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Last active August 29, 2015 14:27
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The places I lived., in a Odyssey.js project

This projectis using Odyssey.js to tell the story of places I lived in and moved to all along.

The files keeps the markdown content necessary to the story. This content is also embeded in the index.html file.

I use to share this visual story.

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<title>Odyssey.js Slides</title>
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<span class="title" id="title">Title</span>
<span class="author"><strong id="author">By Name using</strong> <a href="">Odyssey.js</a><span>
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<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<!-- ************************************** STORY STARTS HERE *********************************************************-->
<!-- ************************************** STORY STARTS HERE *********************************************************-->
<!-- ************************************** STORY STARTS HERE *********************************************************-->
<script id="md_template" type="text/template">
-baseurl: "https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}@2x.png?access_token=pk.eyJ1IjoiZHVuY2FuZ3JhaGFtIiwiYSI6IlJJcWdFczQifQ.9HUpTV1es8IjaGAf_s64VQ"
-title: "A Moving Story"
-author: "Jonathan Lurie"
# Well, I am French
- center: [46.5135, 2.5708]
- zoom: 6
I am from the south west of the country, but I moved quite a lot then. Thus, I don't know *precisely* where I am from.
# I was born here
- center: [44.9172, -0.2458]
- zoom: 10
L.marker([44.9172, -0.2458]).actions.addRemove(
**The 27th of January 1985.** *(#0)*
It's not really a place I moved in, but I think my parents were living in downtown Bordeaux at this moment.
# My first house
- center: [44.1487, -0.7320]
- zoom: 10
L.marker([44.1487, -0.7320]).actions.addRemove(
**1985 - 1988** *(#1)*
A little house surrounded by the forest, without any fence. We had a huge oak on which my dad put a swing. We had also two cats, a dog, some hens and a rooster named Basile.
# Still far from the civilization
- center: [44.4896, -0.7910]
- zoom: 10
L.marker([44.4896, -0.7910]).actions.addRemove(
**1988 - 1989** *(#2)*
Our bathtub was round-shaped and we had a chimney!
Our neighbour had a male goat I was super afraid of!
# Closer to the city
- center: [44.7289, -0.5960]
- zoom: 12
L.marker([44.7289, -0.5960]).actions.addRemove(
**1989 - 1991** *(#3)*
We used to call this house "The Little House". My Dad kept it after my parents got divorced in 1990 so I came back for holidays.
We had such a tiny garden it was not worth buying a lawnmower, so my dad was doing it with a scythe (a bit old-fashioned, but excellent staying in good shape)
# A new start for my mom
- center: [44.6860, -0.3643]
- zoom: 12
L.marker([44.6860, -0.3643]).actions.addRemove(
**1991, 1st part** *(#4)*
The first place we moved after my parents got divorced. My sister and I liked to detach the cushions from the sofa and have bobsleigh sessions on the stairs! (The boyfriend of my mom was so pissed off!)
Apart from that, I don't remember much about this place because we stayed only few month.
#It was wild on the other side!
- center: [46.2710, 2.7246]
- zoom: 6
L.marker([43.5326, 5.4382]).actions.addRemove(
**1991, 2nd part** *(#5)*
With my sister, my mom and her boyfriend, we crossed the country but again we stayed only a couple of months there.
Since the weather is warm and dry in this region, it's full of crazy insects! Once a scorpio came into the house, we captured it with my sister, put it in a jar, closed it tight and waited to see how long it could stay alive... the poor beast lasted a month.
# A visit to my Grand Ma
L.marker([47.8128, 1.0519]).actions.addRemove(
- center: [47.8132, 1.0547]
- zoom: 8
**1991, 3rd part** *(#6)*
We finally came to live in my Grand Ma's place (mother side) for about a year, when my Grand Pa just passed away.
The thing I remember is that we were eating the supper very early and we didn't really like that with my sister! The house was huge and really cold so my Grand Ma gave us thick wadded quilts to keep us warm.
# Moving, but not far
- center: [47.8067, 0.9929]
- zoom: 11
L.marker([47.8067, 0.9929]).actions.addRemove(
**1992, 1st part** *(#7)*
It was surrounded by other houses in construction we liked to play in. There was also a peacock we could here from the distance (I guess a zoo was close). The daughter of my mom's boyfriend kept on saying "close your eyes, you will hear it better", it didn't work so well...
# To the countryside
L.marker([47.7174, 1.0589]).actions.addRemove(
- center: [47.7174, 1.0592]
- zoom: 11
**1992 - 1996** *(#8)*
The house was super humid, sometimes the wallpaper would come off and the odd electric setup caused the melting of some power-strips. It was also our first house without any garden. With my sister we used to say "We will never again have a house without garden!". We were so mistaking...
We officially had access only to the second floor because the ground floor was reserved for the archive of the village. With my sister we loved to sneak in and check all those old documents! (even though we didn't understand what they were about).
The mayor of the village and his wife were our neighbours, a very nice old couple. Quite often I asked them to open the school on Sunday because I forgot to take my exercice book and I couldn't do my homework for Monday!
# Back to the comfort
L.marker([47.8074, 1.0628]).actions.addRemove(
- center: [47.8074, 1.0629]
- zoom: 12
**1996 - 2000** *(#9)*
We moved back to the city, or rather to the suburbs. For the first time we lived in an apartment. It was smaller but way more comfortable and new!
We had two bedrooms, so my mom decided there would be one for me, the other for my sister, and she would use the living-room, first with a convertible sofa, then replaced by a loft bed.
I made friend with some of the neighbours with whom I played "tennis" against the wall of the building beside ours.
# Suburbs again
L.marker([47.8100, 1.0623]).actions.addRemove(
- center: [47.8100, 1.0623]
- zoom: 12
**2000 - 2003** *(#10)*
This apartment was bigger, and located on a quiet place, at the edge of the district. My mom finally had her own bedroom and I could be the new owner of the loft bed!
I entered High-school almost at the same time, I needed only 5 minutes to walk there!
# To high-school by car
- center: [47.7854, 1.0640]
- zoom: 12
L.marker([47.7854, 1.0640]).actions.addRemove(
**2003 - 2004** *(#11)*
My mom decided to move in with her new boyfriend (husband now). Even though he was very nice and did everything for me to feel "at home", I preferred to live with my mom on the previous apartment. It was a little house without garden, on the other side of the city. I used my mom's little car for the very first time to go to school!
# Independence!
## (in appearance)
- center: [46.0275, -0.3406]
- zoom: 8
L.marker([46.1590, -1.1496]).actions.addRemove(
**2004 - 2007** *(#12)*
Welcome home! For the Uni, I chose la Rochelle. It was pretty nice, near the sea, and close to Bordeaux, where my dad was living.
Those 25 square meters were my kingdom! I had a windows to the courtyard, but it was more like a jungle. The ceiling was very high so I could use the loft bed again and put a convertible sofa underneath, faking to have my own living room! I was riding my bicycle along the Atlantic every day for going to the Uni.
I bought my first professional camera at this very moment and never stopped using it since.
# Uni, part two
- center: [46.5853, 0.3351]
- zoom: 8
L.marker([46.5853, 0.3351]).actions.addRemove(
**2007 - 2010** *(#13)*
To continue my studies in engineering, I had to change the city, what a mistake! I had an apartment close to the downtown, in a building for students. It was supposed to be at the ground floor but it was rather half underground, with only one little window and very thick walls. I could profit from the daylight only few hours per day, when cars were not blocking it! (the parking lot was in front of my window). The only good thing about this apartment is the size : I had 35 sqm just for me!
# Active life
- center: [43.6043, 1.4612]
- zoom: 7
L.marker([43.6043, 1.4612]).actions.addRemove(
At the end of my studies, I moved to Toulouse, where I stayed for 4 years and a half.
# Independence!
## (almost for real)
- center: [43.6043, 1.4612]
- zoom: 13
L.marker([43.6032, 1.4528]).actions.addRemove(
**2010, march - august** *(#14)*
I completed my Master degree with an internship. I chose the city of Toulouse because I wanted to follow my girlfriend at the time, but I preferred to live alone. A 32 square meters, with old but nice parquet, well located in the downtown.
I spent hours wandering in the city with my camera.
# Two under the same roof
L.marker([43.6045, 1.4396]).actions.addRemove(
- center: [43.6045, 1.4396]
- zoom: 13
**2010 - 2011** *(#15)*
I finally got convinced to move in with my girlfriend. The apartment was located in a very popular street full of kebabs and snacks. I really liked it but she didn't because it was noisy. The apartment was at the highest floor, modern, and with a lot of charm.
Anyway, it didn't work out, we broke up in April and I was again looking for a new place.
# Odd place, nice place
L.marker([43.5984, 1.4525]).actions.addRemove(
- center: [43.5984, 1.4525]
- zoom: 13
**2011 - 2015** *(#16)*
The floor was leaning, not flat, the water pipes were noisy, the fusebox was from another era and we could feel the wind between the windows and the wall.
As odd as it seemed, I loved this place. Not for itself, but for the package it was part of : new job, new girlfriend (now wife), kind of a new start as an adult. Bonus, the owner, a nice retired French teacher, was living in the same building and used to invite us for drinking a glass of sweet home-made wine.
# How far we could go
- center: [26.7456, 10.1953]
- zoom: 2
L.marker([48.4128, -71.0760]).actions.addRemove(
My wife was looking for a post-doctorate position in North America, she found something, we moved in.
# Big country, big fridge
L.marker([48.4128, -71.0760]).actions.addRemove(
- center: [47.9311, -71.6309]
- zoom: 4
**2015** *(#17)*
We found this apartment on the Internet while in France. With only two suitcases each, we din't need much space.
Here, everything is bigger : the fridges, the cars, the wilderness. It's easy to reach the Nature because some of the national parks are very close.
# Meanwhile, in the background
L.marker([44.7242, -1.2032]).actions.addRemove(
- center: [44.7155, -1.1865]
- zoom: 6
**All Along**
My grand Pa built this house with his brother during the 60s'. Every generation in our family spent the best summer ever in this place!
As kids, my sister, my grandparents (father side) and I were having boat excusions in *«Bassin d'Arcachon»*. As a student, I stayed there for a summer job in a camping. Later I got married in this place.
Maybe I finally found the place I am from?
# What now?
- center: [33.1376, -5.9766]
- zoom: 2
I am 30 and I lived in 18 different places. I have no « friends from childhood » and even though I love meeting new people, I rarely keep contact when I move out. It may seem rude, but it would be too many people and too many friendships slowly fading away.
As I wrote earlier, I can't stop taking picture or carrying my camera everywhere. As you could guess, I am also found of cartography. What else than words can I add to tell stories? **Just to keep moving**.
-baseurl: "https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}@2x.png?access_token=pk.eyJ1IjoiZHVuY2FuZ3JhaGFtIiwiYSI6IlJJcWdFczQifQ.9HUpTV1es8IjaGAf_s64VQ"
-title: "A Moving Story"
-author: "Jonathan Lurie"

Well, I am French

- center: [46.5135, 2.5708]
- zoom: 6

I am from the south west of the country, but I moved quite a lot then. Thus, I don't know precisely where I am from.

I was born here

- center: [44.9172, -0.2458]
- zoom: 10
L.marker([44.9172, -0.2458]).actions.addRemove(

The 27th of January 1985. (#0)

It's not really a place I moved in, but I think my parents were living in downtown Bordeaux at this moment.

My first house

- center: [44.1487, -0.7320]
- zoom: 10
L.marker([44.1487, -0.7320]).actions.addRemove(

1985 - 1988 (#1)

A little house surrounded by the forest, without any fence. We had a huge oak on which my dad put a swing. We had also two cats, a dog, some hens and a rooster named Basile.

Still far from the civilization

- center: [44.4896, -0.7910]
- zoom: 10
L.marker([44.4896, -0.7910]).actions.addRemove(

1988 - 1989 (#2)

Our bathtub was round-shaped and we had a chimney!
Our neighbour had a male goat I was super afraid of!

Closer to the city

- center: [44.7289, -0.5960]
- zoom: 12
L.marker([44.7289, -0.5960]).actions.addRemove(

1989 - 1991 (#3)

We used to call this house "The Little House". My Dad kept it after my parents got divorced in 1990 so I came back for holidays.

We had such a tiny garden it was not worth buying a lawnmower, so my dad was doing it with a scythe (a bit old-fashioned, but excellent staying in good shape)

A new start for my mom

- center: [44.6860, -0.3643]
- zoom: 12
L.marker([44.6860, -0.3643]).actions.addRemove(

1991, 1st part (#4)

The first place we moved after my parents got divorced. My sister and I liked to detach the cushions from the sofa and have bobsleigh sessions on the stairs! (The boyfriend of my mom was so pissed off!)

Apart from that, I don't remember much about this place because we stayed only few month.

#It was wild on the other side!

- center: [46.2710, 2.7246]
- zoom: 6
L.marker([43.5326, 5.4382]).actions.addRemove(

1991, 2nd part (#5)

With my sister, my mom and her boyfriend, we crossed the country but again we stayed only a couple of months there.

Since the weather is warm and dry in this region, it's full of crazy insects! Once a scorpio came into the house, we captured it with my sister, put it in a jar, closed it tight and waited to see how long it could stay alive... the poor beast lasted a month.

A visit to my Grand Ma

L.marker([47.8128, 1.0519]).actions.addRemove(
- center: [47.8132, 1.0547]
- zoom: 8

1991, 3rd part (#6)

We finally came to live in my Grand Ma's place (mother side) for about a year, when my Grand Pa just passed away.

The thing I remember is that we were eating the supper very early and we didn't really like that with my sister! The house was huge and really cold so my Grand Ma gave us thick wadded quilts to keep us warm.

Moving, but not far

- center: [47.8067, 0.9929]
- zoom: 11
L.marker([47.8067, 0.9929]).actions.addRemove(

1992, 1st part (#7)

It was surrounded by other houses in construction we liked to play in. There was also a peacock we could here from the distance (I guess a zoo was close). The daughter of my mom's boyfriend kept on saying "close your eyes, you will hear it better", it didn't work so well...

To the countryside

L.marker([47.7174, 1.0589]).actions.addRemove(
- center: [47.7174, 1.0592]
- zoom: 11

1992 - 1996 (#8)

The house was super humid, sometimes the wallpaper would come off and the odd electric setup caused the melting of some power-strips. It was also our first house without any garden. With my sister we used to say "We will never again have a house without garden!". We were so mistaking...

We officially had access only to the second floor because the ground floor was reserved for the archive of the village. With my sister we loved to sneak in and check all those old documents! (even though we didn't understand what they were about).

The mayor of the village and his wife were our neighbours, a very nice old couple. Quite often I asked them to open the school on Sunday because I forgot to take my exercice book and I couldn't do my homework for Monday!

Back to the comfort

L.marker([47.8074, 1.0628]).actions.addRemove(
- center: [47.8074, 1.0629]
- zoom: 12

1996 - 2000 (#9)

We moved back to the city, or rather to the suburbs. For the first time we lived in an apartment. It was smaller but way more comfortable and new!

We had two bedrooms, so my mom decided there would be one for me, the other for my sister, and she would use the living-room, first with a convertible sofa, then replaced by a loft bed.

I made friend with some of the neighbours with whom I played "tennis" against the wall of the building beside ours.

Suburbs again

L.marker([47.8100, 1.0623]).actions.addRemove(
- center: [47.8100, 1.0623]
- zoom: 12

2000 - 2003 (#10)

This apartment was bigger, and located on a quiet place, at the edge of the district. My mom finally had her own bedroom and I could be the new owner of the loft bed!

I entered High-school almost at the same time, I needed only 5 minutes to walk there!

To high-school by car

- center: [47.7854, 1.0640]
- zoom: 12
L.marker([47.7854, 1.0640]).actions.addRemove(

2003 - 2004 (#11)

My mom decided to move in with her new boyfriend (husband now). Even though he was very nice and did everything for me to feel "at home", I preferred to live with my mom on the previous apartment. It was a little house without garden, on the other side of the city. I used my mom's little car for the very first time to go to school!


(in appearance)

- center: [46.0275, -0.3406]
- zoom: 8
L.marker([46.1590, -1.1496]).actions.addRemove(

2004 - 2007 (#12)

Welcome home! For the Uni, I chose la Rochelle. It was pretty nice, near the sea, and close to Bordeaux, where my dad was living.

Those 25 square meters were my kingdom! I had a windows to the courtyard, but it was more like a jungle. The ceiling was very high so I could use the loft bed again and put a convertible sofa underneath, faking to have my own living room! I was riding my bicycle along the Atlantic every day for going to the Uni.

I bought my first professional camera at this very moment and never stopped using it since.

Uni, part two

- center: [46.5853, 0.3351]
- zoom: 8
L.marker([46.5853, 0.3351]).actions.addRemove(

2007 - 2010 (#13)

To continue my studies in engineering, I had to change the city, what a mistake! I had an apartment close to the downtown, in a building for students. It was supposed to be at the ground floor but it was rather half underground, with only one little window and very thick walls. I could profit from the daylight only few hours per day, when cars were not blocking it! (the parking lot was in front of my window). The only good thing about this apartment is the size : I had 35 sqm just for me!

Active life

- center: [43.6043, 1.4612]
- zoom: 7
L.marker([43.6043, 1.4612]).actions.addRemove(

At the end of my studies, I moved to Toulouse, where I stayed for 4 years and a half.


(almost for real)

- center: [43.6043, 1.4612]
- zoom: 13
L.marker([43.6032, 1.4528]).actions.addRemove(

2010, march - august (#14)

I completed my Master degree with an internship. I chose the city of Toulouse because I wanted to follow my girlfriend at the time, but I preferred to live alone. A 32 square meters, with old but nice parquet, well located in the downtown.
I spent hours wandering in the city with my camera.

Two under the same roof

L.marker([43.6045, 1.4396]).actions.addRemove(
- center: [43.6045, 1.4396]
- zoom: 13

2010 - 2011 (#15)

I finally got convinced to move in with my girlfriend. The apartment was located in a very popular street full of kebabs and snacks. I really liked it but she didn't because it was noisy. The apartment was at the highest floor, modern, and with a lot of charm.

Anyway, it didn't work out, we broke up in April and I was again looking for a new place.

Odd place, nice place

L.marker([43.5984, 1.4525]).actions.addRemove(
- center: [43.5984, 1.4525]
- zoom: 13

2011 - 2015 (#16)

The floor was leaning, not flat, the water pipes were noisy, the fusebox was from another era and we could feel the wind between the windows and the wall.
As odd as it seemed, I loved this place. Not for itself, but for the package it was part of : new job, new girlfriend (now wife), kind of a new start as an adult. Bonus, the owner, a nice retired French teacher, was living in the same building and used to invite us for drinking a glass of sweet home-made wine.

How far we could go

- center: [26.7456, 10.1953]
- zoom: 2
L.marker([48.4128, -71.0760]).actions.addRemove(

My wife was looking for a post-doctorate position in North America, she found something, we moved in.

Big country, big fridge

L.marker([48.4128, -71.0760]).actions.addRemove(
- center: [47.9311, -71.6309]
- zoom: 4

2015 (#17)

We found this apartment on the Internet while in France. With only two suitcases each, we din't need much space.

Here, everything is bigger : the fridges, the cars, the wilderness. It's easy to reach the Nature because some of the national parks are very close.

Meanwhile, in the background

L.marker([44.7242, -1.2032]).actions.addRemove(
- center: [44.7155, -1.1865]
- zoom: 6

All Along

My grand Pa built this house with his brother during the 60s'. Every generation in our family spent the best summer ever in this place!

As kids, my sister, my grandparents (father side) and I were having boat excusions in «Bassin d'Arcachon». As a student, I stayed there for a summer job in a camping. Later I got married in this place.

Maybe I finally found the place I am from?

What now?

- center: [33.1376, -5.9766]
- zoom: 2

I am 30 and I lived in 18 different places. I have no « friends from childhood » and even though I love meeting new people, I rarely keep contact when I move out. It may seem rude, but it would be too many people and too many friendships slowly fading away.

As I wrote earlier, I can't stop taking picture or carrying my camera everywhere. As you could guess, I am also found of cartography. What else than words can I add to tell stories? Just to keep moving.

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