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Last active February 25, 2016 15:35
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TIL (Today I learned)


Python has type annotations since 3.5:

def greater_than_10(a:int) -> bool:
    return a > 10

class Tank:
    def __init__(self):
        self.fill = 0

    def tank(self, amount:float):
         return(self.fill += amount)

See also: the typing module documentation.


UIView has a method addSubviews(_ views:[UIView])

which allows to add more than one view at once. It's not in the documentation.


How to use IPython Shell as Django shell. If you are in a virtualenv, be sure to install ipython with

$ pip install ipython

Then start the Django shell with

$ python -i shell


explicit relative imports:

from .models import WaffleCone # use when importing from another module in the current app


Efficient renaming without changing the Path. In my ~/Downloads directory, I wanted to reanme the file annotatet to annotated. Of course, I could cd to ~/Downloads and do the renaming there, but instead I used the Brace Expansion feature of Bash:

$ mv ~/Downloads/annotate{t,d}_offer.png

This is also useful for e.g. creating paths with a common prefix and the braces can also be nested:

$ echo ers{etzen,atz{zahnrad,fahrrad}}

expands to:

ersetzen ersatzzahnrad ersatzfahrrad
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