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Created January 12, 2018 10:45
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unslider.js from release v.2.0.3 (1e6558f) - Contains a critical bugfix in the calculateSlides function
// unslider.js from release v.2.0.3 (1e6558f) - Contains a critical bugfix, PR pending
// See this issue for more info on this custom version:
* Unslider
* version 2.0
* by @idiot and friends
(function($) {
// Don't throw any errors when jQuery
if(!$) {
return console.warn('Unslider needs jQuery');
$.Unslider = function(context, options) {
var self = this;
// Create an Unslider reference we can use everywhere
self._ = 'unslider';
// Store our default options in here
// Everything will be overwritten by the jQuery plugin though
self.defaults = {
// Should the slider move on its own or only when
// you interact with the nav/arrows?
// Only accepts boolean true/false.
autoplay: false,
// 3 second delay between slides moving, pass
// as a number in milliseconds.
delay: 3000,
// Animation speed in millseconds
speed: 750,
// An easing string to use. If you're using Velocity, use a
// Velocity string otherwise you can use jQuery/jQ UI options.
easing: 'swing', // [.42, 0, .58, 1],
// Does it support keyboard arrows?
// Can pass either true or false -
// or an object with the keycodes, like so:
// {
// prev: 37,
// next: 39
// }
// You can call any internal method name
// before the keycode and it'll be called.
keys: {
prev: 37,
next: 39
// Do you want to generate clickable navigation
// to skip to each slide? Accepts boolean true/false or
// a callback function per item to generate.
nav: true,
// Should there be left/right arrows to go back/forth?
// -> This isn't keyboard support.
// Either set true/false, or an object with the HTML
// elements for each arrow like below:
arrows: {
prev: '<a class="' + self._ + '-arrow prev">Prev</a>',
next: '<a class="' + self._ + '-arrow next">Next</a>'
// How should Unslider animate?
// It can do one of the following types:
// "fade": each slide fades in to each other
// "horizontal": each slide moves from left to right
// "vertical": each slide moves from top to bottom
animation: 'horizontal',
// If you don't want to use a list to display your slides,
// you can change it here. Not recommended and you'll need
// to adjust the CSS accordingly.
selectors: {
container: 'ul:first',
slides: 'li'
// Do you want to animate the heights of each slide as
// it moves
animateHeight: false,
// Active class for the nav
activeClass: self._ + '-active',
// Have swipe support?
// You can set this here with a boolean and always use
// initSwipe/destroySwipe later on.
swipe: true
// Set defaults
self.$context = context;
self.options = {};
// Leave our elements blank for now
// Since they get changed by the options, we'll need to
// set them in the init method.
self.$parent = null;
self.$container = null;
self.$slides = null;
self.$nav = null;
self.$arrows = [];
// Set our indexes and totals = 0;
self.current = 0;
// Generate a specific random ID so we don't dupe events
self.prefix = self._ + '-';
self.eventSuffix = '.' + self.prefix + ~~(Math.random() * 2e3);
// In case we're going to use the autoplay
self.interval = null;
// Get everything set up innit
self.init = function(options) {
// Set up our options inside here so we can re-init at
// any time
self.options = $.extend({}, self.defaults, options);
// Our elements
self.$container = self.$context.find(self.options.selectors.container).addClass(self.prefix + 'wrap');
self.$slides = self.$container.children(self.options.selectors.slides);
// We'll manually init the container
// We want to keep this script as small as possible
// so we'll optimise some checks
$.each(['nav', 'arrows', 'keys', 'infinite'], function(index, module) {
self.options[module] && self['init' + $._ucfirst(module)]();
// Add swipe support
if(jQuery.event.special.swipe && self.options.swipe) {
// If autoplay is set to true, call self.start()
// to start calling our timeouts
self.options.autoplay && self.start();
// We should be able to recalculate slides at will
// Listen to a ready event
self.$context.trigger(self._ + '.ready');
// Everyday I'm chainin'
return self.animate(self.options.index || self.current, 'init');
self.setup = function() {
// Add a CSS hook to the main element
self.$context.addClass(self.prefix + self.options.animation).wrap('<div class="' + self._ + '" />');
self.$parent = self.$context.parent('.' + self._);
// We need to manually check if the container is absolutely
// or relatively positioned
var position = self.$context.css('position');
// If we don't already have a position set, we'll
// automatically set it ourselves
if(position === 'static') {
self.$context.css('position', 'relative');
self.$context.css('overflow', 'hidden');
// Set up the slide widths to animate with
// so the box doesn't float over
self.calculateSlides = function() {
// Check how many children the slider contains
self.$slides = self.$container.children(); // this is the new line, the rest is release v.2.0.3 = self.$slides.length;
// Set the total width
if(self.options.animation !== 'fade') {
var prop = 'width';
if(self.options.animation === 'vertical') {
prop = 'height';
self.$container.css(prop, ( * 100) + '%').addClass(self.prefix + 'carousel');
self.$slides.css(prop, (100 / + '%');
// Start our autoplay
self.start = function() {
self.interval = setTimeout(function() {
// Move on to the next slide;
// If we've got autoplay set up
// we don't need to keep starting
// the slider from within our timeout
// as .animate() calls it for us
}, self.options.delay);
return self;
// And pause our timeouts
// and force stop the slider if needed
self.stop = function() {
return self;
// Set up our navigation
self.initNav = function() {
var $nav = $('<nav class="' + self.prefix + 'nav"><ol /></nav>');
// Build our click navigation item-by-item
self.$slides.each(function(key) {
// If we've already set a label, let's use that
// instead of generating one
var label = this.getAttribute('data-nav') || key + 1;
// Listen to any callback functions
if($.isFunction(self.options.nav)) {
label =$slides.eq(key), key, label);
// And add it to our navigation item
$nav.children('ol').append('<li data-slide="' + key + '">' + label + '</li>');
// Keep a copy of the nav everywhere so we can use it
self.$nav = $nav.insertAfter(self.$context);
// Now our nav is built, let's add it to the slider and bind
// for any click events on the generated links
self.$nav.find('li').on('click' + self.eventSuffix, function() {
// Cache our link and set it to be active
var $me = $(this).addClass(self.options.activeClass);
// Set the right active class, remove any other ones
// Move the slide
// Set up our left-right arrow navigation
// (Not keyboard arrows, prev/next buttons)
self.initArrows = function() {
if(self.options.arrows === true) {
self.options.arrows = self.defaults.arrows;
// Loop our options object and bind our events
$.each(self.options.arrows, function(key, val) {
// Add our arrow HTML and bind it
$(val).insertAfter(self.$context).on('click' + self.eventSuffix, self[key])
// Set up our keyboad navigation
// Allow binding to multiple keycodes
self.initKeys = function() {
if(self.options.keys === true) {
self.options.keys = self.defaults.keys;
$(document).on('keyup' + self.eventSuffix, function(e) {
$.each(self.options.keys, function(key, val) {
if(e.which === val) {
$.isFunction(self[key]) && self[key].call(self);
// Requires jQuery.event.swipe
// ->
self.initSwipe = function() {
var width = self.$slides.width();
swiperight: self.prev,
movestart: function(e) {
// If the movestart heads off in a upwards or downwards
// direction, prevent it so that the browser scrolls normally.
if((e.distX > e.distY && e.distX < -e.distY) || (e.distX < e.distY && e.distX > -e.distY)) {
return !!e.preventDefault();
self.$container.css('position', 'relative');
// We don't want to have a tactile swipe in the slider
// in the fade animation, as it can cause some problems
// with layout, so we'll just disable it.
if(self.options.animation !== 'fade') {
move: function(e) {
self.$container.css('left', -(100 * self.current) + (100 * e.distX / width) + '%');
moveend: function(e) {
if((Math.abs(e.distX) / width) < $.event.special.swipe.settings.threshold) {
return self._move(self.$container, {left: -(100 * self.current) + '%'}, false, 200);
// Infinite scrolling is a massive pain in the arse
// so we need to create a whole bloody function to set
// it up. Argh.
self.initInfinite = function() {
var pos = ['first', 'last'];
$.each(pos, function(index, item) {
// Exclude all cloned slides and call .first() or .last()
// depending on what `item` is.
self.$slides.filter(':not(".' + self._ + '-clone")')[item]()
// Make a copy of it and identify it as a clone
.clone().addClass(self._ + '-clone')
// Either insert before or after depending on whether we're
// the first or last clone
['insert' + (index === 0 ? 'After' : 'Before')](
// Return the other element in the position array
// if item = first, return "last"
// Remove any trace of arrows
// Loop our array of arrows and use jQuery to remove
// It'll unbind any event handlers for us
self.destroyArrows = function() {
$.each(self.$arrows, function($arrow) {
// Remove any swipe events and reset the position
self.destroySwipe = function() {
// We bind to 4 events, so we'll unbind those
self.$'movestart move moveend');
// Unset the keyboard navigation
// Remove the handler
self.destroyKeys = function() {
// Remove the event handler
$(document).off('keyup' + self.eventSuffix);
self.setIndex = function(to) {
if(to < 0) {
to = - 1;
self.current = Math.min(Math.max(0, to), - 1);
if(self.options.nav) {
self.$nav.find('[data-slide="' + self.current + '"]')._active(self.options.activeClass);
return self;
// Despite the name, this doesn't do any animation - since there's
// now three different types of animation, we let this method delegate
// to the right type, keeping the name for backwards compat.
self.animate = function(to, dir) {
// Animation shortcuts
// Instead of passing a number index, we can now
// use .data('unslider').animate('last');
// or .unslider('animate:last')
// to go to the very last slide
if(to === 'first') to = 0;
if(to === 'last') to =;
// Don't animate if it's not a valid index
if(isNaN(to)) {
return self;
if(self.options.autoplay) {
// Add a callback method to do stuff with
self.$context.trigger(self._ + '.change', [to, self.$slides.eq(to)]);
// Delegate the right method - everything's named consistently
// so we can assume it'll be called "animate" +
var fn = 'animate' + $._ucfirst(self.options.animation);
// Make sure it's a valid animation method, otherwise we'll get
// a load of bug reports that'll be really hard to report
if($.isFunction(self[fn])) {
self[fn](self.current, dir);
return self;
// Shortcuts for animating if we don't know what the current
// index is (i.e back/forward)
// For moving forward we need to make sure we don't overshoot. = function() {
var target = self.current + 1;
// If we're at the end, we need to move back to the start
if(target >= {
target = 0;
return self.animate(target, 'next');
// Previous is a bit simpler, we can just decrease the index
// by one and check if it's over 0.
self.prev = function() {
return self.animate(self.current - 1, 'prev');
// Our default animation method, the old-school left-to-right
// horizontal animation
self.animateHorizontal = function(to) {
var prop = 'left';
// Add RTL support, slide the slider
// the other way if the site is right-to-left
if(self.$context.attr('dir') === 'rtl') {
prop = 'right';
if(self.options.infinite) {
// So then we need to hide the first slide
self.$container.css('margin-' + prop, '-100%');
return self.slide(prop, to);
// The same animation methods, but vertical support
// RTL doesn't affect the vertical direction so we
// can just call as is
self.animateVertical = function(to) {
self.options.animateHeight = true;
// Normal infinite CSS fix doesn't work for
// vertical animation so we need to manually set it
// with pixels. Ah well.
if(self.options.infinite) {
self.$container.css('margin-top', -self.$slides.outerHeight());
return self.slide('top', to);
// Actually move the slide now
// We have to pass a property to animate as there's
// a few different directions it can now move, but it's
// otherwise unchanged from before.
self.slide = function(prop, to) {
// If we want to change the height of the slider
// to match the current slide, you can set
// {animateHeight: true}
if(self.options.animateHeight) {
self._move(self.$context, {height: self.$slides.eq(to).outerHeight()}, false);
// For infinite sliding we add a dummy slide at the end and start
// of each slider to give the appearance of being infinite
if(self.options.infinite) {
var dummy;
// Going backwards to last slide
if(to === - 1) {
// We're setting a dummy position and an actual one
// the dummy is what the index looks like
// (and what we'll silently update to afterwards),
// and the actual is what makes it not go backwards
dummy = - 3;
to = -1;
// Going forwards to first slide
if(to === - 2) {
dummy = 0;
to = - 2;
// If it's a number we can safely set it
if(typeof dummy === 'number') {
// Listen for when the slide's finished transitioning so
// we can silently move it into the right place and clear
// this whole mess up.
self.$context.on(self._ + '.moved', function() {
if(self.current === dummy) {
self.$container.css(prop, -(100 * dummy) + '%').off(self._ + '.moved');
// We need to create an object to store our property in
// since we don't know what it'll be.
var obj = {};
// Manually create it here
obj[prop] = -(100 * to) + '%';
// And animate using our newly-created object
return self._move(self.$container, obj);
// Fade between slides rather than, uh, sliding it
self.animateFade = function(to) {
var $active = self.$slides.eq(to).addClass(self.options.activeClass);
// Toggle our classes
self._move($active.siblings().removeClass(self.options.activeClass), {opacity: 0});
self._move($active, {opacity: 1}, false);
self._move = function($el, obj, callback, speed) {
if(callback !== false) {
callback = function() {
self.$context.trigger(self._ + '.moved');
return $el._move(obj, speed || self.options.speed, self.options.easing, callback);
// Allow daisy-chaining of methods
return self.init(options);
// Internal (but global) jQuery methods
// They're both just helpful types of shorthand for
// anything that might take too long to write out or
// something that might be used more than once.
$.fn._active = function(className) {
return this.addClass(className).siblings().removeClass(className);
// The equivalent to PHP's ucfirst(). Take the first
// character of a string and make it uppercase.
// Simples.
$._ucfirst = function(str) {
// Take our variable, run a regex on the first letter
return (str + '').toLowerCase().replace(/^./, function(match) {
// And uppercase it. Simples.
return match.toUpperCase();
$.fn._move = function() {
this.stop(true, true);
return $.fn[$.fn.velocity ? 'velocity' : 'animate'].apply(this, arguments);
// And set up our jQuery plugin
$.fn.unslider = function(opts) {
return this.each(function() {
var $this = $(this);
// Allow usage of .unslider('function_name')
// as well as using .data('unslider') to access the
// main Unslider object
if(typeof opts === 'string' && $'unslider')) {
opts = opts.split(':');
var call = $'unslider')[opts[0]];
// Do we have arguments to pass to the string-function?
if($.isFunction(call)) {
return call.apply($this, opts[1] ? opts[1].split(',') : null);
return $'unslider', new $.Unslider($this, opts));
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