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Created November 14, 2020 05:34
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# DAY Skill Name Skill Description Why
1 W1D1 Use line numbers Communicate with line numbers when discussing code. start with "On line 13..." before discussing the code itself. This allows another engineer to see exactly what code you are discussing before you start descibing it. Without this, the person to whom you are communicating may quickly be lost without seeing the reference point of your code.
2 W1D1 Act as the interpreter When reading code, act as the JavaScript interpreter and say out loud what the interpreter is doing as it executes. "invoke this function with the arguments 7 and 9" "returns the value 18" "Assigns the value 12 to the variable named 'sum'... Your ability to problem solve with code is dependant upon your ability to know precicely what your code is doing so can can then make choices as to what to add or remove. Your fluency in thinking and reading through code as the interpreter directly increaces the speed at which you can solve problems and write code and also contributes to your ability to solve more complex problems as you become fluent enough in the code that you can hold more concepts in your owrking memory at once.
3 W1D1 Uses the MDN Javascript Reference You are aware of this specific landing page as the JavaScript reference. is the root for all of the reference material for all of JavaScript. You are able to open it up and navigate through it to find built-in array methods for instance. By being familiar with the root MDN JavaScript reference, you are able to quickly look for things like "What are all the array methods?" in order to see if there is one that might help your current problem. It can also help you remain grounded when it comes to looking for information about JavaScript rather than constantly googling it.
4 W1D1 Zoom Configured You have Zoom configured with your PID, no password to join, no waiting room. A staff member has successfullly joined your room from a permanant link. This allows staff to quickly join you to assist for helpdesk tickets and for staff to join and observe as though you are in a real classroom. Without this enabled, it is common for staff to be unable to assist you because they cannot connect to the correct room.
5 W1D1 WSL/VS Code configured Windows user: You have wsl - remote setup in VS Code. You have WSL2 installed. You can execute code in vs code in debug mode successfully. Your terminal in VS Code is setup for ubuntu bash. This allows you to "run and debug" in windows on WSL, meaning your NodeJS install on your WSL It allows you to run linux in a separate environment without needing a separate virtual machine. By setting up WSL - remote, you will be able to pause your code in VS code and much more effectively work with code with a high visibility of what it is doing.
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