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Last active June 27, 2018 18:22
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Preparations for Code Camp Machine Learning

Preparations for the Code Camp


  1. Install Python, pip and (optional) virtualenv.
  2. Create a virtual environment. This is optional, however recommended. It allows for easier dependency management and prevents messing up your system's Python installation and dependencies. The recommended way is to create one virtual environment for this Code Camp.
  3. Install all dependencies.
  4. Install and configure an IDE. We recommend either JetBrains PyCharm or PyDev (based on Eclipse)

Required Tools

The following tools are required:

  • Python 3
  • pip
  • virtualenv (optional)

Details on how to install these tools are listed below.

Installing Python 3 and pip on Mac

On Mac there are two ways to install Python 3:

Check if pip is installed with running $ pip --version. In case it is not already installed:

  • When using the installer: Install pip separately by running $ python after downloading
  • When using Homebrew: Execute $ brew install pip

Installing Python 3 and pip on Windows

A good tutorial can be found here: To ease running Python in the Command Line you should consider adding the Python installation directory to the PATH environment variable.

Check if pip is installed with running $ pip --version. In case it is not already installed run $ python after downloading

Optional: Installing virtualenv

The easiest and cleanest way to install all required dependencies is virtualenv. This keeps all dependencies in a specific directory which in turn will not interfere with your system's configuration. This also allows for easier version switching and shipping.

To install virtualenv run $ pip install virtualenv

Create a Virtual Environment (optional)

If you want to use virtualenv, create a virtual environment. The directory virtual_env is already added to .gitignore.

On Mac

$ virtualenv -p python3 virtual_env
$ source virtual_env/bin/activate

On Windows

$ virtualenv -p [path\to\python3\installation\dir\]python virtual_env
$ virtual_env/Scripts/activate

Install dependencies

Download requirements.txt and install all Code Camp-related dependencies (in the newly created virtual environment):

$ wget
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Configure IDE

To start developing Python applications, there are not any huge requirements actually. You could open your favorite text editor (notepad.exe, TextEdit, vim, Notepad++, sublime, Atom, emacs, ...), type in some code and run it with $ python However, there are some IDEs which make developing and running Python applications more convenient. We worked with the following:

In your IDE you may have to select the correct Python environment. Mostly the IDEs can detect the correct environment automatically. To check and - if needed - select the correct Python installation directory or the virtual_env directory inside your repository do as follows:

  • PyCharm: Visit "Preferences" > "Project: Traider.AI" > "Project Interpreter" and check if the correct environment is selected. If not, select the gear symbol in the upper right
  • PyDev: Visit "Window" > "Preferences" > "PyDev" > "Interpreters" > "Python Interpreter" and check if the correct environment is selected. If not, select "New..."
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