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Created July 26, 2019 19:08
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RPC bumpfee help after Bitcoin PR 15996
~/projects/bitcoin/src ((HEAD detached at origin/pr/15996))$ bitcoin-cli -regtest help bumpfee
bumpfee "txid" ( options )
Bumps the fee of an opt-in-RBF transaction T, replacing it with a new transaction B.
An opt-in RBF transaction with the given txid must be in the wallet.
The command will pay the additional fee by reducing change outputs or adding inputs when necessary. It may add a new change output if one does not already exist.
If `totalFee` (DEPRECATED) is given, adding inputs is not supported, so there must be a single change output that is big enough or it will fail.
All inputs in the original transaction will be included in the replacement transaction.
The command will fail if the wallet or mempool contains a transaction that spends one of T's outputs.
By default, the new fee will be calculated automatically using estimatesmartfee.
The user can specify a confirmation target for estimatesmartfee.
Alternatively, the user can specify totalFee (DEPRECATED), or use RPC settxfee to set a higher fee rate.
At a minimum, the new fee rate must be high enough to pay an additional new relay fee (incrementalfee
returned by getnetworkinfo) to enter the node's mempool.
1. txid (string, required) The txid to be bumped
2. options (json object, optional)
"confTarget": n, (numeric, optional, default=fallback to wallet's default) Confirmation target (in blocks)
"totalFee": n, (numeric, optional, default=fallback to 'confTarget') Total fee (NOT feerate) to pay, in satoshis. (DEPRECATED)
In rare cases, the actual fee paid might be slightly higher than the specified
totalFee if the tx change output has to be removed because it is too close to
the dust threshold.
"replaceable": bool, (boolean, optional, default=true) Whether the new transaction should still be
marked bip-125 replaceable. If true, the sequence numbers in the transaction will
be left unchanged from the original. If false, any input sequence numbers in the
original transaction that were less than 0xfffffffe will be increased to 0xfffffffe
so the new transaction will not be explicitly bip-125 replaceable (though it may
still be replaceable in practice, for example if it has unconfirmed ancestors which
are replaceable).
"estimate_mode": "str", (string, optional, default=UNSET) The fee estimate mode, must be one of:
"txid": "value", (string) The id of the new transaction
"origfee": n, (numeric) Fee of the replaced transaction
"fee": n, (numeric) Fee of the new transaction
"errors": [ str... ] (json array of strings) Errors encountered during processing (may be empty)
Bump the fee, get the new transaction's txid
> bitcoin-cli bumpfee <txid>
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