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Created May 15, 2019 11:37
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(pr/15943)$ test/functional/ rpc_uptime --coverage
Temporary test directory at /tmp/test_runner_₿_🏃_20190515_133545
Initializing coverage directory at /tmp/coveragehsj4pafy
Remaining jobs: []
1/1 - passed, Duration: 1 s

TEST          | STATUS    | DURATION | ✓ Passed  | 1 s

ALL           | ✓ Passed  | 1 s (accumulated) 
Runtime: 1 s

Uncovered RPC commands:
  - abandontransaction
  - abortrescan
  - addmultisigaddress
  - addnode
  - analyzepsbt
  - backupwallet
  - bumpfee
  - clearbanned
  - combinepsbt
  - combinerawtransaction
  - converttopsbt
  - createmultisig
  - createpsbt
  - createrawtransaction
  - createwallet
  - decodepsbt
  - decoderawtransaction
  - decodescript
  - deriveaddresses
  - disconnectnode
  - dumpprivkey
  - dumpwallet
  - encryptwallet
  - estimatesmartfee
  - finalizepsbt
  - fundrawtransaction
  - generatetoaddress
  - getaddednodeinfo
  - getaddressesbylabel
  - getaddressinfo
  - getbalance
  - getbalances
  - getblock
  - getblockchaininfo
  - getblockfilter
  - getblockhash
  - getblockheader
  - getblockstats
  - getblocktemplate
  - getchaintips
  - getchaintxstats
  - getconnectioncount
  - getdescriptorinfo
  - getdifficulty
  - getmemoryinfo
  - getmempoolancestors
  - getmempooldescendants
  - getmempoolentry
  - getmempoolinfo
  - getmininginfo
  - getnettotals
  - getnetworkhashps
  - getnetworkinfo
  - getnewaddress
  - getnodeaddresses
  - getpeerinfo
  - getrawchangeaddress
  - getrawtransaction
  - getreceivedbyaddress
  - getreceivedbylabel
  - getrpcinfo
  - gettransaction
  - gettxout
  - gettxoutproof
  - gettxoutsetinfo
  - getunconfirmedbalance
  - getzmqnotifications
  - importaddress
  - importmulti
  - importprunedfunds
  - importpubkey
  - importwallet
  - joinpsbts
  - keypoolrefill
  - listaddressgroupings
  - listbanned
  - listlabels
  - listlockunspent
  - listreceivedbyaddress
  - listreceivedbylabel
  - listsinceblock
  - listtransactions
  - listunspent
  - listwalletdir
  - listwallets
  - loadwallet
  - lockunspent
  - logging
  - ping
  - preciousblock
  - prioritisetransaction
  - pruneblockchain
  - removeprunedfunds
  - rescanblockchain
  - savemempool
  - scantxoutset
  - sendmany
  - sendrawtransaction
  - sendtoaddress
  - setban
  - sethdseed
  - setlabel
  - setnetworkactive
  - settxfee
  - signmessage
  - signmessagewithprivkey
  - signrawtransactionwithkey
  - signrawtransactionwithwallet
  - submitblock
  - submitheader
  - testmempoolaccept
  - unloadwallet
  - utxoupdatepsbt
  - validateaddress
  - verifychain
  - verifymessage
  - verifytxoutproof
  - walletcreatefundedpsbt
  - walletlock
  - walletpassphrase
  - walletpassphrasechange
  - walletprocesspsbt

Cleaning up coverage data
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