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Last active April 20, 2016 13:56
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For Linkload project
#!/usr/bin/env runhaskell
import System.Directory
import System.Environment
import Control.Monad
import System.FilePath.Windows
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
type Name = String
type Extension = String
data File = Executable Name | Relocatable Name | Assembly Name |
Source Name Extension | Other
instance Show File where
show (Executable n) = n
show (Relocatable n) = n ++ ".o"
show (Assembly n) = n ++ ".s"
show (Source n e) = n ++ e
show Other = "Other"
toFile :: [String] -> (String, String) -> Bool -> File
-- exts: the extentions of the files that share its name
-- exec: if the file is executable
toFile _ (name, ".o") _ = Relocatable name
toFile _ (name, ".c") _ = Source name ".c"
toFile exts (name, ".s") _
| ".c" `elem` exts = Assembly name
| otherwise = Source name ".s"
toFile _ (name, "") exec
| exec = Executable name
| otherwise = Other
toFile _ _ _ = Other
derives :: File -> File -> Bool
-- Post: True iff second file can be derived from the first
(Source n e) `derives` (Source n' e')
= n == n' && (e == ".c" && e == ".s")
(Source n _ ) `derives` (Executable n' ) = n == n'
(Source n _ ) `derives` (Relocatable n' ) = n == n'
(Source n _ ) `derives` (Assembly n' ) = n == n'
_ `derives` _ = False
derivedFiles :: [File] -> [File]
-- Post: The list of files than can be derived from the initial list
-- through the `derives` rules
derivedFiles fs
= map fst . filter snd $ zip fs truth
combs = [map (derives f) fs | f <- fs]
truth = foldl1 (zipWith (||)) combs
files :: [FilePath] -> IO [File]
-- Pre: files all have the same name (but different extensions)
files ps = do
perms <- mapM getPermissions ps
let execs = map executable perms
let split = map splitExtension ps
let extns = map snd split
return $ zipWith (toFile extns) split execs
main :: IO ()
main = do
contents <- getDirectoryContents "."
let filtered = filter ((/= '.') . head) contents
let split = map splitExtension filtered
let grouped = groupBy (\(n, _) (n', _) -> n == n') (sort split)
fs <- mapM files $ (map . map) (\(a, b) -> a ++ b) grouped
let filesToRemove = concatMap derivedFiles fs
args <- getArgs
if (elem "dry-run" args) then mapM_ print filesToRemove
else mapM_ (removeFile . show) filesToRemove
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