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Created June 18, 2018 14:02
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Gephi SVG interactivity
// Gephi SVG visualisation interactivity
$('.viz-view svg').click(function (event) {
// check if the click was on one of the SVG child elements
if ( !== this) {
// set the clicked element as the target (because 'this' is the parent SVG element)
var target = $(;
// if the click is on an edge path
if ('#edges path')) {
// (re)set clicked path to full opacity
target.css('opacity', '1');
// lower the opacity of all other egde paths
target.siblings().each(function () {
$(this).css('opacity', '0.1');
} else if ('#node-labels text') ||'#nodes circle')) { // if a label or a node itself was clicked
// get the ID of the node - this is the same as the label field in Gephi
var nodeId = target.attr('class')
// (re)set paths linked to the clicked node (they will have the node ID as a class) to full opacity
target.parents('svg').find('#edges path.' + nodeId).css('opacity', '1')
// lower the opacity of other paths
target.parents('svg').find('#edges path').not('.' + nodeId).css('opacity', '0.1')
} else { // this is to reset the view
$(this).find('path').css('opacity', '1')
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