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Created October 25, 2018 16:56
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Retrieve winter weather data from NOAA's global historical climate network database and plot changes in winter snowfall and number of cold days.
p_load(magrittr, tidyverse, lubridate, rnoaa)
# Get an web services token from NOAA at
# and paste it into the code below
if (is.null(getOption("noaakey")))
options(noaakey="<your token goes here>")
if (str_detect(getOption("noaakey"), "[^A-Za-z0-9]"))
stop("You need to configure a NOAA web services token before you can use this code.")
# This is a county-level FIPS code. Default is Davidson County, TN
my_location_code <- fipscodes %>%
filter(state == "Tennessee", county == "Davidson") %>% head(1) %$% fips %>%
str_c("FIPS:", .)
# Get stations in the selected county, and sort by length of record.
stations = ncdc_stations(datasetid = "GHCND", locationid=my_location_code, limit = 100) %$% data %>%
as.tibble() %>% mutate(mindate = ymd(mindate), maxdate = ymd(maxdate),
datespan = maxdate - mindate) %>%
arrange(desc(datespan), mindate)
# The station with the longest record
best_station <- head(stations,1)
# Lists of available data sets, data categories, and data types
data_sets = ncdc_datasets(station_id = best_station$id)
data_cats = ncdc_datacats(datasetid = "GHCND")
data_types = ncdc_datatypes(datasetid = "GHCND", datacategoryid = "TEMP")
# Get a given type of data for a station for a specified year
get_one_year <- function(stationid, datasetid, datatypeid, year, limit = 366) {
offset = 1
records = 0
goal = 366
data <- tibble()
start_date = str_c(year, "-01-01")
end_date = str_c(year, "-12-31")
while(records < goal) {
start.time = now()
message("Getting records ", offset, "-", offset + limit - 1)
new_data <- ncdc(stationid = stationid, datasetid = datasetid, datatypeid = datatypeid,
startdate = start_date, enddate = end_date,
offset = offset, limit = limit)
if (is.null(new_data$meta$totalCount)) {
} else {
goal = new_data$meta$totalCount
offset = new_data$meta %$% {offset + pageCount}
data = bind_rows(data, new_data$data)
records <- nrow(data)
delta.time = now() - start.time
if(delta.time < 1 && records < goal) {
message("Sleeping for ", round(1.0 - delta.time, 3), " seconds")
Sys.sleep(1.0 - delta.time)
# Get data for the full record of the station.
read_station_data <- function(station, datasetid, datatypeid) {
data <- tibble()
years <- seq(year(min(station$mindate)), year(max(station$maxdate)))
for (year in years) {
message("Getting ", datatypeid, " data for ", station$name, " for year ", year)
this_year <- get_one_year(station$id, datasetid, datatypeid, year)
data <- data %>% bind_rows(this_year)
if (year < max(years)) Sys.sleep(1)
# Count up days per winter with minimum temperature below a threshold.
# Assign winters to the year of the beginning (e.g., 1950-1951 winter is
# assigned to 1950).
get_cold_days <- function(temp_record, threshold_f = 0.0) {
winters <- temp_record %>%
mutate(date = as_datetime(date), month = month(date),
year = year(date) - ifelse(month <= 6, 1, 0),
tmin = (9.0 / 5.0) * (value / 10.0) + 32.0) %>%
group_by(year) %>% summarize(cold_days = sum(tmin < threshold_f)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
filter(year > min(year))
# Add up cumulative snowfall for each winter.
# Assign winters to the year of the beginning (e.g., 1950-1951 winter is
# assigned to 1950).
get_winter_snow <- function(snow_record) {
winters <- snow_record %>%
mutate(date = as_datetime(date), month = month(date),
year = year(date) - ifelse(month <= 6, 1, 0),
snow = value / 25.4) %>%
group_by(year) %>% summarize(snow = sum(snow)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
filter(year > min(year))
plot_cold_days <- function(temp_record, threshold_f = 0.0,
baseline = FALSE, location_name = NULL) {
plot_color = "#3A5FCD"
cold_days <- get_cold_days(temp_record, threshold_f)
plot_title = ifelse(is.null(location_name),
"Cold ways in winters",
str_c("Cold days in ", location_name, " winters"))
baseline_level = cold_days %>% filter(year >= 1949 & year < 1979) %>%
summarize(cold_days = mean(cold_days))
p <- ggplot(cold_days, aes(x = year, y = cold_days)) +
geom_col(color = plot_color, fill = plot_color)
if (baseline)
p <- p + geom_hline(color = plot_color, yintercept = baseline_level$cold_days)
p <- p +
scale_x_continuous(expand=c(0,0), breaks = seq(1800, 2050, 10)) +
scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0,0), limits = c(0,max(cold_days$cold_days) + 0.5)) +
labs(x = "Year",
y = bquote("# days below " * .(round(threshold_f, 1)) * degree * F),
title = plot_title)
plot_snow <- function(snow_record, baseline = FALSE, location_name = NULL) {
plot_color = "#3A5FCD"
snow <- get_winter_snow(snow_record)
plot_title = ifelse(is.null(location_name),
"Snow fall in winters",
str_c("Snow fall in ", location_name, " winters"))
baseline_level = snow %>% filter(year >= 1949 & year < 1979) %>%
summarize(snow = mean(snow))
p <- ggplot(snow, aes(x = year, y = snow)) +
geom_col(color = plot_color, fill = plot_color)
if (baseline)
p <- p + geom_hline(color = plot_color, yintercept = baseline_level$snow)
p <- p +
scale_x_continuous(expand=c(0,0), breaks = seq(1800, 2050, 10)) +
scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0,0), limits = c(0,max(snow$snow) + 1)) +
labs(x = "Year", y = "Inches of snow",
title = plot_title)
get_data <- function() {
temp_data <<- read_station_data(best_station, "GHCND", "TMIN")
snow_data <<- read_station_data(best_station, "GHCND", "SNOW")
theme_set(theme_bw(base_size = 12))
# Run example...
if(TRUE) {
plot_snow(snow_data, baseline = TRUE, location_name = "Nashville, TN")
plot_cold_days(temp_data, threshold_f = 0.0, baseline = TRUE, location_name = "Nashville, TN")
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