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Last active March 8, 2018 23:02
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Detect entities with Amazon Comprehend
// awsHelper.js
const getEntities = text => {
const Text = cleanText(text)
const LanguageCode = 'en'
return comprehend.detectEntitiesAsync({ Text, LanguageCode })
// mediumHelper.js
const getStatsFromComprehendResponse = ({ Entities }) => {
const entityTypeCounts = _.countBy(_.uniqBy(Entities, 'Text'), 'Type')
const sortedTypesCount = toSortedCountDesc(entityTypeCounts)
const nonQuantityEntities = Entities.filter(({ Type }) => Type != 'QUANTITY')
const entityNameCounts = _.countBy(nonQuantityEntities, 'Text')
const sortedEntityNamesCount = toSortedCountDesc(entityNameCounts)
// both are arrays containing objects like { name: 'ORGANIZATION', count: 10 }
return { sortedTypesCount, sortedEntityNamesCount }
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