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Last active October 12, 2016 19:45
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  • Save jonathancounihan/74ceadea611a9686d512988eb2689ac1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jonathancounihan/74ceadea611a9686d512988eb2689ac1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Generate json from git logs in powershell
Generate the change log in json
[ValidateSet("True","False", 0, 1)]
[string]$OutputAsString = "False",
[string]$OutputFilename = "changelog.json",
[string]$GitDirectory = ""
# Get Start Time
$startDTM = (Get-Date)
# required to generate a proper exit code on errors.
Write-Error $_.Exception | format-list -force
exit 1
function ConvertStringToBoolean ([string]$value) {
$value = $value.ToLower();
switch ($value) {
"true" { return $true; }
"1" { return $true; }
"false" { return $false; }
"0" { return $false; }
Write-Host ("OutputFilename: {0}"-f $OutputFilename)
Write-Host ("GitDirectory: {0}"-f $GitDirectory)
Write-Host ("OutputAsString: {0}"-f $OutputAsString)
[bool]$outputJsonAsString = ConvertStringToBoolean($OutputAsString);
Write-Host ("Removing file '{0}'..." -f $OutputFilename)
Remove-Item $OutputFilename -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
Write-Host ("Changing to folder '{0}'..." -f $GitDirectory)
Set-Location $GitDirectory
git log --since=30.days --pretty=format:'{ ^@^hash^@^: ^@^%H^@^,^@^parents^@^:^@^%P^@^,^@^tree^@^:^@^%T^@^,^@^author^@^: ^@^%an^@^,^@^date^@^: ^@^%cI^@^,^@^authordate^@^: ^@^%aI^@^,^@^subject^@^: ^@^%s^@^,^@^body^@^: ^@^%B^@^ },^^' > $OutputFilename
Write-Host ("Loading git output from file '{0}'..." -f $OutputFilename)
# use Out String to preserve the formatting
[string]$logContent = get-content($OutputFilename) | Out-String
if (![String]::IsNullOrEmpty($logContent)){
Write-Host "Processing git log file..."
# Remove the end of line between commit messages.
$logContent = $logContent.replace("^^`r`n", "")
# Change new line characters in the json
$logContent = $logContent.replace("`r`n", "\\n")
# Change the tab characters in the json
$logContent = $logContent.replace("`t", "\\t")
# escape quotes in any body text
$escapeQuotes = '\"'
if ($outputJsonAsString -eq $true){
$escapeQuotes = '\\\"'
$logContent = $logContent.replace('"', $escapeQuotes)
# Change delimiters
$quote = '"'
if ($outputJsonAsString -eq $true){
$quote = '\"'
$logContent = $logContent.replace('^@^', $quote)
# remove trailing comma
$logContent = $logContent.Substring(0, $logContent.Length - 1)
#change into a json array
$logContent = '[' + $logContent + ']'
if ($outputJsonAsString -eq $true){
$logContent = '"' + $logContent + '"'
Write-Host ("Writing json file '{0}'..." -f $OutputFilename)
$logContent | out-file $OutputFilename
$global:LASTEXITCODE = 0
Write-Error ("No git log export found!")
$global:LASTEXITCODE = 1
# Get End Time
$endDTM = (Get-Date)
# Echo Time elapsed
Write-host "Elapsed Time taken: $(($endDTM-$startDTM).totalseconds) seconds"
exit $global:LASTEXITCODE
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