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Created March 29, 2023 03:02
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import { marked, Renderer } from "";
async function fetchMarkdownFromGithub(repoOwner, repoName, filePath) {
const fileUrl = `${repoOwner}/${repoName}/${filePath}`;
const response = await fetch(fileUrl);
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error(`Error fetching Markdown file: ${response.statusText}`);
return await response.text();
function createMarkdownToHtmlConverter(repoOwner, repoName) {
const renderer = new Renderer({});
const buildAbsoluteGithubUrl = (repoOwner2, repoName2, href) => {
const isAbsolutePath = href.startsWith("/");
const isRelativePath = !href.startsWith("http") && !isAbsolutePath;
const baseUrl = `${repoOwner2}/${repoName2}/main`;
if (isAbsolutePath) {
return `${baseUrl}${href}`;
} else if (isRelativePath) {
return `${baseUrl}/${href}`;
return href;
}; = (href, title, text) => {
href = buildAbsoluteGithubUrl(repoOwner, repoName, href);
title = title ? ` title="${title}"` : "";
return `<a href="${href}"${title}>${text}</a>`;
renderer.image = (src, title, alt) => {
src = buildAbsoluteGithubUrl(repoOwner, repoName, src);
title = title ? ` title="${title}"` : "";
alt = alt ? ` alt="${alt}"` : "";
return `<img src="${src}"${alt}${title}>`;
return (markdown) => {
return marked(markdown, { renderer });
function embedHtmlContent(html, containerId) {
const container = document.getElementById(containerId);
if (container) {
container.innerHTML = html;
} else {
console.error(`Container with ID "${containerId}" not found.`);
async function embedMarkdownFromGithub(repoOwner, repoName, filePath, containerId) {
try {
const markdown = await fetchMarkdownFromGithub(
const convertMarkdownToHtml = createMarkdownToHtmlConverter(
const html = convertMarkdownToHtml(markdown);
embedHtmlContent(html, containerId);
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error embedding Markdown: ${error.message}`);
export {
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