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Created November 23, 2009 21:17
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Save jonathan/241384 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
-module (histogram).
-compile (export_all).
-author ("Mr. M.S. Esquire Jonathan Raymond Hicks").
% Where is this damn file on a mac?
% File = [ "a", "at", "red", "green", "dog"].
% This will need to come from the command line
% Input = "reader".
% Break up the input into a histogram
parse_input(Histo, [])->
parse_input(Histo, [H|T])->
NewHisto = case lists:keyfind(H, 1, Histo) of
false ->
lists:keystore(H, 1, Histo, {H, 1});
{H, N} ->
lists:keyreplace(H, 1, Histo, {H, N+1})
parse_input(NewHisto, T).
parse_input([], Input).
% [{"a", 1}, {"d", 1}, {"e", 2}, {"r", 2}]
% InputHisto = parse_input(Input).
match_letter([], Word)->
match_letter(Letter, Word)->
match_letter(Letter, Word)
find_word(Word, [])->
{true, Word};
find_word(Histo, [H,T])->
NewHisto = case lists:filter(fun(E) -> [E] =:= match_letter(Histo, H) end, H) of
false ->
{H, N} ->
lists:keyreplace(H, 1, Histo, {H, N-1})
find_word(NewHisto, T).
File = [ "a", "at", "red", "green", "dog"],
case find_word(InputHisto, File) of
{true, Word} ->
io:format("~p", [Word]);
_ ->
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