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Created January 12, 2018 09:50
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module CMAES
using Distributions
∑(x) = sum(x)
function init_constants(xinit,λ,w,μ)
D = length(xinit)
μ_w = 1.0 / sum(w.^2)
c_σ = (μ_w + 2.0) / (D + μ_w + 5.0)
d_σ = 1.0 + c_σ + 2.0*max(0, √((μ_w-1)/(D+1)) -1)
c_c = (4 + μ_w/D)/(D + 4 + 2μ_w/D)
c_1 = 2/((D+1.3)^2 + μ_w)
c_μ = min(1-c_1,2*(μ_w-2+1/μ_w)/((D+2)^2 +μ_w))
D, μ_w, c_σ, d_σ, c_c, c_1, c_μ
function cmaes(f,xinit, Niter, λ=16, σ=1)
_weights(μ) = [(log(μ+1)-log(i)) for i=1:μ] / ∑( log(μ+1)-log(j) for j=1:μ )
μ = floor(Int,λ/2)
w = _weights(μ)
D, μ_w, c_σ, d_σ, c_c, c_1, c_μ = init_constants(xinit,λ,w,μ)
p_σ, p_c = zeros(D), zeros(D)
C = diagm(ones(D))
m = xinit
x = [zeros(D) for i=1:μ]
Normal(C) = rand(MultivariateNormal(zeros(D),C))
chi_D = √D*(1-1/(4*D) + 1/(21*D^2))
fx = zeros(λ)
for t = 1:Niter
x = [m + σ*Normal(C) for i=1:λ]
fx = map(f,x)
x = x[sortperm(fx)]
fx = sort(fx)
m_t = m
m = ∑( w[i] * x[i] for i=1:μ)
Δm = m-m_t
p_σ = (1-c_σ)*p_σ + √(c_σ*(2-c_σ)*μ_w) * C^(-1/2) * Δm/σ
h_σ = norm(p_σ) < √(1-(1-c_σ)^(2*(t+1)))*(1.4 + 2/(D+1)) ? 1.0 : 0.0
p_c = (1-c_c)*p_c + h_σ*√(c_σ*(2 - c_σ)*μ_w) * Δm/σ
C = (1-c_1-c_µ + (1-h_σ)*c_1*c_c*(2-c_c)) * C +
c_1 * p_c * p_c' +
c_μ * ∑( w[i]/σ^2*( (x[i]-m) * (x[i]-m)') for i=1:μ)
C = (C+C')/2 #keep symmetric part
σ = σ * exp(c_σ/d_σ*(norm(p_σ)/chi_D -1))
norm(p_σ) < 1e-60 && return x[1],fx[1]
using BlackBoxOptimizationBenchmarking
f = BlackBoxOptimizationBenchmarking.F18
xinit = rand(3)
Niter = 10_000
xmin, fmin = CMAES.cmaes(f, xinit, Niter, λ, σ)
fmin < f.f_opt + 1e-6
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