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Created November 1, 2011 09:20
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Save jonasvp/1330207 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Monthly budgets for harvest: cronjob for rotating projects
#!/usr/bin/env python
Harvest ( does not support setting monthly budgets for projects.
The recommended workaround is creating a new project every month. This script is
supposed to run on the first of every month and uses the Harvest API in order to
archive last month's projects and create new ones for the current month. Members
and tasks are automatically copied over to the new project.
Projects with monthly budgets need to fulfill two requirements:
1. They need to have a budget set
2. The name needs to end in "YYYY-MM", meaning year and month of the current
month. Example would be: "Website maintenance 2011-10".
An example crontab entry would be:
0 1 1 * * PASSWORD=xyz /path/to/
Uses the "requests" library (
import os
import re
import datetime
import json
import requests
AUTH = (os.environ['USERNAME'], os.environ['PASSWORD'])
today =
month = today.strftime('%Y-%m')
# previous month
y, m = today.year, today.month
if m == 1: y -= 1; m = 12
else: m -= 1
today = today.replace(year=y, month=m)
prev_month = today.strftime('%Y-%m')
EXCLUDE_FIELDS = ('active_task_assignments_count', 'active_user_assignments_count', 'cache_version',
'created_at', 'earliest_record_at', 'hint-earliest-record-at', 'hint-latest-record-at', 'id',
'latest_record_at', 'name', 'updated_at')
kwargs = {
'auth': AUTH,
'headers': {
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'},
base_url = ''
projects = json.load(requests.get(base_url, **kwargs))
for p in projects:
project = p['project']
if project['active'] and project['name'].endswith(prev_month) and (
(project.get('budget') and float(project.get('budget'))) or
(project.get('cost_budget') and float(project.get('cost_budget')))):
print 'Copy project: %s' % project['name']
pid = project['id']
# create new project
new_project = {
'name': project['name'].replace(prev_month, month),
for field, value in project.items():
if field not in EXCLUDE_FIELDS:
new_project[field] = value
print '> create new project: %s' % new_project['name']
r =, data=json.dumps({'project': new_project}), **kwargs)
if r.status_code != 201:
print '>> Could not create new Project: %s' %
# fetch new pid
new_pid = re.findall('(\d+)$', r.headers['Location'])[0]
# get user assignments
r = requests.get('%s/%s/user_assignments' % (base_url, pid), **kwargs)
users = json.loads(r.content)
print '> Users:'
for u in users:
nu = {'user': {'id': u['user_assignment']['user_id']}}
print '>> adding user: %s' % nu['user']['id']
r ='%s/%s/user_assignments' % (base_url, new_pid), data=json.dumps(nu), **kwargs)
if r.status_code != 201:
print '>> Could not assign user %s to new Project' % u['user']['user_id']
# get task assignments
r = requests.get('%s/%s/task_assignments' % (base_url, pid), **kwargs)
tasks = json.loads(r.content)
print '> Tasks:'
for t in tasks:
nt = {'task': {'id': t['task_assignment']['task_id']}}
print '>> adding task: %s' % nt['task']['id']
r ='%s/%s/task_assignments' % (base_url, new_pid), data=json.dumps(nt), **kwargs)
if r.status_code != 201:
print '>> Could not assign user %s to new Project' % u['user']['user_id']
# disable old project
r = requests.put('%s/%s/toggle' % (base_url, pid), **kwargs)
print '> diabling old project!'
if r.status_code != 200:
print '>> Could not toggle old project'
Copy link

on line 68:

if r.status_code != 201:
  print '>> Could not create new Project: %s' %

i'm getting the following error:

Copy project: Retainer 2017-07
> create new project: Retainer 2017-08
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 68, in <module>
    print '>> Could not create new Project: %s' %
AttributeError: 'Response' object has no attribute 'read'

I think it's since updating requests, but i tried to rollback to previous versions and the error persists - can you see why it would give this error?



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