt>{$langues['VirtualHostDelete']}</dt>";
if(!empty($VhostDelete) && $wampConf['NotCheckDuplicate'] == "off" && $wampConf['NotCheckVirtualHost'] == 'off') {
if($seeVhostDelete) {
$pageContents .= <<< EOPAGEB
<form id='deletevhost' method='post'>
<ul style='list-style:none;'>{$VhostDelete}</ul>
<input style="width: 90%;text-indent: unset;line-height: 25px;min-height: unset;white-space: normal; margin-top: 10px;" type='submit' name='vhostdelete' value='{$langues['suppVhost']}' />
else {
$pageContents .= <<< EOPAGEB
<form id='seedelete' method='post'>
<input type='hidden' name='seedelete' value='afficher'/>
<input style="width: 90%;text-indent: unset;line-height: 25px;min-height: unset;white-space: normal; margin-top: 10px;" type='submit' value='{$langues['suppForm']}'/>
$pageContents .= '<div style="clear:both;"></div>
<div class="alltools four-columns">
<div class="inneralltools">
<form method="post">';
if($errors_auto) {
$pageContents .= <<< EOPAGEB
<p style="text-align: right;"><input type="submit" name="correct" value="{$langues['Correct']}" /></p>
else {
$pageContents .= <<< EOPAGEB
<div class="column"><h2>{$langues['VirtualHostName']}</h2><br>
<input type="text" name="vh_name" required="required" placeholder="({$langues['Required']})" /><br></div>
<div class="column"><h2>{$langues['VirtualHostIP']}</h2><br>
<input type="text" name="vh_ip" placeholder="({$langues['Optional']})" /><br></div>
<div class="column"><h2>{$langues['VirtualHostFolder']}</h2><br>
<input type="text" name="vh_folder" required="required" placeholder="({$langues['Required']})" /></div>
<p style="text-align: right;"><input type="submit" style="width: 30%;
text-indent: unset;
line-height: 50px;
min-height: unset;
white-space: normal;
margin-top: 10px;
padding: 0px 10px;
" name="submit" value="{$langues['Start']}" /></p>
$pageContents .= <<< EOPAGEB
$pageContents .= <<< EOPAGEB
<ul id="foot">
<li><a href="">Wampserver Forum</a></li>
echo $pageContents;
$langues = array(
'langue' => 'English',
'locale' => 'english',
'addVirtual' => 'Add a VirtualHost',
'backHome' => 'Back to homepage',
'VirtualSubMenuOn' => 'The <code>VirtualHost sub-menu</code> item must be set to (On) in the <code>Wamp Settings</code> Right-Click menu. Then reload this page',
'UncommentInclude' => 'Uncomment <small>(Suppress #)</small> the line <code>#Include conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf</code><br>in file %s',
'FileNotExists' => 'The file <code>%s</code> does not exists',
'FileNotWritable' => 'The file <code>%s</code> is not writable',
'DirNotExists' => '<code>%s</code> does not exists or is not a directory',
'NotCleaned' => 'The <code>%s</code> file has not been cleaned.<br>There remain VirtualHost examples like:',
'NoVirtualHost' => 'There is no VirtualHost defined in <code>%s</code><br>It should at least have the VirtualHost for localhost.',
'NoFirst' => 'The first VirtualHost must be <code>localhost</code> in <code>%s</code> file',
'ServerNameInvalid' => 'The ServerName <code>%s</code> is invalid.',
'LocalIpInvalid' => 'The local IP <code>%s</code> is invalid.',
'VirtualHostName' => 'Name of the Virtual Host. No diacritical characters (éçëñ) - No space - No underscore(_) ',
'VirtualHostFolder' => 'Complete absolute path of the VirtualHost folder <i>Examples: C:/wamp/www/projet/ or E:/www/site1/</i> ',
'VirtualHostIP' => 'If you want to use VirtualHost by IP: local IP 127.x.y.z ',
'VirtualAlreadyExist' => 'The ServerName <code>%s</code> already exists',
'VirtualIpAlreadyUsed' => 'The local IP <code>%s</code> already exists',
'VirtualHostExists' => 'VirtualHost already defined:',
'Start' => 'Start the creation of the VirtualHost (May take a while...)',
'GreenErrors' => 'The green framed errors can be corrected automatically.',
'Correct' => 'Start the automatic correction of errors inside the green borders panel',
'NoModify' => 'Impossible to modify <code>httpd-vhosts.conf</code> or <code>hosts</code> files',
'VirtualCreated' => 'The files have been modified. Virtual host <code>%s</code> was created',
'CommandMessage' => 'Messages from the console to update DNS:',
'However' => 'You may add another VirtualHost by validate "Add a VirtualHost".<br>However, for these new VirtualHost are taken into account by Apache, you must run item<br><code>Restart DNS</code><br>from Right-Click Tools menu of Wampmanager icon. <i>(This can unfortunately not be done automatically)</i>',
'suppForm' => 'Suppress VirtualHosts...',
'suppVhost' => 'Suppress VirtualHosts',
'Required' => 'Required',
'Optional' => 'Optional',
'VirtualHostDelete' => 'Select VirtualHosts to delete:'
Copy link

jonasgeiler commented Aug 29, 2017


  • Download gist
  • Replace old add_vhost.php in C:/wamp/www/ with the one from this gist
  • Replace old add_vhost_english.php in C:/wamp/www/wamplangues/ with the one from this gist
  • Move vhost-icon.png to C:/wamp/www/wampthemes/metro-blue/images
  • Enjoy!

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