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Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
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Save jonathan-beard/10e2916d228165d050a7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Stupid simple script to get leaks on programs running on OS X...doesn't quite parse the output of ps -A correctly but I don't have time to fix right now and it works well enough to be used.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
# getProcessList - returns an array of an arrays
# first index is the pid, second the executable
# it refers to
sub getProcessList();
# runLeaks - writes the output of the "leaks" exe
# for each of the pids returned from getProcessList()
# first param is the process list, second param is
# the filename
sub runLeaks( $$ );
# processOutput - simply parses the output of the OS X 'leaks'
# exe (which it takes as the input param).
sub processOutput( $ );
# actual program starts here
if( ( 0 + @ARGV ) != 1 )
print STDERR "Must provide an outputfile for leak stats as argument, e.g.,\n./ outputfile.csv\nexiting!!\n";
exit( -1 );
my ($filename) = @ARGV;
my $processList = getProcessList();
runLeaks( $processList, $filename );
exit( 0 );
# start subroutines
sub getProcessList()
my @rawlist = split/\n/, `ps -A`;
# Discard heading
shift( @rawlist );
my @output;
foreach my $line( @rawlist )
my @fields = split /\s+/, $line;
my $pid = 0;
my $exe = "";
my $index = 0;
while ( ! $pid =~ m/\d+/ )
$pid = shift( @fields );
$exe = pop( @fields );
push( @output, [ $pid, $exe ]);
return( \@output );
sub runLeaks( $$ )
my ($list, $outputfile) = @_;
open(OUTPUT, ">", $outputfile) or die "Couldn't open $outputfile\n";
foreach my $info (@$list)
my $pid = $info->[ 0 ];
my $data = "";
$data = `leaks $pid 2> /dev/null`;
if( ! $data eq "" )
my $usefulLine = "";
$usefulLine = processOutput( $data );
print OUTPUT "$usefulLine\n";
print OUTPUT join('', "#" x 80 )."\n";
close( OUTPUT );
sub processOutput( $ )
my ($leak) = @_;
my @lines = split /\n/, $leak;
my $output = "";
foreach my $line ( @lines )
if( $line =~ m/leaks for/ || $line=~ m/leak for/ )
$output .= $line;
return( $output );
elsif( $line =~ m/Path: / )
$output .= $line."\n";
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Extremely quick (as in I wrote it quickly) to find memory leaks on OS X. I finally found mine in some plugins that were eventually consuming all my memory. To run it on all processes you'll have to use 'sudo' to execute it as in 'sudo ./ outputFileName'. To execute it you'll have to make it executable with 'chmod u+x'. One of these days I might write a bit better one, but this worked for me.

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Accidentally took out the new line...added it back in.

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Updated to throw an error when output file is not given, other than that error checking is rather basic with corner cases more than likely causing undefined behavior.

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