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Last active November 17, 2017 05:20
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Werewolf Rules


Getting Ready

Mute sounds from Slack (so if you are a werewolf, you will not be outting yourself)

The rules


In this game there are village people and werewolves, but we can't tell which is which. Only the werewolves know who eachother are and they are hiding amongst the villagers during the day. Each night, a villager has gone emissing and there have been several reports of werewolf sightings. YOU are the only villagers left. You must use your keen observations to weed out the werewolves before the werewolves outnumber you!

If you are a villager, you win if you and your fellow villagers lynch all of the werewolves.

If you are a wolf, you win if you kill enough villagers to outnumber them.

Special villagers


  • Each night, can choose 1 person to visit at dawn to take care of them in case they are injured.
  • Can shoose to save themself.

Crazy old seer Each night, can ask the moderator if one specific player is a werewolf and will learn the answer.

The Night

At night, the host tells all the players, "Go to sleep."

The host says, "Werewolves, time to wake up"

The host invites the were wolves to a private chat.

The host says "Werewolves, pick someone to kill." The werewolves secretly agree on one villager

The host confirms with the Werewolves

Now, the host awakens the Doctor and says, "Doctor, who would you like to heal?" The Doctor selects someone they'd like to heal. The person chosen (which could be himself) will survive if the werewolves chose to kill the them. If someone was killed, and then saved by the Doctor, the moderator will let the village know by saying, "Someone has been saved", at the beginning of day time.

The host awakens the Seer. "Seer, pick someone to ask about." The seer selects a player secretly.

host confirms with the Seer whether they have selected a Werewolf or not... "Seer, close your eyes."

We hear the sound of a wolf and a scream.

The host says, "Everybody open your eyes; it's daytime." And let's the villager know who has been killed. That person is immediately dead and out of the game. They do not reveal their identity.

The Day

For the first day, go around and have everyone introduce themselves (Example: Hey, I'm Matt. I'm the baker here in town, and I'm a villager.

Daytime is very simple; all the living players gather in the village and decide who to lynch. As soon as a majority of players vote for a particular player to lynch, the moderator says "Ok, you're dead."

There are no restrictions on speech. Any living player can say anything they want -- truth, misdirection, nonsense, or a barefaced lie. Dead players may not speak at all. Similarly, as soon as a majority vote indicates that a player has been lynched, they are dead. If they want to protest their innocence or reveal some information (like the seer's visions), they must do it before the vote goes through.

Once a player is lynched, night falls and the cycle repeats.

host note: Continue to wake up the Doctor and Seer even if they are no longer alive. This keeps it anonymous.

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