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jonathanalves / list-constraints-analyze-query.sql
Last active April 5, 2022 23:47 — forked from PickledDragon/list-constraints.sql
Postgres list all constraints
-- realizar a analise da query lenta
explain (analyze,buffers,timing) DELETE FROM indicador_pessoal_versao where id = 'c5df0553-612c-4a89-9d48-131890efff92'
jonathanalves / RTF2TXTfn.sql
Created March 26, 2022 21:28 — forked from patpawlowski/RTF2TXTfn.sql
VERY simple SQL RTF to TXT converter primarily to convert Act notes to plain text
Written by: patpawlowski
Created On: Oct 26, 2015 at 4:51:52 PM
Description: This is a rough attempt to create a funciton to strip the markup from
the Act TBL_NOTE.NOTETEXT field. It appears to work for what I need
but could probably use some work with the escaped characters.
It's not particularly fast but it is faster than other solutions I've come
across. It takes about 4 seconds to parse 2700 records.
select substring(nome from '\d+'), nome, * from arquivo_morto am where pasta = 'titulos' and substring(nome from '[a-zA-Z\s]+') is null
update arquivo_morto set nome = replace(replace(nome, 'TIT', ''), '.pdf', '') where pasta = 'titulos' and substring(nome from '[a-zA-Z\s]+') is null;
update arquivo_morto set nome = substring(nome from '\d+')::numeric::text where pasta = 'titulos' and substring(nome from '[a-zA-Z\s]+') is null;
-- Títulos:
with arquivos as (
select referencia
drop function IF exists count_business_days;
create or replace function count_business_days(start_date date, end_date date)
returns bigint
as $fbd$
select count(d::date) as d
from generate_series(start_date, end_date, '1 day'::interval) d
where extract('dow' from d) not in (0, 6) and
not exists ( select 1 from public.feriado where dia::date = d::date )
$fbd$ language sql;
UPDATE public.configuracao SET
arisp=cast(a.depois->'arisp' as jsonb),
atendimento=cast(a.depois->'atendimento' as jsonb),
cabecalho_site=cast(a.depois->'cabecalho_site' as jsonb),
calculadora_valor_venal=cast(a.depois->'calculadora_valor_venal' as jsonb),
chat=cast(a.depois->'chat' as jsonb),
cidade=cast(a.depois->'cidade' as text),
corisc=cast(a.depois->'corisc' as jsonb),
debito=cast(a.depois->'debito' as jsonb),
detalhes_cartorio=cast(a.depois->'detalhes_cartorio' as jsonb),
delete from atribuicao where usuario_id in (select id from usuario where ativo is false);
delete from atribuicao where etapa_id in (select id from etapa where ativo is false);
delete from atribuicao where tipo_servico_id in (select id from tipo_servico where ativo is false);
delete from checklist_tipo_documento where tipo_documento_id in (select id from tipo_documento where ativo is false);
delete from checklist_tipo_documento where checklist_id in (select id from checklist where ativo is false);
delete from checklist_tipo_servico where tipo_servico_id in (select id from tipo_servico where ativo is false);
delete from checklist_tipo_servico where checklist_id in (select id from checklist where ativo is false);
select i.documento, TO_CHAR(p.registro, 'MM-YYYY') mes, sum(pf.valor) total, count( protocolos
from protocolo p
join protocolo_financeiro pf on = pf.protocolo_id
join indicador_pessoal_versao i on = p.tomador_id or = p.interessado_id or = p.solicitante_id
where p.registro::date between '2021-01-01' and '2021-02-28' and i.documento is not null
and pf.forma_pagamento = 'DINHEIRO'
group by 1,2
having sum(pf.valor) >= 30000
order by 1,2
ALTER TABLE indicador_pessoal_versao DROP CONSTRAINT uk_2s3c25we0a91ejyy5moa8623j;
update indicador_pessoal_versao
set hashcode = md5(CONCAT_WS(';',
coalesce(indicador_Pessoal_Id::varchar, '')
, coalesce(nome, '')
, coalesce(documento, '')
, coalesce(documento_Desconhecido::varchar, '')
, coalesce(denominacao, '')
update livro_protocolo set ordem = null where "data" >= '2020-12-05';
with maximo as (
select max(ordem) as maximo from livro_protocolo lp
ordens as (
select, lp."data", lp.tipo, m.maximo + row_number() over(order by lp."data" asc, p.codigo asc, lp.tipo asc) ordem
from livro_protocolo lp
join protocolo p on = lp.protocolo_id
join maximo m on 1=1
/* DTO ato ------------------------------------------- */