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Last active August 29, 2015 14:28
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Week 4 Assignment

#Week 4 Assignment


We will be creating an app with a table view that displays 3 animals in its list (default: tiger, bear, eagle), and the user can also add a new animal to the list.

Definition of Done

  • All Acceptance Criteria met
  • Project runs and all items are functioning
  • Project solution pushed out to proper branch and pull request opened

Project Setup

  • From your GiorgioNatili/MOB-BOS-1 repository root folder, create a git branch with the following name format: week4-lastname (ex: week34-barton)
  • Create your solution inside a new folder in the Assessments_Submissions folder (ex: Assessments_Submissions/week4-barton)
  • Push your commited solution to the remote and open a Pull Request with the title format: 'week4 lastname submission'

Acceptance Criteria

  • TODO_1: Create a table view that lists three animals as items.
  • TODO_2: Create an add button to the top right corner of the table view. Wire up the button to create a UIAlert with a PlainTextInput that accepts an animal name.
  • Have the UIAlert (use UIAlertController or UIAlertview) add the animal name to the list when it is dismissed/closed.




Project Example:

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